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Charley's clan
Sellers, Naomi
Charley has permission from his mother to move to Texas with his best friend, if he cannot find another friend after he leaves.

Tom thumb
Brooke, L. Leslie
Tom Thumb was a tiny boy given to a ploughman and his wife. Tom has many misfortunes including getting put in a pudding, being swallowed by a cow, and almost drowning. However, he ends his journey at the King's Court.

The bad dream
Aylesworth, Jim
In the middle of the night, a little boy wakes up suddenly because of a bad dream. He falls out of bed and is extremely frightened. His parents rush in to help him. After comforting words from his parents, he goes back to sleep realizing that it was just a bad dream.

At daddy's on saturdays
Girard, Linda Walvoord
Katie experiences feelings of loneliness and self-blame when her parents get divorced. Her fears of her father disappearing from her life are dispelled as she develops a special bond with him in his new home.

Everett anderson's 1-2-3
Clifton, Lucille
Everett Anderson is a young boy living with his mom. One day, his mom decides to start dating a busdriver and Everett doesn't like it. But when Everett talks with Mr. Perry he finds out that he likes Mr Perry.

I wish i had my father
Simon, Norma
A little boy and his friend, Grace, dread Father's Day at school because neither child sees their father, but still has to make cards for them. The boy decides to make cards for his grandfather and neighbor.

Dinosaurs divorce
Brown, Laurene Krasny//Brown, Marc
Divorce can be a scary thing for children. Questions and concerns about divorce can be answered with help from the dinosaurs. Dinosaurs explain everything from why parents divorce to celebrating holidays with two families to satisfy the inquisitive young mind.

A special kind of sister
Smith, Lucia B.
Sarah has a five year old brother who is mentally challenged. She has trouble coping with him, but loves him very much.

The very best of friends
Wild, Margaret
James and his cat, William, are the very best of friends. When James dies suddenly, Jessie, a friend, has trouble coping with his death. Jessie treats William poorly at first, but later she befriends him.

Someone special died
Prestine, Joan Singleton
A young girl deals with the death of someone close to her. She has many feelings of anger, sadness, and loneliness. She has many feelings of anger, sadness, and loneliness. She finds a way to feel better, though, when she makes a scrapbook to remember everything about this special person. She learns that everything dies.

Anna's secret friend
Tsutsui, Yoriko
Anna moves to a new house close to the mountains. After a couple of days she feels lonely and misses all of her friends. Anna keeps hearing noises at the front door and finds flowers, a letter, and a paper doll. One day Anna opens the door in enough time to meet a girl her age and they become friends.

Grandad bill's song
Yolen, Jane
Jon loses his grandad and needs help showing his emotions. He doesn't know if he's reacting in the right way. Jon's family shows him that everyone reacts to the death of a loved one differently, and no reaction is right or wrong.

The house on east 88th street
Waber, Bernard
The Primms moved into their new house only to find Lyle, the crocodile, in their bathtub. They were afraid at first, but eventually they became good friends with Lyle.

Meet m and m
Ross, Pat
Mandy and Mimi are best friends. They do everything together. One dya they get in a fight which makes them both miserable. They quickly Plan to continue their fun.

I had trouble getting to solla sollew
Seuss, Dr.
A creature is experiencing trouble and decides to get away from his troubles. Eventually he must face and deal with his troubles.

The bobbin girl
McCally, Emily Arnold
Ten-year old Rebecca works all day in a hot and noisy cotton mill. She's grateful to be able to help her struggling family, but not all the girls at the boarding house feel the same way. Some girls are starting to get sick. Judith, an older girl that is Rebecca's idol, wants to protest the mill's recent paycut but the troublemakers are fired. Does Rebecca have the courage to join?

Who owns the moon?
Levitin, Sonia
Abel, Nagel and Zeke are farming friends who argue about everything, including who owns the moon. The farmers go to a teacher in the city to settle their argument about the moon. The teacher tells the three men that they each own the moon two nights a week and the remaining nights they are to share it.

Seven brave women
Hearne, Betsy
A young girl tells the story of her family's history. She explains how each of her female ancestors played a very important role in the shaping of this family's history.

Indian summer
Monjo, F.N.
During the American Revolution, a father fights under General George Washington. This leaves the mother and children to fend off some Indians by themselves.

Home lovely
Perkins, Lynne Rae
Tiffany and her mom, Janelle, have just moved to a new trailer that is pretty far away from everything else. Since Janelle has to work, Tiffany spends a lot of time playing alone. When she discovers plants growing by her driveway, the mailman helps her take care of them as they grow.

Lauren's secret ring
De Bruyn, Monica
Lauren was a new girl in town with no friends. She found a ring and pretended that it had magical powers. She was upset when she lost it one day, but she made new friends and realized she did not need the ring.

The black dog who went into the woods
Hurd, Edith Thacher
When Black Dog doesn't come home, his family searches the nearby woods and calls their neighbors looking for him. That night, each of the family members dreams about Black Dog. The next morning they realize it was Black Dogs way of saying good-bye to them as he died.

Christmas with grandfather
Wolf, Winfried
After the death of his father, Thomas is not looking forward to Christmas. Christmas at his grandfather's house in the country changes that when Thomas receives a special gift.

