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My nest is best
Eastman, P. D.
Mrs. Bird is discontent with her home and demands to have a new one. Mr. Bird searches and explores many options for his family. The attempts to build a new nest all fail. Finally Mrs. Bird realizes her old nest truly is the best!

I eat vegetables!
Tofts, Hannah
Young children will enjoy looking at vegetables as you name them. Then you can name them in your own language- a perfect book for sharing. Each page opens to an extended vocabulary about each vegetable from whole cabbage with its leaves, and shredded parts, to a whole tomato with its stalk, seeds, and slices.

I eat fruit!
Tofts, Hannah
Young children will enjoy looking at fruit as you name them. Then you talk about them in your own language- a perfect book for sharing. Each page opens to an extended vocabulary about each fruit from whole strawberry with its stalk, its seeds, and sweet slices to a whole peach with its soft and fuzzy skin, pit, and slices. Which fruit do you like?

My sister's wedding
Mkatshaw, Dumazile
Nhlanhla is getting married and her cousin, Priscilla, is going to sing at the ceremony. The day before the ceremony Priscilla loses her voice. Priscilla's family comes up with many different remedies, including eating raw eggs and drinking hot garlic. Upset, Priscilla cries over her lost voice and sits down on a box of pins! With a hearty scream, her voice returns and she can sing for the wedding.

Skippyjon Jones and the treasure hunt
Schachner, Judy
Have you ever been on a treasure hunt? Join Skippyjon Jones and friends as they make their way through Mexico in search of the treasure. They'll look for matching pairs and see new sights along the way.

Moony b. finch, the fastest draw in the west
McPhail, David
Moony B. Finch is an excellent artist and everything he draws comes to life. When Moony draws an old-fashioned passenger train, the train gets held up by Wild Willie. Moony saves the day by drawing a picture of Wild Willie and erasing it. Moony then draws a picture of his house so he can return home.

Newcome, Zita
Join Maddy, Alphonse, Georgia, and other toddlers as they have fun exercising and discovering new moves while doing toddlerobics.

Rain talk
Serfozo, Mary
A girl listens to the sounds of the rain. She hears it hit on the pond, her umbrella, and the roof while she travels around her community.

I want to be
Moss, Thylias
This young girl is asked, What do you want to be? She spends all day going around her town imagining all the things she wants to be. Finally, she figures it out. She wants to do everything.

Papa, please get the moon for me
Carle, Eric
Monica wants her father to get the moon so she can play with it. So her father finds the tallest items he can and climbs until he reaches the moon. He brings the moon back only to discover that it keeps changing sizes as it passes through the lunar cycle.

My five senses
How do you taste your favorite food or see an airplane in the sky?Your five senses let you see, hear, touch, taste, and smell. You may use one sense or several at one time. Wherever you go and whatever you do, your senses are always working for you.

The science book of the senses
Ardley, Neil
Includes all kinds of health and science experiments that will test your five senses. From reading with your fingers to tasting sweet and sour foods, all your senses will be used during this learning experience.

Sense suspense: A guessing game for the five senses
McMillan, Bruce
Which of your five senses are you likely to use when you look at the photos?Learn English by reading the words printed in black and learn Spanish by reading the words in blue.

Mouse mess
Riley, Linnea
A little mouse wakes up after a family goes to bed. He tries everything from crackers to peanut butter and makes a big mess while he is at it!

The hickory chair
Fraustino, Lisa Rowe
Louis is born blind. He and his Gran play hide-and-seek or just sit and tell stories in her favorite old hickory chair. When Gran dies, her memory lives on through the gifts she leaves behind for her family.

Your body from head to toe
Roca, Nuria
Your body can do so many things. When you were born, you were only a baby. Then as you grew, you learned how to walk, eat, hear, taste, smell, see, and touch things. It is important to take care of your body so that it can continue to sense the world around you.

A snake in the house
McNulty, Faith
After a snake is captured, it escapes inside a young boy's house. This snake finds clever places to hide while the young boys searches for him.

Just the two of us
Smith, Will
A father talks of ongoing love for his son from the moment he is born. As his child grows, the father tries to teach him how to be a man and also tells him how he will always be there for him. Having this child is the father's proof that his dreams have come true.

Working cotton
Williams, Sherley Ann
Shelan tells of working the cotton fields as a little girl. She tells the different accomplishments of each person in her family in the field. Shelan wishes she could pick cotton as fast as her parents and sisters.

Bathwater's hot
Hughes, Shirley
A little girl discovers opposites in the world around her. She discovers the difference between hot and cold water and many other things in her world.

Germs are not for sharing
Verdick, Elizabeth
Learn about the different things you can do to prevent germs from spreading and why it is so important. germs are not for sharing because they can spread and make you sick.

Grandpa's garden
Caseley, Judith
Sarah helps to choose, to plant, and to water plants in her grandpa's garden. After a while, her grandparents invite her for lunch made with ingredients from the garden.

Stojic, Manya
On the African savanna, the animals are all excited to pass on information about the storm to others. The animals use their five senses to experience and predict the needed rain.

Silent night
Turner, Sandy
It is Christmas Eve and Santa is delivering presents. When he arrives at a house, he finds a very noisy, active dog. Santa is still able to drop off the presents without waking the children and they all enjoy their presents the next morning. They also have a red surprise to touch -- thanks to the dog!

Look look look
Hoban, Tana
Animals, flowers, food, and instruments have different textures. A small part of each object is seen first then the whole picture comes into view when you turn the page. (A Wordless Book)

Tomorrow on rocky pond
Reiser, Lynn
A child can't wait to go fishing on Rocky Pond so she can see animals and have picnics. It's a day full of adventure and fun.

Lucy's picture
Moon, Nicola
Lucy's blind grandpa is coming to visit today, and she wants to make him a special collage. Lucy gathers many different materials to make the collage that her grandpa can see with his hands. She uses sticks and leaves to make a tree, sand to make a path, and her own hair to make a dog with fur.

A helpful alphabet of friendly objects
Updike, John
Poems are provided with various pictures of objects which begin with each letter of the alphabet such as apple, bird, jam, egg, nickel, oatmeal, toy and zero.