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We hate rain
Stevenson, James
Two children are upset because it rains for two days. Their grandpa tells them a story about when he was young, it rained for weeks and his house flooded. Finally, a man walks in the door and the children see it has stopped raining.

Trick-or-treat for diabetes: A halloween story for kids living with diabetes
Gosselin, Kim
Halloween is quickly approaching. Sarah is feeling sad because she knows that she cannot eat as many sweets as her friends. This is because Sarah has diabetes. Sarah and her mother eventually learn that Halloween is not all about candy; it's about having fun.

A band of angels: A story inspired by the jubilee singers
Hopkinson, Deborah
A young girl listens to a story told by her aunt. Her story is about the young girl's great great grandmother and how she used her voice and dedication to fight for her education after the slaves were freed. The story was also tells how a group of singers toured and sang slave songs. They were trying to save their school, but ended up creating a university.

Mandy's grandmother
Skorpen, Leisel
When her grandmother comes to town, Mandy thinks she is sad and mean. After awhile, they begin to understand one another and learn from each other.

Halmoni's day
Bercaw, Edna Coe
Jennifer's Korean grandmother arrives just in time for Grandparents Day at school. But Jennifer is afraid that her grandmother will embarrass her because she doesn't speak English. However, after her grandmother tells Jennifer's class the story of her childhood, Jennifer is not embarrassed at all.

Dragon kite of the autumn moon
Reddix, Valerie
Every year, Tad-Tin and his grandfather make a special kite to fly on Kite's Day. This year Grandfather is sick, so it is up to Tin to sacrifice his special Dragon kite in order to carry all their misfortune away.

Bravo, zan angelo!
Daly, Niki
Angelo Polo is a young boy who passionately wants to be a clown like his grandfather Zan Polo. His grandfather tells him that the theater is no place for a little boy. Finally, Zan Polo tells Angelo that he can be the little red rooster who crows in the last act. So, Angelo scurries and runs all over the city to prepare for his performance during the carnival. It turns out that Angelo is an excellent rooster and his grandfather agrees that the theater can be a place for a little boy.

Rita goes to the hospital
Davison, Martine
Rita gets very scared when a letter from the hospital arrives announcing that her tonsils will be taken out. Eventually, the hospital workers help Rita overcome her fears of surgery. She is happy when she wakes up afterwards and is given her favorite ice cream for dinner -- strawberry!

Kinda blue
Grifalconi, Ann
Sissy is sad and lonely because she thinks about her father who died when she was a baby. Sissy's Uncle Dan helps her to understand differences among people and cheers her up through the use of his cornfields. He also makes her understand that even though her father is not alive, she has a family that loves her very much.

When mommy is sick
Sherkin-Langer, Ferne
When a little girl's mom is sick and has to stay in the hospital she becomes sad and doesn't want to sing or play with her friends. She visits her mom, but she is nervous that her hugs might hurt her. When her mom finally comes home, the little girl is happy to have her back but worries that she won't be there when she wakes up.

Otto shares a tear
Morey, Kathleen
In a rhyming text, Kathleen describes the many different ways in which people cry. She notes how her friends and parents show emotion.

Martha blah blah
Meddaugh, Susan
A dog Martha has the ability to speak when she eats alphabet soup. But when the soup company starts using only half the letters in the soup to save money, Martha can't say what she wants. Afraid of what will happen to her, Martha confronts the owner of the company who agrees to put all the letters back in.

Charley's clan
Sellers, Naomi
Charley has permission from his mother to move to Texas with his best friend, if he cannot find another friend after he leaves.

Maclear, Kyo
Spork feels left out. He has a spoon and a fork for parents, which makes him unique compared to the other cutlery. He is never chosen in the kitchen, until something comes along that neither forks nor spoons can handle. His uniqueness comes in handy!

Aren't you lucky!
Anholt, Catherine
A little girl is having to deal with the aspect of having a new baby brother. She keeps hearing how lucky she is but she isn't agreeing at first. She now realizes how much they can do together and enjoys his company.

