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Otto shares a hug and a kiss
Morey, Kathleen
In a rhyming fashion, the importance of hugs and kisses are depicted.

The little fir tree
Brown, Margaret Wise
A fir tree is cut down to be used as a Christmas tree for a boy with a handicap. After the holidays, the tree is replanted in the forest. Every year, the boy's father digs up the tree to be decorated. One year, the boy goes to the forest by himself to decorate a tree.

The house of boo
Lewis, J. Patrick
On a Halloween night three children dressed as ghosts get a scare when they visit the haunted house of Boo Scoggins. Spooky sounds frighten them as they try to discover who this mysterious man is up on Humpback Hill.

Williams, Karen Lynn
After spending a long day selling oranges at the market, a Haitian mother and daughter earn enough money to ride the tap-tap home. The tap-tap is a vehicle that takes passengers where they need to go. It stops when a passenger taps on the side twice.

A long long song
Delessert, Etienne
Acrobats and musicians appear out of nowhere and perform on the front steps of a town hall. The show takes place in a small New England village. Those who see them perform never forget who they are.

The saint and the circus
Piumini, Roberto
A circus acrobat loses his balance on the tightrope, and a saint in Heaven comes to his aid in ways that are more harmful than helpful.

The guinea pig abc
Duke, Kate
Each letter of the alphabet is illustrated by a word which applies to guinea pigs.

Goodbye, Mitch
Wallace-Brodeur, Ruth
Mitch has been Michael's pet for 15 years. He is an important part of the family, and Michael loves him very much. When Mitch becomes ill, Michael has a difficult time dealing with the fact that Mitch is dying.

Moonbear's pet
Asch, Frank
Bear and Little Bird are thrilled with their new friend Splash, who is really a tadpole. When Splash begins to change, Bear and Little Bird get into an argument about which kind of animal Splash is. They come to realize that every kind of animal is valuable and special.

The almond orchard
Coats, Laura Jane
The narrator explains what it was like when she was a little girl helping with her father's almond orchard. She explains how things around the orchard have changed since she has grown older.

Small wolf
Benchley, Nathaniel
Small Wolf, a young Indian Boy, wants to become a man, so he goes off to the woods to hunt. While there, he finds white men who do not want to talk and they shoot at him. The tribe moves time and time again away from the white men, until there is no where else to move and their tribe dies out.

With my brother (con mi hermando)
Roe, Eileen
Younger siblings often wish that they were old enough to do the things that their brothers and sisters enjoy. But sometimes, older siblings do spend special, quality time with their younger siblings. These make special moments and deeper relationships.

Something from nothing
Gilman, Phoebe
Joseph's grandfather makes him a wonderful blanket when he is born. As Joseph gets older, the blanket gets older too. However, his grandfather creates something special from the blanket each year.

Chicken soup, boots
Kalman, Maira
Do you want to be a writer, an architect, a barber, a fireman, a photographer, an astronomer, a doctor, a doorman, a musician, or a short-order cook when you grow up?Someday you will know just what you want to be.

The growing-up feet
Cleary, Beverly
Jimmy and Janet want their feet to grow so they can get new shoes. Their mom buys them new red boots that stretch with their feet. They play all day in their new boots.

The eyes of gray wolf
London, Jonathan
Gray wolf is restless because he lost his mate to a hunter. While wandering through the night, he meets a pack of wolves. From this pack of wolves, he finds a new mate with whom they start a new pack.

Letting swift river go
Yolen, Jane
Boston needs water, so the Swift River is damned. Sally Jane's town is flooded so she rows out onto the lake and finds it hard to remember what her town looked like when she was young.

First words and pictures
Salt, Jane//Hawksley, Gereard
A baby has many new things to see and touch at the supermarket. At home, it is time to unload the groceries and make dinner.

The four donkeys
Alexander, Lloyd
The Baker, Shoemaker, and Tailor all wanted to go to the fair to sell their goods, but had trouble making it there. After their donkey collapsed, they had to pull the cart. They were all rude to each other, but when they were all faced with the same problem they figured out a helpful solution.

One big wish
Williams, Jay
Farmer Fred has been given one wish so he wishes that all of his future wishes come true. This wish ends up getting him into trouble and things get out of control.

Helga's dowry: A troll love story
dePaola, Tomie
Helga, a beautiful troll, sets out to earn her dowry to marry Lars. Her plan doesn't work out like she had hoped. Be ready for a funny ending.

Strega nona meets her match
dePaola, Tomie
Strega Nona cures all the townspeople of aches, lovesickness, and other ailments. One day, her friend, Strega Amelia, steals her customers and opens a high-tech office. In the end, good old-fashioned ways win out.

Grandpa's teeth
Clement, Rod
Grandpa's teeth have been stolen!Officer Rate comes to investigate and they put wanted posters all over town. To avoid becoming a suspect, everyone in town begins to smile all the time. Tourists are afraid to get out of their cars because everyone is smiling. The problem is solved with a collection of money to get Grandpa new teeth, and the crime is solved in the process.

Essley, Roger
Jon is spending the last day at his grandmother's cottage. Before she takes a nap, she tells Jon to look at some old photographs from 1915 To Jon, the photos are dull, gray, and gloomy. Jon hears some voices and falls into a photograph where he meets Paul. Where Paul sees colors, Jon sees gray. The two boys share some adventures as different photos come to life. Finally, Jon sees the color in the photographs, and finds out that Paul was his great-grandfather.

Grandmother and I
Buckley, Helen E.
This story is about what a little girl and her grandmother can do together now that the little girl is stuck at home with the measles.

