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Crews, Donald
Train tracks run right behind Big Mama's house in Cottondale, Florida. Every summer the children go to visit her. They are told time and time again to stay off the tracks. They are in a hurry one day and decide to walk along the tracks for a shortcut. When they get to a point where they can't turn back, a train appears.

Rius, Maria
Listen -- can you hear the birds chirping? Can you hear the chimes of the bells? Listen to the children sing and the waves splash. Your ears can hear so much if you use your sense to listen.

Death of the iron horse
Goble, Paul
Native American legends guide their people. The story of an iron horse proved to come true when the Native Americans witnessed a train crash. In an attempt to keep the white men from stealing more land, the Native Americans burned the objects from the train.

Martin's hats
Blos, Joan W.
Join Martin and his many different hats as he explores caves, joins a birthday party, engineers a train, puts out a fire, and even welds a girder.

Sammy and the dinosaurs
Whybrow, Jan
While helping his grandmother clean out the attic, Sammy uncovers a dusty, old box. He opens the lid and finds that the box is filled with dinosaurs!Sammy proceeds to care for the dinosaurs. He fixes the broken ones, washes them in the sink, and gives them all names. In reply to Sammy's care, the dinosaurs whisper back, Thank you. Sammy does not let his new friends out of his sight, until one day he left them on a train. Sammy and his grandma go down to the train station to find his dinosaurs. He calls them all by their names and Sammy's dinosaur friends come running back.

Shout! Shout it out!
Fleming, Denise
Children love to shout and show what they know, so let them do both! A mouse demonstrates to children how to identify numbers, letters, animals, and modes of transportation.

The hundred penny box
Mathis, Sharon B.
Michael greatly admires his great-great Aunt Dew. He likes to sit with her while she sleeps or sings her long song. She dances with him and helps him count her hundred pennies in a special box. When Michael's mother attempts to take the special box and other belongings of Aunt Drew, Michael takes a stand and defends his aging Aunt.

All aboard the train
Kessler, Ethel//Kessler, Leonard
Two children and their mother take an exciting train ride into town. They pass by many interesting things and see lots of interesting people on their journey.

The sunday outing
Pinkney, Gloria Jean
Ernestine and her great-aunt spent Sunday afternoons at the train station watching the passengers, and Ernestine always dreamed of being one of them. Finally Ernestine's family saves enough money so she can ride the train herself.

Christina katerina and the great bear train
Gauch, Patricia Lee//Primavera, Elise
When Christina's family goes to visit her mom and new baby sister, Christina makes a train out of boxes and baskets for her teddy bears. She travels around the block. Just when she thinks she may be lost, her father comes to get her.

A band of angels: A story inspired by the jubilee singers
Hopkinson, Deborah
A young girl listens to a story told by her aunt. Her story is about the young girl's great great grandmother and how she used her voice and dedication to fight for her education after the slaves were freed. The story was also tells how a group of singers toured and sang slave songs. They were trying to save their school, but ended up creating a university.

Wheels go round
Nikola-Lisa, W.
Wheels are used for lots of fun activities. Children ride their scooters, bikes, and skates. Faster and faster the children keep on rolling through the country and through the town. Going up hill. Going down.

Pamela camel
Peet, Bill
Pamela is fed up with everyone calling her dumb, so she escapes from the circus. That night she finds a break in the train tracks, and she saves a train. Now everyone loves her.

The train
McPhail, David
Matthew loves trains. One night, he lets his brother run the train and he crashes it. Matthew cannot sleep so he gets up to fix it. All of a sudden, it was a real train. Matthew fixes it, loads up the baggage, and helps the engineer.

The gardener
Stewart, Sarah
Lydia takes a train to go live with her Uncle Jim who doesn't smile. Lydia uses flowers and plants to bring joy to everyone. She writes home to her mother, father, and grandmother to describe to new experiences.

The fast sooner hound
Bontemps, Anna//Conroy, Jack
A railroad man's dog outruns the trains and makes even the fastest train look slow. The Roadmaster will not let the dog ride in the cab with his owner until he races and beats The Cannonball.

The steam train crew
McLean, Andrew//McLean, Janet
The steam train needs to be on time today for Mary's party. But, Alf and Norm decide to get off to pick blackberries, only to lose the train!They finally catch it and make it on time.

Collier, Bryan
Join this boy's pride as he shares his town's sights and sounds the way he sees and hears them. You'll see Harlem along the river, street, and neighborhood.

Freight train
Crews, Donald
This book illustrates and identifies the different colors of the rainbow. Each car of a freight train represents a different color. Freight trains move quickly and travel far distances.

The lemon drop jar
Widman, Christine
A little girl visits her Aunt Emma, and they enjoy lemon drop candies together. Aunt Emma tells the story about how she got a lemon drop jar when she missed the sun while away at school.

Changes, changes
Hutchins, Pat
Two dolls work together to build various things. They build a house, a boat, and a train out of wooden blocks. (A Wordless Book)

Mr. nicks's knitting
Wild, Margaret
Mr. Nick and Mrs. Jolley ride the train to the city and knit together each day. Mrs. Jolley gets ill and Mr. Nick decides to cheer her up and knit her a very special gift.

The christmas train
Gantschev, Ivan
Translated from German, this is a true story of a young girl whose wise actions saved many passengers on a train.

Jonathan cleaned up, then he heard a sound
Munsch, Robert
Jonathon finally cleans his house -- but then he hears a noise. A wall in his house opens up and people rush through the house making a big mess. A computer is broken and a subway mistakes his house for a stop.

Train song
Siebert, Diane
This song book describes how trains work, where trains go, and what trains serve, as well as information about engineers and ticket buyers.