Aurora means dawn
Sanders, Scott Russell
New settlers in Ohio get stuck in a rain storm. Villagers come to take the new settlers to their land.

Now one foot, now the other
dePaola, Tomie
Bobby loves to hear his grandfather tell the story of how he taught Bobby to walk. When his grandfather suffers from a stroke, Bobby teaches his grandfather how to walk.

The fortune tellers
Alexander, Lloyd
A carpenter who is unhappy with his life, goes to a fortune teller. The fortune teller tells him that he will be rich and famous. The carpenter does become rich and famous by becoming a fortune teller himself.

Everett anderson's nine month long
Clifton, Lucille
Everett Anderson is a young boy whose parents are divorced. His Mama remarries Mr. Perry and now they all live happily together. Then Everett finds his mother is pregnant and is no longer sure of his role within the family. When the baby is born Everett is able to accept the new addition to the family.

The number on my grandfather's arm
Adler, David A.
A little girl's grandpa comes over to her house to babysit her. She sees a number on his arm. She asks about it and he tells her about when he was young and in a concentration camp in Germany.

The monster in the third dresser drawer
Smith, Janice Lee
In this collection of stories, Adam is very upset about his family's move to a new town.

Even little kids get diabetes
Pirner, Connie White
A little girl talks about her diabetes and how she and her family deal with the special consideration that must be taken.

Yonie wondernose
De Angeli, Marguerite
Jonathon is such a curious little boy that his father calls him Yonie Wondernose. His parents go away and leave him in charge of the farm. The barn catches on fire and it is up to Yonie to save the animals.

Rosen, Michael
The family pet, a cat, is greatly disturbed when the family moves. The old familiar corners and hiding spots are gone and the new house is bare. After finding a hiding place, the cat stays in hiding to punish his family. Eventually, he is drawn to the smell of food. Soon, the new house feels like home.

You hold me and i'll hold you
Carson, Jo
This story deals with death through the eyes of a child. It displays different emotions and questions a child may have. It expresses worry and comfort provided by family members.

Everett anderson's goodbye
Clifton, Lucille
After his father's death, Everett learns how to accept this loss. The young boy suffers through the five stages of grief to learn that even when someone you love dies, your love for them does not die.

The wall
Bunting, Eve
A father and son go to the Vietnam Memorial Wall to see the boy's grandfather's name. The little boy does not understand the wall at first, but this experience tells him a little about how his grandfather died.

Time for uncle joe
Jewell, Nancy
A little girl remembers her uncle who has died. She talks about what they did together, and the things that remind her of his coming and going.

A family that fights
Berstein, Sharon Chesler
Henry, Joe, and Claire live in a very sad family. Sometimes, their dad gets very angry and hits their mom. This doesn't happen all the time, though-sometimes, Dad is nice and fun. Henry, Joe, and Claire wish these fun times would never end. They must learn to understand that the fights are not their fault, and they must learn to talk to an adult about the feelings they are having.

Watson, Wendy
Mom and dad move to a new house, but Muffin does not want to move. She eventually decides to try out her new house and finds that it is okay -- even though she and her parents will miss their old house.

Nana upstairs and nana downstairs
dePaola, Tomie
Tommy loves both Nana Downstairs because she is always in the kitchen and a great-grandma, Nana Upstairs, because she is always in bed. Both of them eventually die, and Tommy grows up and learns how to deal with death.

Ira says goodbye
Waber, Bernard
Ira has to deal with the difficult situation of saying goodbye when Ira's best friend moves away. This proves to be just as difficult for others as it is for Ira. They learn they can still be friends even if they live an hour apart.

Losing uncle tim
Jordan, Mary Kate
A little boy tells a story of how he watches his Uncle Tim, who he looks up to and likes to spend time with, die of AIDS. He learns about death and funerals and inherits some of his favorite toys of his uncle's.

Fox song
Bruchac, Joseph
Jamie remembers her grandmother and all the things that they did together. These memories help Jamie deal with the loss of her grandmother.

The two of them
A little girl spends time with her grandfather. They go shopping for food, share a meal together and grow fruit in the garden. An apple tree becomes a good way for the girl to remember her grandfather forever.

Finding a job for daddy
Maslac, Evelyn Hughes
Things are harder and different since Laura's dad lost his job. Laura wants to help so she pretends to put a want ad in the newspaper, then interviews him for a job. Laura knows that her dad still has to find a real job, but she wants her dad to be a dad forever.

Saying goodbye to grandma
Thomas, Jane Resh
Suzie's grandma died so Suzie goes with her family to her grandparents' house for the funeral. The family experiences many emotions in different ways when dealing with her death.

Snow day
Maestro, Betsy
Today is a snow day!Since the roads are covered with snow, school is cancelled. City workers and people in their homes must clear away the snow.

Come a tide
Lyon, George Ella
Snow and rain come together and cause a flood. This story explains how one family overcomes the flood.

The araboolies of liberty street
Swope, Sam
A neighborhood is controlled by a mean man and woman who will not let anything fun happen. Soon the Araboolies move in and everything changes.

An evening at alfie's
Hughes, Shirley
A babysitter encounters a crisis situation when a water pipe bursts. She solves the problem by enlisting aid from others.