Not so fast songololo
Daly, Niki
A grandmother and her grandson go for a trip into the city. The young boy looked at a new pair of shoes and wanted them. Although the grandmother had little money, she managed to save enough so she could buy him the shoes.

Annushka's voyage
Tarbescu, Edith
When Tanya and Annushka's mother dies, their father has no choice but to leave Russia for the streets paved with gold. Several years later, the girls' father sends two tickets for their own voyage to America. Before the girls leave, their grandmother gives them each a Sabbath candlestick which will light their way to the New World. Tanya and Annushka's voyage is filled with many sick and sleepless nights. The girls unite with their father by raising their candlesticks.

The snail house
Ahlberg, Allan
Grandma calls in her three grandchildren to tell a story. A boy, a girl, and their baby brother all shrink until they can sneak out of the house unnoticed. They move into a snail house for a day where they have adventures with an earthquake, a disappearing baby, and a scary bird. After the adventures, they thank the snail and return home to become their normal size.

One gorilla: A counting book
Morozumi, Atsuko
Follow the journey of a gorilla who finds and counts various things.

Petunia takes a trip
Duvoisin, Roger
Petunia realizes she is too heavy to fly so she starts doing calisthenics to get into shape. When she does fly, she gets blown into the city and she sees how small she is in proportion to other things. She misses her home and takes a train back there.

Jonas, Ann
A young girl owns a cat and a dog which are constantly falling in the pond with the fish and frogs. Each time a different animal falls in, the question, How many are in my pond? is asked again.

Willie blows a mean horn
Thomas, Ianthe//Toulimin-Rothe, Ann
Willie spends a night watching his father play jazz on his trumpet. Willie wants to be like his father and his appreciation for music causes him to dream to be a jazz player like his father

The tinderbox
Moser, Barry
Yoder is a lost soldier trying to find his way home. He runs into an old man who makes him rich, and he also gets the old man's magic tinderbox. Yoder, still lost, continues into a town. He stays in this town because he wants to marry the princess. The tinderbox ends up saving his life and helps him accomplish his goal.

Glasses - who needs 'em?
Smith, Lane
A little boy is reluctant to get a pair of glasses because he is afraid of how he will look. The doctor points out all the neat images that the boy can see with his glasses on. He is amazed at what he can see with glasses.

Come to my party
Richardson, Judith Benet
All the animals of the jungle are sleeping when a loud roar comes from a leopard who is having a birthday party. As a team, the animals of the jungle work together to create a present to bring to the party.

The magician
Shulevitz, Uri
A magician, who is actually the prophet Elijah, comes to town. He gives an old, poor couple dinner and a soft place to sit during the Passover celebration. The reason the couple is chosen is because they are unselfish and they do not think that they are that bad off, since they have each other.

The clown of god: An old story
dePaola, Tomie
Giovanni loves to juggle. He juggles every day to make people laugh. He goes to great extremes to turn peoples' frowns upside down.

A chair for my mother
Williams, Vera B.
There is a jar that a mother saves all her change in from work. When the jar is finally full, she buys a chair that is very comfortable. This is important because all of her furniture was destroyed in a fire.

Hughes, Shirley
A young girl talks about how she gives to others and how others give too. She describes the difference between good giving and bad giving.

Today i thought i'd run away
Johnson, Jane
A little boy packs his bag with his special belongings and runs away. In his travels, he comes in contact with bad creatures, but in the end he isn't hurt and goes back home.

Trouble at the mines
Rappaport, Doreen
With the help of Mother Jones, a famous leader, the miners go on strike to fight for better working conditions and wages. Rosie's family struggles to survive the eight-month strike. The persistant women and miners force the owners to give in, and the strike ends with victory.

Speedy digs downside up
Kumin, Maxine W.
Because his friends can do tricks that he cannot do, Speedy decides to dig a hole through the world. Once on the other side, he teaches the people about gravity.

Swamp angel
Issacs, Anne
When Tennessee is plagued by a huge bear, the men sign up to hunt it. Angelica Longnder, also known as Swamp Angel, shows up too. Swamp Angel, the female equivalent of Paul Bunyan, saves Tennessee from the bear to everyone's surprise.

The morning the sun refused to rise
Rounds, Glen
Although it seems impossible, there once was a day when the sun did not rise. As it turns out, the Earth's axle froze at the North Pole and the world stopped revolving. With the help of Paul Bunyan and a few friends, the earth was set in motion again.

Matt's grandfather
Lundgren, Max
Matt and his family go to visit Matt's grandfather in a retirement home for his eighty-fifth birthday. Matt's grandfather is old and he forgets a lot. At first, Matt is afraid of his grandfather, but when they go for a walk in the park, he learns that older people are not so scary.

Johnston, Tony
Vivid pictures depict the cycle of seasons while the story of a pioneer's life is told. The story begins with the pioneer's marriage then ends with the lives of the pioneer's children.

The very quiet cricket
Carle, Eric
As the little cricket makes his way across the land, he encounters many friends. The little cricket's only problem is that he cannot answer. He tries rubbing his wings together, but they do not make a sound. It is only when the very quiet cricket meets a female cricket that he makes a beautiful sound.

Everybody knows that!
Pearson, Susan
Patty and Herbie are best friends, but when they start school, Herbie decides he wants to play with the boys. Herbie ends up being friends with her again, because they both realize that it is silly not to be friends.

A long way to go
Oneal, Zibby
During World War I in Europe, a girl named Lisa struggles because she feels that girls also deserve the right to vote. She is determined to prove this to others.

The summer my father was ten
Brisson, Pat
A father and his daughter plant a garden every year, and every year she hears the story of how the ritual started. When her father was ten, he and some friends destroyed a neighbor's garden. In the father's guilt, he makes amends with the neighbor and gains a friend.