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Matthew's dragon
Cooper, Susan
Matthew loves dragons. His mother reads him a bed time story about a dragon. This dragon comes alive and takes Matt on an enchanted adventure in the sky.

Matthew wheelock's wall
Weller, F.W.
Matthew Wheelock built a stone wall around his field with great care. The stone wall was his pride and joy and eventually a home and playground for the animals and his grandchildren.

Matthew the cowboy
Hooker, Ruth
A boy receives a cowboy suit for his birthday. He takes imaginary, wild trips out to the Wild West.

Matthew and tilly
Jones, Rebecca C.
Matthew and Tilly are best friends. Sometimes they get in fights and do not play together. However, playing alone is not much fun, so they make up and are best friends again.

Matt's grandfather
Lundgren, Max
Matt and his family go to visit Matt's grandfather in a retirement home for his eighty-fifth birthday. Matt's grandfather is old and he forgets a lot. At first, Matt is afraid of his grandfather, but when they go for a walk in the park, he learns that older people are not so scary.

Franco, Betsy
Explore the magic of each season through mathematical equations. Discover things in nature that have mathematical qualities.

Math curse
Scieszka, Jon
Don't let math overwhelm you!Your teacher can help you so math is not a curse. Or will she?

Mary wears what she wants
Negley, Keith
One day, a young girl named Mary decided to wear pants instead of dresses at a time when girls always wore dresses. Mary took her very daring idea into town where she was challenged by people for wearing boys clothes. Mary reminded them that "Im wearing MY clothes".

Mary of mile 18
Blades, Ann
Mary and her family live in Mile 18 It is a cold winter and the family is poor. One day Mary finds a wolf pup, but her father will not allow her to keep it. Until, a coyete comes to get the hens and the pup warns the family. The father decides they can keep the pup and everyone is happy.

Mary Mclean and the St. Patrick's Day parade
Kroll, Steven
In order to march with Mr. Finnegan in the St. Patrick's Day Parade, Mary must find a perfect shamrock in Manhattan in the middle of winter. Will she find one?

Mary louise loses her manners
Cuneo, Diane
Mary Louise loses her manners during breakfast one day and goes on a journey to find them all around town. Through the journey, the importance of manners becomes a reality for Mary Louise while at the restaurant, doctor's office, and library.

Mary jo's grandmother
Udry, Janice May
Mary Jo's grandmother lives alone in a house away from town without a phone. Mary Jo gets to spend Christmas vacation with her. During the visit, her grandmother falls and Mary Jo has to find a way to help her.

Mary had a little lamb
Hale, Sarah Josepha
A lamb, who goes to school, has a famous 19th century nursery rhyme and song written about it.

Mary ann
James, Betsy
A moving of a best friend is sad for a young girl. She befriends a praying mantis and names it after her best friend. She must cope with the death of the mantis and the surprise at the end.

Mary alice returns
Allen, Jeffrey
Mary Alice is a switchboard operator on whom everyone depends. She completes her job perfectly until one day, when Karen squirrel plays dangerous games with her.

Marvin's best christmas present ever
Paterson, Katherine
It's almost Christmas and Marvin doesn't know what gift to give his parents. After he asks his older sister for some help, he ends up making a wreath. Marvin's parents love their gift and it hangs on their trailer almost all year. When they finally decide to take it down, they discover a family of birds who have been enjoying it too.

Marvin k. mooney, will you please go now!
Seuss, Dr.
The speaker describes many examples of ways for Marvin K. Mooney to leave town.

Marven of the great north woods
Lasky, Kathryn
A boy named Marvin leaves his family during the flu epidemic. He goes to a lumberjack camp in northern Minnesota and works and learns French while making some interesting friends. Marvin learns to ski, dance, and do the bookkeeping as a lumberjack.

Martin's hats
Blos, Joan W.
Join Martin and his many different hats as he explores caves, joins a birthday party, engineers a train, puts out a fire, and even welds a girder.

Martha walks the dog
Meddaugh, Susan
Martha is not an ordinary dog. She learns to speak by eating alphabet soup. On her afternoon walk she discovers a new dog in the neighborhood who bullies everything he sees. Through the help of a parrot, Martha learns that kind words can have a large effect-even on a bully.

Martha speaks
Meddaugh, Susan
Martha, a dog, eats alphabet soup and learns to talk. Her talking becomes annoying until it saves their home from a robbery.

Martha calling
Meddaugh, Susan
Martha, the dog, has a special feature of being able to talk. When she hears of a radio contest, she calls in and wins a family vacation. Dogs aren't allowed on vacations until she changes their minds.

Martha blah blah
Meddaugh, Susan
A dog Martha has the ability to speak when she eats alphabet soup. But when the soup company starts using only half the letters in the soup to save money, Martha can't say what she wants. Afraid of what will happen to her, Martha confronts the owner of the company who agrees to put all the letters back in.

Martha and skits
Meddaugh, Susan
The whole family, including Martha, the talking dog, is excited when Skits arrives. Skits is a young and mischievious dog. As he grows, the family thinks that it is time to give him alphabet soup so he will be able to talk. However, it doesn't have the same effect on Skits as it did on Martha. At first everyone is sad, especially Skits, until they discover his other talents.

Marsupial Sue
Lithgow, John
Marsupial Sue is not a happy kangaroo. She does not enjoy the things kangaroos do. Marsupial Sue decides to go explore and find the place where she belongs. She tries to fit in with many other groups of animals. She finally discovers the place where she is happiest.

Newberry, Clare Turlay
A cat is used to being the center of attention. He must learn to share his home with a rabbit. The two learn they have a lot in common and become great friends.