Siggy's spaghetti works
Thomson, Peggy
Siggy takes a group of students through his spaghetti factory. He shows them how to make spaghetti from start to finish. The children get to test the pasta during their tour. Siggy tells the students of the history of spaghetti and then they all dine on spaghetti.

Tim in danger
Ardizzone, Edward
Ginger, a little boy, runs away to live on a ship, and Tim and Charlotte go after him. They both join the crew on another ship and work. Their ship collides with Ginger's ship. Ginger comes aboard. They all work and go back home to their parents.

My life with the wave
Cowan, Catherine
When a little boy brings an ocean wave home with him, he finds himself in trouble. He soon realizes that he has to take the wave back to the ocean where it belongs.

Little leo
Politi, Leo
When Leo gets an Indian costume from his father, he doesn't realize all the attention he will receive. From California to Italy, many people admire the costume so much that his friends make their own.

Subway sparrow (Gorrion del metro)
Torres, Leyla
When a sparrow flies on the D train, four people help figure out a way to get the sparrow off the train. The problem is that the four people on the train speak different languages. The teens on the train speak English, a man speaks Spanish, and a woman speaks Polish. Through various forms of communicating, the four of them come up with a strategy to help the sparrow.

The owl who became the moon
London, Jonathon
A boy dreams about what it would be like to ride on a train at night through the forest.

Grandfather's christmas tree
Strand, Keith
A young couple embarks on their own to an unknown land to build their life. When times get hard for their family, they adjust their lifestyles to make things work.

Home to medicine mountain
Santiago, Chiori
Benny Lee and his brother Stanley must leave their famiy and Indian tribe to go to a boarding school run by the government. At school, the boys must wear uncomfortable clothes, speak English only, and learn lessons in a classroom. The boys visit their family and tribe in their dreams at night. Whem summer comes, the boys do not have a ticket to go home so they figure out a plan to get home to Medicine Mountain.

In coal country
Hendershot, Judith
Papa is a coal miner who works at night and Mamma works at home. They are hard working people who live near the Block Diamond Mine. They go through each season and recall a special memory.

Automobiles for mice
Ets, Marie Hall
Curious mice do not have fun while taking the evening to play with little Johnny's mice-sized toys. While playing with Johnny's trains, trucks, and cars, the two mice families end up with scratched noses and crinked tails.

Deep in the jungle
Yaccarino, Dan
A lion is taken to star in the circus by a man walking through the jungle. The lion must perform in the circus ring and do other typical animal activities. He just wants to be the king of the jungle and wishes to be back home. His wish does come true.

One afternoon
Heo, Yumi
Minho and his mother hear all the sounds of the city when they spend the afternoon running errands like grocery shopping and doing laundry.

Down by the station
Hillenbrand, Will
Down by the station, early in the morning the train takes off to pick up all the baby animals. Not only can you hear the puff and toot of the train, but also all of the sounds that the animals make. They are on their way to the zoo with all of the children, and when they arrive they all play outside.

The cloud eater
Reeves, Katherine
Henry and his dog, Laura, live and travel with the circus. When a problem occurs with their newest member, a giraffe, Henry has to do some critical thinking to solve the problem. Henry becomes friends with the cloud eater in the process.

Benny: An adventure story
Graham, Bob
Benny is a very talented magician's assisstant. When he outshines the magician though, he is kicked out of the show. For the first time, Benny is on his own and he doesn't know where to go or what to do. He searches everywhere for a place to belong. In the last place he looks, Benny finds the perfect home.

Carlstrom, Nancy White
Nate and his Grandfather have a loving relationship. When Nate goes to visit Grandpappy, they spend all their time together experiencing many adventures and creating memories to last a lifetime.

Little bunny on the move
McCarty, Peter
Where is Little Bunny going?Past the cow and the sheep, over the train tracks, and through the fence - but where will his trip end?

A regular rolling noah
Lyon, George Ella
A young boy is hired to be a helping hand with the farm animals during a move. On a train, he tells of his travels from Kentucky to Canada.

Black and white
Macaulay, David
This story contains four separate stories. There is a train, a boy and his parents, commuters waiting for the train, and Holstien cows. All the stories are related to one another

A visit to the country
Johnson, Herschel
A young boy named Mike lives with his grandparents near the train tracks. One day he finds a bird and takes it home. However, he realizes that the bird must be let go so it can live in the country.

Grandaddy's stars
Griffith, Helen V.
Janetta is excited about the upcoming visit from her Grandaddy. She makes a list of everything she wants to show him. Grandaddy shows Janetta that they share the same stars. Now when Janetta looks at the stars she realizes that Grandaddy isn't that far away after all.

Aunt minnie mcgranahan
Prigger, Mary Skillings
Aunt Minnie McGranahan lives alone and has a very orderly life. She has a system for doing everything from cleaning to feeding her animals. One day, Minnie receives a telegram from across the country telling her that her nieces and nephews need someone to raise them and take care of them. Despite her neighbors' doubts that nine children could never fit into her perfectly ordered schedule, Minnie and the children work as a team and live together quite nicely.

Country crossing
Aylesworth, Jim
The sights and sounds of the country railroad crossing during the first part of the twentieth century are recounted. First there is only the wind blowing with animals standing around. As a car approaches the crossing, the gate is lowered to signal the approach of a noisy train.

The everything book
Fleming, Denise
An educational book with a little bit of everything from nursery rhymes to counting plus colors, fruits, seasons, alphabet, and animals.

Hey!Get off our train
Burningham, John
A little boy dreams that he travels in his toy train and picks up a lot of different animals on his journey who are in trouble.