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Frog goes to dinner
Mayer, Mercer
A boy goes to a fancy dinner with his family and in his pocket brings along his pet frog. When the frog gets loose, all kinds of disasters happen.

The queen always wanted to dance
Mayer, Mercer
A queen who likes to dance is forbidden by the king. She then begins to sing and is forbidden to do that as well. Finally, the king realizes he is wrong and allows the whole kingdom to sing and dance.

There's a nightmare in my closet (Una pesadilla en mi armario)
Mayer, Mercer
A little boy is afraid that the nightmare in his closet will get him. One night, he decides to shoot the nightmare, but soon befriends the monster.

There's something in my attic
Mayer, Mercer
A little girl thinks she hears something in the attic. Her parents won't go look, so she investigates. She finds the nightmare, catches it, then helps it escape.

Mayer, Mercer
A girl and boy hippo are riding in a boat. The girl hippo gets the hiccups and her companion does everything to get her to stop. She finally stops but in her place, the boy hippo gets the hiccups and roles are reversed.

Frog on his own
Mayer, Mercer
A frog and his friends do not always like to do the same things. So Frog goes his own way for the day.

Frog, where are you?
Mayer, Mercer
A little boy is looking for his frog. When he finds it, the frog has started a family. He gets to take a new frog home and he is happy (A Wordless Book).

There's an alligator under my bed
Mayer, Mercer
A little boy has to get rid of an alligator under his bed. So he develops a plan to trap the alligator in the garage and keep it out of his bedroom.

Mayer, Mercer
Hippo causes accidents wherever she goes and always says oops.

Whinnie the lovesick dragon
Mayer, Mercer
Whinnie, a dragon, falls in love with a knight, but a knight and a dragon are supposed to be enemies.

Molasses man
May, Kathy L.
A young boy and his family make molasses every summer. This summer the sourghum turns into a recipe that the boy's Grandfather has perfected. The boy spends his summer days helping his family make molasses and playing outside during the cooking process. While some molasses is cooling, Mama and her sisters pour it into glass jars and set up a stand near the road for passers-by.

Nicholas cricket
Maxner, Joyce
Nick the cricket plays the banjo every night. All of the critters come out to dance in the still evening.

Annie, bea, and chi chi dolores
Mauber, Donna
Learn different words to go with the letters of the alphabet

The stars in my geddoh's sky
Matze, Claire Sidhom
Alex enjoys a brief but special visit of his grandfather to the United States from the Middle East. They spend a lot of time together as Alex learns of his grandfather's homeland, customs, religion, and language.

Moon jump
Matura, Mustapha
Cayal loves jumping. He jumps everywhere. One day, he jumps to the moon where he meets a moon man and has tea with him. When he is tired, he jumps home.

The angel with a mouth-organ
Mattingly, Christobel
Ingrid asks her mother to tell the story about their glass angel on their Christmas tree. The mother describes her childhood during World War II and shows how the angel came to symbolize a new beginning in their lives.

The bird's wedding
Matsumura, Masako
There are many things to prepare when two birds get married.

The hundred penny box
Mathis, Sharon B.
Michael greatly admires his great-great Aunt Dew. He likes to sit with her while she sleeps or sings her long song. She dances with him and helps him count her hundred pennies in a special box. When Michael's mother attempts to take the special box and other belongings of Aunt Drew, Michael takes a stand and defends his aging Aunt.

The blue-eyed pussy
Mathieson, Egon
A blue-eyed cat goes looking for the Land of Many Mice and gets laughed at and criticized along the way because of the color of his eyes.

Kisses from rosa
Mathers, Petra
When Rosa's mother gets sick and has to go away to get well, how will Rosa ever survive?How will she get along without her mother?Will she get along with her aunt and cousin?

Sophie and Lou
Mathers, Petra
Sophie is very shy and never talks to anyone. A dance studio moves across the street from her house so she decides to learn to dance. She goes to the bookmobile in town to get books on how to dance. Sophie eventually meets a man named Lou who dances with her.