Down the road
Schertle, Alice
Hetty has the chance to prove she is a big girl when her parents send her to Mr. Birdie's store to buy a dozen eggs. Hetty is very careful not to break the eggs until she reaches the apple tree.

Nutcracker noel
McMullan, Kate
Noel has always dreamed of being in a real ballet. When her teacher announces they will perform the Nutcracker, she is very excited -- until she learns that she will be a tree. Then she finds this better than her dream.

Don't touch
Kline, Suzy
A young boy's day is filled with being told Don't Touch from adults. He feels sad that he cannot touch anything. He goes off by himself and plays with his clay in any way he wants which makes him feel better. He then makes his own sign that reads Don't Touch for his things.

Come back, salmon
Cone, Molly
Mr. King's fifth grade students work on a project to restore Pigeon Creek to its original beauty. They cannot believe the water was once clear and had fish. They learn about the life cycle of salmon, grow their own salmon, and release them into their now clear Pigeon Creek. The next fall they look for their salmon to return.

Miss flora mcflimsey's easter bonnet
A little girl dresses up her dolls to go to an Easter party but did not have anything for Miss Flora. A sweet rabbit notices she is crying and finds a solution. He has his aunt make Miss Flora a new bonnet. She wins a prize for the most original costume.

Just the two of us
Smith, Will
A father talks of ongoing love for his son from the moment he is born. As his child grows, the father tries to teach him how to be a man and also tells him how he will always be there for him. Having this child is the father's proof that his dreams have come true.

But she's still my grandma!
Rappaport, Doreen
Jessica convinces her hestiant parents to take her to visit her grandma in the nursing home. She is alarmed and hurt by how much her grandma has changed. The visit helps Jessica begin to accept her grandma's loss of memory and failing health.

Pamela camel
Peet, Bill
Pamela is fed up with everyone calling her dumb, so she escapes from the circus. That night she finds a break in the train tracks, and she saves a train. Now everyone loves her.

San Souci, Robert D.
A witch makes a scarecrow and decides to play a joke on a judge. The judge does not like witches. The scarecrow, Feathertop, finds it hard to follow through with the witch's wishes.

Someone special died
Prestine, Joan Singleton
A young girl deals with the death of someone close to her. She has many feelings of anger, sadness, and loneliness. She has many feelings of anger, sadness, and loneliness. She finds a way to feel better, though, when she makes a scrapbook to remember everything about this special person. She learns that everything dies.

Annie and the old one
Miles, Miska
Annie's grandmother tells her that as soon as her weaving is finished, she will return to the the earth. Annie tries to find many ways to avoid the completion of the weaving; however, she realizes at the conclusion of the story that fate and life cycles are inevitable.

Jim's dog muffins
Cohen, Miriam
Jim's dog, Muffins, gets killed and when he goes to school, he won't talk to anyone. His friend, Paul, makes him laugh and realize that life goes on even after someone you love dies.

Growing time
Warburg, Sandol Stoddard
Jamie has to deal with the death of a King. We see the healing process is long and slow, but healthy.

Midnight pillow fight
Ormerod, Jan
Polly wakes up in the middle of the night and wants to play with her pillow. Polly and her pillow play and dance with other pillows in the house and then a pillow fight breaks out. Polly's feelings get hurt, but the other pillows make sure she is okay.

Grandad bill's song
Yolen, Jane
Jon loses his grandad and needs help showing his emotions. He doesn't know if he's reacting in the right way. Jon's family shows him that everyone reacts to the death of a loved one differently, and no reaction is right or wrong.

A house for hermit crab
Carle, Eric
Hermit crab outgrew his shell in January so he must find a new home. Month by month he collects friends to make his home better. As he outgrows his shell, Herman is sad because he will have to leave his friends. A smaller homeless crab comes along and promises to take care of Herman's friends and home.

D'Aulaire, Ingri//D'Aulaire, Edgar
Nils dreams of being a bold and fearless cowboy. His homeland, Norway, has some very curious customs in the eyes of his schoolmates. But, the customs do not interfere with his needs or dreams in the end.

