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McCully, Emily Arnold
A scared little mouse discovers the joys of sledding in the first snow of winter (A Wordless Book)

Fenton, Edward
A little boy takes a walk with his big yellow balloon. A cat follows him because he believes the balloon is the sun. Suddenly a dog follows the cat and a dogcatcher follows the dog. Soon there is a long parade of people and animals following one another. The balloon is finally broken, but the boy is given a hero badge to replace the balloon since the parade he created helped a policeman catch a thief.

Brown, Marc
D.W. goes to the beach with her parents and brother, but will not go near the water. When she goes for a piggy-back ride on her brother's back, he throws her in the water. First she screams in fear, but then she likes playing in the water.

Williams, Jay
Getting what you want isn't always easy. This is the lesson that Petronella, once known as Peter, learns. Petronella battles off animals and people to get the man she loves. In doing so, she also realizes that the richest people aren't always the best people.

Williams, Sue
A young child goes out for a walk. By the end of the story he is being followed by a cat, a horse, a cow, a duck, a pig, and a dog.

London, Jonathon
Join this celebration of dance and jazz music!A cat named Jazz-Bo leads a band that plays at the sock hop. All the animals gather together for a fun time of dance and rhyme.

Merriam, Eve
Dale and Leda are each jealous of what they do not have. They decide to fight and hurl a number of creative words at each other.

Ets, Marie Hall
Gilberto is a friend with the wind. The wind and Gilberto do things for each other.

Cone, Molly
Mr. King's fifth grade students work on a project to restore Pigeon Creek to its original beauty. They cannot believe the water was once clear and had fish. They learn about the life cycle of salmon, grow their own salmon, and release them into their now clear Pigeon Creek. The next fall they look for their salmon to return.

Novak, Matt
Irwin is the smallest of Santa's elves, and everyone is always bossing him around. After Santa leaves to deliver the Christmas presents, Irwin discovers a forgotten present. Determined to deliver the present, he goes on the journey himself. He proves to Santa and everyone that he is the head elf.

Polacco, Patricia
Three children want to thank Miss Eula for her chicken dinners she makes each Sunday. They decide to sell Easter eggs. They make enough money to buy her an Easter hat.

Baylor, Byrd
An adult man runs into a girl in a field and she encourages him to play her favorite game. The game describes nature and it's beauty.

Sendak, Maurice
In his dream, Mickey falls out of bed into the batter of a cake in the kitchen. He goes through many obstacles to help the bakers get the milk they need for the cake.

Wilson, S.
Tildy sets sail over Spooner Bay, being warned to beware of the dragons. When she encounters the dragons, she finds them friendly, and realizes that they only want to play. She decides to teach the town about the friendly dragons.

Sis, Peter
A young boy who loves dragons, goes with his parents to the Indonesian Island of Komodo in hopes of finding a dragon.

Woodman, Nancy
The JASON Project is studies underwater life in Mexico. When Dusty finds out about this, she writes the scientists to ask if she can go along. During her adventures, Dusty learns all about deep sea plants and animals. It is the adventure of her life!

Wright, D.
A doll, Edith, and Little Bear are told about boats by Big Bear. Little Bear is told not to go on a boat, but he and Edith disobey and get lost in the big ocean. Big Bear saves them and they learn their lesson about going on a boat by themselves.

Greenfield, Eloise
Keshia teaches and cares for her doll with her brother's help.

Munsch, Robert
Tyya is grocery shopping with Daddy, but when she tries to buy something good he makes her wait in one place until he is done. Several people try to buy her because she looks like a pretty doll. Because Daddy loves her, he pays for Tyya and takes her home.

Corey, Dorothy
A baby bear is aftaid of getting a shot. His brother serves as a model so that baby bear is no longer afraid.

Patz, Nancy
When an independent young girl refuses to follow the rule of the Prince of Mintz, there is a great uproar.

Feder, Paula Kurzband
Alba, Willie, and Nancy are all students in Mrs. Greengrass' class. They all wondered where their teacher lived and searched for several days. They watched her walk out of school each day and collected clues. At the end, they finally ask Mrs. Greengrass where she lives and they were correct. She rewards them with ice cream cones for being such good detectives.

Munsch, Robert
Andrew's parents always ask him if he has to go to the bathroom before they go anywhere. He always says no. A few moments later he has to go!

Nixon, Joan Lowery
Dip and his family are dinosaurs that need to head south because it is winter. They are afraid of the meat-eating Tyrannosaurus Rex. When a group of time travelers visit Dip's land, Dip learns about the T-Rex from a man named Harold who has a television. Dip cleverly saves his family from the T-Rex.

