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The castle builder
Nolan, Dennis
Christopher goes to the beach and builds a magnificant sand castle. When his castle becomes life size, Christopher becomes its ruler. He faces many conflicts as ruler. In the end, he is saved from danger and returns to the beach.

Charlip, Remy
Ned was invited to a party in Florida, but he lived in New York. His friend lends him an airplane but the engine explodes. It was an exchange of good fortune and bad luck from there on - until he ends up at his surprise birthday party - fortunately.

A letter to amy
Keats, Ezra Jack
Peter writes an invitation to Amy to attend his birthday party. It is an adventure trying to mail the invitation in the wind and rain. Peter thinks Amy may never come to his party.

Wilbur waits
Sherrow, Victoria
Wilbur is waiting for his birthday. When it finally arrives, he gets exciting presents like a kite, a sail boat and a sled. Unfortunately, the weather is not suitable for playing with any of his new toys. Instead of using his new toys, Wilbur finds other things to occupy his time until the weather improves.

Alfie gives a hand
Hughes, Shirley
Alfie goes to a birthday party. He helps a friend calm down by holding her hand, but he has to put down his precious blanket first.

Helen the fish
Kroll, Virginia
Hannah's big brother gets her a goldfish for her third birthday. Hannah takes great care of her and names her Helen. Three years later, Helen dies. As time goes by, Hannah's hurt goes away.

Ponies of mykillengi
Anderson, Lonzo
Two children and their ponies get caught in a snow storm. There is also an earthquake and a volcano that prevent them from making it home. One pony is about to give birth and the two children help.

Owl babies (Bebes chouettes)
Waddell, Martin
Three young owls become aware of the horror of being alone and learns to cope with the problem differently.

The story about ping
Flack, Marjorie//Wiese, Kurt
To avoid getting a spanking for being the last duck to cross the bridge, Ping stayed overnight on the river bank. He loses his family and is captured by a little boy. He is held hostage on the little boy's boat. Finally the little boy sets Ping free and he is reunited with his family.

When violet died
Kantrowitz, Mildred
Saddened by her pet's death, Eva suddenly thinks of a way to make life go on forever.

Something to crow about
Van Woerkom, Dorothy
Ralph, a rooster, living alone, finds three eggs on his porch one morning. He decides to keep the chicks and brave being a single parent.

Charley, charlotte and the golden canary
Keeping, Charles
Charley and Charlotte are great friends who are separated when Charlotte is forced to move. Charley finds a canary that they always looked at together at the pet store. After Charley buys the canary, it flies out of the cage to Charlotte. Charley and Charlotte are reunited.

Haley, Gail E.
An old woman's evilness is discovered by a girl. The girl and her bird friends revenge the old woman.

I've got chicken pox
Kelley, True
Jess is excited to have the chicken pox because she gets to miss school. Unfortunately, this happiness quickly ends when she realizes it isn't fun to be stuck home without your friends.

Father's rubber shoes
Yeo, Yumi
Yungsu's family moves from Korea to America. When Yungsu goes into his new town and sees children playing, he missed his friends from Korea. Yungsu tells his mother that he wants to go back to Korea, but his father explains that their life will be better in America.

The lost and found house
Cadnum, Michael
A moving truck and moving men load items from a boy's house until the house is empty. The boy and his parents feel differently as they leave and travel to their new house. The boy meets two children and hopes someday they will be his friends!

Waiting to sing
Kaplan, Howard
A young boy loves playing the piano but especially listening to his father play while his mother sings along. The boy's mother also listens to him play. Shortly after the boy, his sister, and his father come back from a vacation at the beach, the mother dies. Playing the piano helps the young boy and his father cope with their loss.

Big moon tortilla
Cowley, Joy
Marta Enos finishes her homework and accidentally knocks it out the window. She doesn't know what to do so she asks her grandmother for help. With a song and a warm tortilla, Grandmother helps Marta feel better.

Lenny's baby brother
Smith, Peter
At first, Lenny is unhappy because her brother is too young to play with, but soon he joins in the fun.

The paper bag
Thompson, Colin
A man moves into the town dump after it closes. He watches nature heal itself from the polluted earth.

My uncle
Thorne, Jenny
An uncle decides to take up climbing until he is bothered by wild animals. He then tries fishing instead and he likes it.

Gus was a friendly ghost
Thayer, Jane
Gus, the ghost, asked mouse to stay with him when the family that Gus lived with went away for the summer. The family came back and mouse did not want to share the house, but Gus insisted that he must.

Going west
Van Leeuwen, Jean
A little girl's family moves west in order to start a farm. They face hard weather and are lonely but soon make friends.

Farmer schulz's ducks
Thiele, Colin
After the growing traffic from a nearby city turns the road next to Anna's farm into a dangerous highway, Anna devises a way for her ducks to safely cross the road.

Klara's new world
Winter, Jeanette
Klara's family struggled in Sweden so they moved to America. The long trip and struggles of leaving her home make her sad but with time she became very happy.

Daddy's roommate
Willhoite, M.
A young boy learns that a family divorce can be a tragic event. When his father moves in with another man, the boy learns that the two grown men are gay. Finally the boy learns to love each of them even though he feels uncomfortable at times.