Dear mr. blueberry
James, Simon
Emily writes her teacher letters about a whale that is in her backyard pool. Her teacher tells and educates her that whales can't live in her pool. However, she has a great imagination and keeps trying to tell him.

The black dog who went into the woods
Hurd, Edith Thacher
When Black Dog doesn't come home, his family searches the nearby woods and calls their neighbors looking for him. That night, each of the family members dreams about Black Dog. The next morning they realize it was Black Dogs way of saying good-bye to them as he died.

The fortune tellers
Alexander, Lloyd
A carpenter who is unhappy with his life, goes to a fortune teller. The fortune teller tells him that he will be rich and famous. The carpenter does become rich and famous by becoming a fortune teller himself.

The monster in the third dresser drawer
Smith, Janice Lee
In this collection of stories, Adam is very upset about his family's move to a new town.

Rosen, Michael
The family pet, a cat, is greatly disturbed when the family moves. The old familiar corners and hiding spots are gone and the new house is bare. After finding a hiding place, the cat stays in hiding to punish his family. Eventually, he is drawn to the smell of food. Soon, the new house feels like home.

Everett anderson's goodbye
Clifton, Lucille
After his father's death, Everett learns how to accept this loss. The young boy suffers through the five stages of grief to learn that even when someone you love dies, your love for them does not die.

A family that fights
Berstein, Sharon Chesler
Henry, Joe, and Claire live in a very sad family. Sometimes, their dad gets very angry and hits their mom. This doesn't happen all the time, though-sometimes, Dad is nice and fun. Henry, Joe, and Claire wish these fun times would never end. They must learn to understand that the fights are not their fault, and they must learn to talk to an adult about the feelings they are having.

Nana upstairs and nana downstairs
dePaola, Tomie
Tommy loves both Nana Downstairs because she is always in the kitchen and a great-grandma, Nana Upstairs, because she is always in bed. Both of them eventually die, and Tommy grows up and learns how to deal with death.

Saying goodbye to grandma
Thomas, Jane Resh
Suzie's grandma died so Suzie goes with her family to her grandparents' house for the funeral. The family experiences many emotions in different ways when dealing with her death.

The gardener
Stewart, Sarah
Lydia takes a train to go live with her Uncle Jim who doesn't smile. Lydia uses flowers and plants to bring joy to everyone. She writes home to her mother, father, and grandmother to describe to new experiences.

Badger's parting gifts
Varley, Susan
When Badger dies, the rest of the animals are very sad. It is not until they remember all of the good times with Badger that they get over their sadness.

The boy who hated valentine's day
Wittman, Sally
Ben hates Valentine's Day because he didn't get any Valentines at the party last year. He decides to forge Valentines from the students in his class to give some to himself, but he ends up giving them all to the new boy who didn't get any Valentines either.

Alfie gets in first
Hughes, Shirley
Alfie is the first one to get home. As soon as his mom opens the door, Alfie runs inside and slams it shut. Alfie has to figure out how to get the door opened by himself.

Who will pick me up when i fall?
Molnar, Dorothy E.//Fenton, Stephan H.
Sarton is confused because she does not know what day it is. Each day she is picked up by someone different and goes to a different after school activity. She really wants to be with her mother. Sarton's mother discovers this, and they plan to spend a day together.

Little blue and little yellow
Lionni, Leo
Little blue and little yellow are good friends. One day they are playing and they hugged each other and became green. When they went home, their parents sent them away because they did not look the same. Little blue and little yellow both began to cry and they turned back into blue and yellow.

The colors that i am
Sheehan, Cilla
Using colors to express feelings, children learn to understand emotions. The reader is also asked how to express each emotion.

Henry's pennies
McNamara, Louise
Henry has finally decided what to do with all of the pennies his father gave him. We wants to buy a white elephant at the school fair. When he realizes that the white elephant booth is just things that no one wants, he is sad, but soon finds something that he wants.