Theodor and mr. balbini
Mathers, Petra
Mr. Balbini no longer wants his talking dog, Theodor, so he gives him to Madame Paulet in exchange for her dog.

Maria theresa
Mathers, Petra
A chicken escapes from her home in an apartment building. She joins an opera and becomes a star.

Victor and christabel
Mathers, Petra
Christabel was frozen in a painting. Victor works at the museum and falls in love with Christabel. He admires the painting and then one day, she comes alive.

Lottie's new beach towel
Mathers, Petra
Lottie's new beach towel certainly comes in handy during her day with Herbie. They are just going on a picnic, but they run into many adventures on the way. From using the towel as a sail, to using it as a veil, both Lottie and Herbie are ingenious when it comes to solving problems.

Lottie's new friend
Mathers, Petra
Herbie the duck and Lottie the chicken have been friends for a long time. One day Herbie goes to visit Lottie and finds Lottie spending time with a new friend, Dodo. Herbie becomes very jealous of Lottie's new friendship and he thinks that she doesn't care about him anymore. When Lottie has to leave to visit her sick aunt, Herbie becomes very lonely without Lottie's company. He decides to go over to visit Dodo and finds her stuck on her roof because she is afraid of heights. Herbie rescues her and Dodo tells Herbie how much Lottie cares about him. When Herbie finds out that Lottie is coming home, he calls Dodo and they go together to meet Lottie and welcome her home.

A cake for herbie
Mathers, Petra
Lottie's friend Herbie loves to use words in a poetic and unique way, but it takes special friends to understand how special he is. Will Herbie come up with the prize winning poem in the contest in order to win a delicious cake?

Two homes
Masurel, Claire
Alex has two homes because his parents are divorced. Alex has everything he needs at both houses. Although some things are different with each parent, Alex loves his mommy and daddy. He knows they love him too, no matter where they are, together or apart.

Too big!
Masurel, Claire
When Charlie and his dad are at the carnival, he wins the biggest prize of all, a dinosaur. His new toy is so big, he can't take it anywhere!Charlie's dinosaur must stay at home while he takes his other toys on outings, until he has to go to the doctor. All of the other toys hide so they don't have to go to the doctor's, but the dinosaur is too big- he can't!After their trip to the doctor, Charlie and his dinosaur are inseperable.

The baby beebbe bird
Massie, Diane Redfield
All day long, the zoo animals roar and make noise. When they lay down to go to sleep, something keeps them awake: a new baby beebee bird isn't tired and sings all night long. When morning comes, all the animals are still tired. To prove their point, the animals make noise all day, keeping the bird awake. The next night all the animals, including the baby beebee bird, are fast asleep.

Chameleon the spy and the case of the vanishing jewels
Massie, Diane Redfield
Chameleon the spy discovers the plan of a phony prince and princess who steal all of the jewels of the Beantown residents.

Chameleon was a spy
Massie, Diane Redfield
A chameleon decides to go to work as a spy. He tries to get a stolen pickle recipe, when he is bottled up in a pickle jar. He saves the recipe and the company.

Finding a job for daddy
Maslac, Evelyn Hughes
Things are harder and different since Laura's dad lost his job. Laura wants to help so she pretends to put a want ad in the newspaper, then interviews him for a job. Laura knows that her dad still has to find a real job, but she wants her dad to be a dad forever.

Why the chameleon had two toes
Mashiri, Pascal
An older woman, named Gogo Senne, tells interesting stories to the children of a small, quiet South African village. She weaves the mythical take of how the chameleon got his two toes and red eyes. Read about the value of strong friendships, the importance of trust, communication and respecting each other.

Matunje and the wooden spoon
Mashiri, Pascal
During a time of famine, Matunje goes looking for food. He finds mangoes which fall into the water and are carried out to sea. Matunje follows and is led to the sea king who gives him a magical wooden spoon to feed his country.

The golden rain
Mashiri, Pascal
A young child learns from his mother's stories about decision making and choices. He comes to understand that choices make some people happy and leave some disapointed. The child also realizes that help is sometimes needed for the decision making, but ultimately it is up to the individual.