My big sister takes drugs
Vigna, Judith
This is a story about a boy name Paul and how his older sister, Tina, begins to take drugs to deal with the pressure when their family moves. Tina ends up getting arrested and has to go to a drug hospital. Paul learns how bad drugs are and realizes that Tina's friends were not true friends by giving her drugs.

Dear daddy
Schindel, John
Jesse really wants to visit his father who lives far away. Jesse and his dad write letters back and forth to pass the time until Jesse can visit in the summer.

I'm not oscar's friend anymore
Sharmat, Marjorie Weinman
A little boy and his friend, Oscar, have a little fight. The little boy wonders how Oscar will survive without him. He thinks all these bad things will happen to Oscar because he is not there. The little boy really misses and needs Oscar's friendship.

Piggy book
Browne, Anthony
Mrs. Piggott was taken for granted by her two sons and husband. Mrs. Piggott got fed up and left all the work up to the men of the household. After a few day of disaster, Mrs. Piggott came back to a house full of appreciative men.

Tiger flowers
Quinlan, Patricia
Joel's uncle, Michael, dies of AIDS. Joel remembers the fun times he and Michael spent together. These happy memories help to comfort Joel.

Little frightened tiger
Wisegard, Leonard//Mac Donald, Golden
A little tiger tries to deal with other animals in his habitat. His parents try to assure him that there is nothing to be afraid of. Eventually, he becomes a brave little tiger.

Inatuk's friend
Morrow, Suzanne Stark
Because it is winter and no seals can be found, Inatuk and the people in his village are going hungry. In order to survive, Inatuk's family must move into the city where his father can work. Inatuk has a hard time because he must leave his best friend.

Three friends find spring
Delton, Judy
Duck hates winter because he thinks that it is too cold and long. Rabbit and Squirrel try to cheer him up and show him that winter can be fun, but nothing works. After a while, Rabbit and Squirrel begin not to like winter. Then all of a sudden, Duck likes winter.

It's me, hippo!
Thaler, Mike
This story consists of four chapters which relate the troubles that hippo has when building a house, when he is painting a landscape scene, when he is healthy while all of his friends are ill, and finally when hippo's friends throw him a surprise party.

Waiting-for-papa stories
Roberts, Bethany
The rabbit children are frightened because their father went out early and has not yet returned. To calm them down, mama rabbit tells the anxious children waiting-for-papa stories.

Moon tiger
Root, Phyllis
After getting in trouble because of her little brother, Michael, Jessica Ellen imagines a visit from a wonderful giant tiger who can take her flying though the night or eat Michael.

The elephant in duck's garden
Delton, Judy
Duck had an elephant in his garden that smashed his chair and lettuce. Duck and Bear tried everything possible to make the elelphant leave. Finally, Rabbit Junior suggested they ask him to leave. The elephant kindly left the garden.

Sylvester and the magic pebble
Steig, William
Sylvester the donkey finds a magic pebble which grants him whatever he wishes. He runs into a lion and wishes that he is a rock. He turns into a rock and is unable to wish himself back. A year later, his parents find the rock while picnicing and wishes to see Sylvester again, which brings him back.

Foxie the singing dog
D'Aulaire, Ingri//D'Aulaire, Edgar
Foxie's master always teases her with a bone instead of feeding her. She follows her master to the city and gets lost. In her new home she gets fed well and she performs. Later, she becomes homesick and goes home to her original master.

Marathon and steve
Rayner, Mary
Marathon, the dog, has difficulty sharing his master's enthusiasm for their daily run. One day, an injury to Steve brings a compromise to both of them, so they do an alternative form of exercise -- swimming!

Better with two
Joosse, Barbara M.
An old lady, and her dog have a regular routine everyday. And when Laura, the girl next door sees Mrs. Brady alone instead of with Max she wonders why. When Laura finds out Max died, she finds comfort in her mom and then consoles Mrs. Brady, because two is better than one.

George and martha back in town
Marshall, James
A series of stories about seven hippos who are best friends. The story depicts the trials and tribulations of their friendship.

The rain door
Hoban, Russell
Harry goes through the rain door and meets a man and his horse, Lightening. They are chased by a thundering lion and the man sprays water on it to keep it away. They create a rain storm

I want a dog
Khalsa, Dayal Kaur
When her parents refuse to get her a dog, May creates an imaginary dog out of a roller skate.

How the rabbit stole the moon
Moeri, Louise
All of the animals in the forest were sad because at night they could not see. All of the animals tried to get the sun to give them a little bit of light for the night. The rabbit stole some sun and created the moon and stars.

Mrs. pig gets cross and other stories
Rayner, Mary
Life in the busy Pig household is always eventful. Father, Mother, and their ten children have a big party, struggle against bad moods, and all end up in the same bed one night. A collection of seven stories.

Nate the great and the boring beach bag
Sharmat, Marjorie Weinman
Nate the Great is at the beach when Oliver, the pest, loses his beach bag. With the help of his dog, Sludge, and information from other children on the beach, Nate successfully solves the case of the missing bag.

Hoff, Syd
Barkley is a talented dog that does tricks for the circus. Soon, Barkley is too old and another dog takes his place. Barkley feels all alone and no longer useful. The circus owner calls Barkley back to teach the new dogs.

The night after christmas
Stevenson, James
A doll and teddy bear are thrown out after Christmas, because their owners received new toys for Christmas. A dog befriends them and finds them a new home.