Edwards, Pamela Duncan//Cole, Henry
Do you remember what happened to Cinderella?Well, Dinorella not only goes to the ball, but she defends the duke against a hungry deinonychus. The dinosaur dames, Dora and Doris, want the jewels but Dinorella has but one dazzling jewel.

Jennings, Michael
Robin Goodfellow likes to get into mischief. One day he decides to play a trick on a slow-witted giant. The giant appears to be smaller and goes to others for advice and help.

Valens, Evans
Topple, the long-finned herring, learns that his difference is actually a blessing. He learns from another long-finned herring that he can fly, and in turn his seemingly unlucky fins save his life.

Hoberman, MaryAnn
Mr. and Mrs. Peters have seven lovely children but they are all very picky eaters. Each child wants his or her particular food at every meal. Soon they discover a food that all the children will eat - Mrs. Peter's birthday cake made from a combination of everyone's favorite foods!

Newman, Leslea
Heather has two mommies. Heather learns that there are many different types of families and that having two lesbian moms does not make her different from any other children in her class.

Armstrong, Jennifer
Hugh is an orphan who wants to go to the city to make his fortune. Even though he encounters many obstacles, he pushes on and makes it to the city.

Fassler, Joan
Howie is confined to a wheelchair. He must overcome many barriers. He has one thing he wants to do - be able to move his wheelchair all by himself. He succeeds.

Shulevitz, Uri
On Monday,a king, queen, and little prince go to visit a little boy to play. He is not home, so they return on Tuesday. The next day they bring along a knight with them and he is still not home. Each day another person comes along until Sunday when he is finally home.

McKissack, Patricia C.
Netti Jo is desperately looking for a needle to sew her doll's dress. She thinks if she helps others that in return they will help her find a needle.

Galdone, Paul
A tailor is asked by the Grand Duke to make a suit. For good luck, the tailor must sew it at a grave yard at night. Even though a monster appears, the tailor works hard and completes his task. For the completion of the suit, he receives a bag of gold.

Stapler, Sarah
Trilby's brother hides his trumpet because he plays it too loudly. The reader must help Trilby find his trumpet.

Lord, John Vernon
Bill searches for something that will make his miserable Aunt Bertha happy. Finally, he learns that nothing can make her happier than simply his love.

McPhail, David
Matthew loves trains. One night, he lets his brother run the train and he crashes it. Matthew cannot sleep so he gets up to fix it. All of a sudden, it was a real train. Matthew fixes it, loads up the baggage, and helps the engineer.

Russo, Marisabina
Hannah could not fall asleep one night because she thought her parents were having lots of fun without her. She sneeks out to watch them, only to discover that they were not eating ice cream or making popcorn, but reading, mending socks, and folding clothes. Hannah returns to bed and falls asleep.

Morrow, Elizabeth
A little Mexican boy, Pedro, wants a piggy bank just like Pita's. After trying to buy one, he decides to make his own.

Kraus, Robert
A young mouse loses his mother, father and sister and becomes very lonely. However, he finds his family and ends up with a new brother.

Kroll, Steven
Because of Sylvie's goodness, her wicked stepmother and stepsister are vanquished, and she becomes Queen of the May. Because she selflessly helped others, they help her in return.

Economakis, Olga
A desert family has to move constantly to be near a water supply. The young son of the family decides he is tired of moving. Using ingenuity, he digs a hole until he hits water. The family builds a well and the boy has his wish granted.

Van Horn, William
Harry has a house with seventy-two rooms filled with his many collections of things, including a dangerous giant jumping bean. In trying to make room for a new collection, the jumping bean escapes and destroys Harry's collection.

Howells, Mildred
A woman cleans everything in her town to the annoyance of other citizens. She later wishes that she could wash off the stars. When a storm blows her up into the sky, she gets her chance.

Brooke, L. Leslie
A Mother pig sends her three little pigs out to seek their fortune. In the process, two little pigs are eaten by a wolf. The third little pig outsmarts the wolf, then eats him for dinner.

Stevens, Kathleen
Tom roams the countryside charming the farmers' wives and tricking farmers out of fruits and vegetables. He meets his match in a plain-faced, sharp tongued farmer's daughter.

Mahy, Margaret
Norman was a good swimmer who was upset with all of the other swimmers who got in his way. He pretended he was a shark to get them out of his way.