Why rabbit doesn't lie
Mashiri, Pascal
While every animal of the forest is planning for next year's harvest, Rabbit decides to grow money. He lies to the chief and keeps the money for himself. Eventually the chief grows angry with Rabbit and demands the money Rabbit was supposed to grow. Rabbit deceives everyone in order to get out of his lie and he vows to never lie again.

The man who called the crocodiles
Mashiri, Pascal
Gyiii-eee! This is the sound that calls a crocodile. In this land, the wealthy king takes Lulaba as his new wife. She eventually has Gobango as her only son. She tells Gobango of stories about her father calling crocodiles. Eventually Gobango has to flee from his mom or the dead kingメs enemies will kill him. He flees to meet Lulabaメs father, his grandfather. He goes on a fishing trip and meets one of the fishermanメs beautiful daughters, Nanjobe. Gobango asks her father if he can marry her. He says no because he isnメt rich enough to take care of his daughter. Therefore, he works to raise money for her. Six months later, Nanjobe is to marry an old man. Gobango and Nanjobe both hate this idea and flee to Gobangoメs boat. Nanjobeメs father sends people after the two, so Gobango calls the crocodiles, Gyiii-eee. Crocodiles surround their boat. The rest of the people search for the lovers and assuming they are dead, take their boats back to the village.

Mzimba and the crowned cranes
Mashiri, Pascal
Chief Mzimba was very old, but he still had magical powers. He used his magic on the animals. Sometimes it helped the animals, sometimes it didn’t. What does Mzimba have to learn about giving gifts?

The village in the valley of darkness
Mashiri, Pascal
I want to see my people in the village. It is no fun to search alone. At last, I can see the light.ヤ During my travel, a dog at my side with brother and I. People in the village are thankful and at peace!

Two friends: A story from Zambia
Mashiri, Pascal
Two friends need sleep. Unfortunately, snoring becomes a problem for one of them. The friend that solves the problem doesnメt get the sleep.

Mashiri, Pascal
Arijole's stepsisters are envious of her beauty. They do not want Arijole to be chosen as a wife in a nearby village, so the stepsisters turn her into a dog. When only Arijole (the dog) is left, a mother takes her home for her son to hunt. Soon they realize that Arijole is not a dog but a beautiful woman. She and Obondo are then married.

How sitali learned a lesson
Mashiri, Pascal
As the oldest in his family Sitali is supposed to hunt and provide for his younger sisters. He learns a lesson about self-control and hard work after being made chief and then losing it all.

Ruth and naomi
Marzollo, Jean
After their husbands sadly pass away, Ruth moves to Bethlehem with her widowed mother-in-law Naomi. With no money and no sense of hope, the two women are unsure as to what will happen. A kind farmer known as Boaz, however shows his kindness and restores their happiness so that they can begin anew.

Pretend you're a cat
Marzollo, Jean
A series of questions ask children to use their imaginations so they can leap like a cat, beg like a dog, and act like many other animals.

Close your eyes
Marzollo, Jean
If you close your eyes, your imagination can take you anywhere. In this book, closing your eyes can first offer great things to imagine and then to dream about.

Uproar on hollercat hill
Marzollo, Jean
The cat family is getting along great, playing games and building things. Suddenly everything goes wrong and everyone is mad at each other. Finally, they work it out and all is well again.

Kenny and the little kickers
Marzollo, Claudio
It's the first day of soccer. Kenny doesn't want to play, but he goes to practice anyway. At first he's a little nervous and doesn't play very well. With his coach's help and encouragement, he quickly becomes the best kicker on the team.

Hannah's cold winter
Marx, Trish
A family in Budapest, Hungary enjoys taking family trips to the zoo to see the hippos. When the war hits their city, they save the hippos by collecting all the straw things that they can to feed them.

Big bad wolf
Marurel, Claire
Things aren't always what they seem. The villagers keep talking about a big, bad wolf and describe him. Their details are accurate, but skewed a little. The wolf has a family just like them and kisses his children good night after a run in the forest.