Market day
Bunting, Eve
Tess and her friend Wee Boy experience the excitement of an Irish country fair on the first Thursday of every month. Tess's father hopes to buy pigs at Market Day if the price is right.

Market day
Ehlert, Lois
Morning comes with the crow of the chickens and the animals must be tended. Everyone in town packs up and heads off to market day. They pass many animals in the fields as they go to the town square in trucks, on motorcycles, and in carts to buy and sell at the market.

Marigold and grandma on the town
Calmenson, Stephanie
Marigold and grandma go into town to buy Marigold a new hat. On the way to feed the ducks, Marigold's hat blows off. Grandmother shows Marigold how to make friends with the wind. At the end of the day, they have wonderful memories with photos.

Marie louise's heyday
Carlson, Natalie Savage
Marie Louise was having a good day. When she got home, she was asked to babysit five possums. The possums tired her out with all of their activity. The next day, the possums brought her flower and asked if she would babysit again. It was another good day.

Marianthe's story one: Painted words. Marianthe's story two: Spoken memories
When a child moves to a new school it can be frightening. Mari not only moved to a new school, but a new culture as well. Mari uses painted pictures to communicate her words and recalls her life through spoken memories.

Maria's comet
Hopkinson, Deborah
A little girl dreams of being an astronomer like her father. She daydreams of catching a comet by the tail to sweep the sky and stars. She tries hard to hold onto her dreams while being forced to the forefront of reality.

Maria theresa
Mathers, Petra
A chicken escapes from her home in an apartment building. She joins an opera and becomes a star.

Marge's diner
Gibbons, Gail
Everyone goes to Marge's Diner because it is open 24 hours a day. Marge feeds all kinds of people: truck drivers, families, travelers, school kids, businessmen, and telephone company workers. Everyone is friendly at the diner, and it is a big meeting place for friends.

Marco Flamingo/ Marco Flamenco
Jarkins, Sheila
Marco is just a regular flamingo with one problem, he wants to be a winter bird. Watch what happens when he travels north for the winter.

March on! The day my brother Martin changed the world
Farris, Christine
Christine King Farris, the sister of Martin Luther King Jr., watched her brother during the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom in 1963. She describes her brother’s journey from writing his “I Have a Dream” speech to joining the crowds in their demand for freedom. She was moved by her brother’s persistence and success in persuading millions to believe in and fight for a better tomorrow in which all men are created equal.

Marathon and steve
Rayner, Mary
Marathon, the dog, has difficulty sharing his master's enthusiasm for their daily run. One day, an injury to Steve brings a compromise to both of them, so they do an alternative form of exercise -- swimming!

Manners can be fun
Leaf, Munro
Stick figures are used to demonstrate good manners and how to act properly for play, home, and visits.

Mandy's grandmother
Skorpen, Leisel
When her grandmother comes to town, Mandy thinks she is sad and mean. After awhile, they begin to understand one another and learn from each other.

Booth, Barbara
Mandy, a hearing-impaired girl, spends time at her grandmother's house. On a walk in the woods, her grandmother's precious pin is lost. Mandy goes out alone in a storm that night to find the pin.

Manana, Iguana
Paul, Ann Whitford
Following the story line of Little Red Hen, Iguana decides to throw a fiesta and invite all of her friends. Set in the desert, the lazy cat, dog, and mouse are replaced by Conejo (rabbit), Culebra (Snake), and Tortuga (tortoise). As Iguana sets the stage for invitations, decorations, and of course, food preparation, her three lazy friends have an excuse for every task presented to them. Either they are too fast, too slow, or have no arms. As the evening of the fiesta approaches, Iguana decides that her three friends should not be included, as they did nothing. Feeling bad about not only being left out, but disappointing Iguana, the three friends decide to right the situation, and prove themselves worthy of her friendship.

Mama's perfect present
Goode, Diane
Two sweet spirited, young siblings and their mischievous dog exercise their muscles and goodwill as they search for the perfect present for Mama. They experience a comic escapade through the city blocks of markets and vendors.

Mama, do you love me?
Joosse, Barbara M
A little girl is testing her mother's love by imagining different scenarios in which she misbehaves. Then she asks her mother if she would still love her and the answer is always yes.

Mama, coming and going
Caseley, Judith
With the birth of a new baby, mother does not know if she is coming or going. With the help of her daughter, they overcome the challenges.

Mama talks too much
Russo, Marisabina
It's Saturday morning, which means Celeste and her Mama make a trip to the market!As they walk through their urban neighborhood, Celeste and her Mama stop every few minutes. Mama always stops to talk, talk, talk with her friends. Will they ever make it to the market?

Mama rocks, papa sings
Van Laan, Nancy
A new baby learns how to count to ten. With each experience, the baby and her parents sing in Creole. Come along to enjoy the sights and sounds of the Haitian culture.

Mama Panya's pancakes: A village tale from Kenya
Chamberlin, Mary and Rich
A young child from Kenya makes pancakes with her mother. The two gather supplies from local resources to make the pancakes together. Then they invite others over to enjoy the feast.

Mama one, mama two
MacLachlan, Patricia
A girl has two moms. One is her natural mother and the other is a foster mother.

Mama is a miner
Lyon, Goerge E
A daughter describes the health risks and personal safety of her mother's job as a miner. The beautiful illustrations depict a warm home life contrasted by the cold, hard work of the mines.

Mama Elizabeti
Strure-Bodeen, Stephanie
Elizabeti has been taking care of her rock doll, Eva, and is not worried when it comes time for her to take care of Obedi, her younger brother. Throughout the day, Elizabeti quickly finds out Obedi is a handful compared to her rock doll Eva, but is rewarded with Obedi's love at the end of a difficult day.