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Little white duck
Whippo, Walt
A little white duck and his friends, little green frog, little black bug, and little red snake enjoy spending their time playing and swimming in the water.

Fish in the air
Wiese, Kurt
Little fish owned everything that looked like a fish. One day he makes his dad buy him the biggest fish kite. The kite is caught by a gust of wind and little fish is taken into the air and dropped into a fish net in the nearest pond.

Madeline's rescue (Le sauvage de madeline)
Bemelmans, Ludwig
In an orphanage, a little girl named Madeline falls in a pond and is saved by a dog. The children want to keep the dog, but the school does not allow pets. After the inspection, they keep the dog anyway.

Cotton mill town
Hershey, Kathleen
A little girl tells about her visit with her grandma. She wishes she too could live in the cotton mill town. She tells of all the things they do until it is time for her to return home. She enjoys picking berries and peaches, gardening, and fishing.

Going for oysters
Adams, Jeanie
An Australian girl tells how she fishes for oysters and fish. It is a long and dangerous job. The whole family enjoys eating the fish that she catches.

Dear rebecca, winter is here
George, Jean Craighead
Someone is writing a letter to a friend to remind her that winter is here again. She also reminds her that summer will be back.

Look at the moon
Garelick, May
A boy looks at the moon and how bright it is. He wonders whether the same moon shines everywhere.

Where the river begins
Locker, Thomas
Two young boys ask their grandfather about the source of the river that runs by his place. They go on a camping trip to the top of the mountain in order to find the answer.

Maestro, Betsy//Maestro, Giulio
A child describes his journey across a river on a ferryboat. He explains how cars and people can travel on it and describes the pretty sights in the water.

The seashore book
Zolotow, C.
A mother's story helps a little boy imagine the sights and sounds of the seashore, even though he's never seen the ocean.

Where the forest meets the sea
Baker, Jeannie
A boy travels with his father to a special place where no people are. While on this trip, the boy wonders what will happen in the future to nature and the environment.

Coral island
Mordivnoff, Nicolas
Terii dreams of growing bigger so he can become a pearl-shell diver like his Uncle Teopu. Uncle Teopu always tells Terii that he will grow bigger when Teopu's hat is all worn out. Whe Terii saves the hat from Kaveka, Uncle Teopu let Terii paddle the canoe. After he saves Teopu from a shark, Terii is ready to become a diver.

Our granny
Wild, Margaret
While some grannies have thin legs or fat kneees, and some grannies wear pantsuits or baggy underwear, and some grannies drive trucks or write books, this granny is special.

Otto shares a giggle
Morey, Kathleen
This is a rhyming book which describles a giggle beginning at the toes and moving all over the body of the boy Otto who enjoys laughing.

Belinda's bouquet
Newman, Leslea
A chubby little girl has difficulty understanding why all people have different shapes and sizes. Her friend's mom tells a story that helps Belinda understand how people are different. Belinda ends up feeling good about herself.

Herbert hated being small
Kuskin, Karla
Herbert hates being small, and Philomel hates being tall. They meet and see that they are the same height. They then understand that size is based on perspectives such as who you are standing next to.

The foot book
Seuss, Dr.
There are all kinds of different feet. People use their feet for different things and also their feet can be used for the same things.

The best-loved doll
Caudill, Rebecca
Betsy is invited to a party and can bring one doll. The doll should be dressed well, do something, or be old. Instead of taking one of these dolls, Betsy took Jennifer. Although Jennifer did not fit the party requirements, she was awarded a medal for being the best-loved doll at the party.

Here are my hands
Martin, Bill//Archambault, John
All the body parts are used for something, Here are my hands for catching and throwing. Here are my feet for stopping and going. Read on to find out about the other body parts!

Whose nose is this?
Van Gelder, Richard
People and animals have noses. Can you guess which nose belongs to whom?What is that nose used for?

Winthrop, Elizabeth
There are different types of shoes for various purposes such as skating, swimming, walking, and skipping. We can do many fun activities in so many fun shoes -- especially with your own feet.

I know how we fight germs
Rowan, Kate
How do we get sick?Join Sam and his mom as they talk about germs and their bodies. Help them figure out how bodies fight off enemy germs.

Andrew's loose tooth
Munsch, Robert
Andrew's tooth is loose and he can't eat breakfast until it comes out. Mom tries, dad tries, the dentist tries, and even the tooth fairy tries, but the tooth won't come out. Will his best friend's final plan work to get Andrew's tooth out?

The hokey pokey
La Prise, Larry
Children have fun engaging in a musical game where they sing and put different parts of their bodies in and out of the circle to do the hokey pokey.

Mary louise loses her manners
Cuneo, Diane
Mary Louise loses her manners during breakfast one day and goes on a journey to find them all around town. Through the journey, the importance of manners becomes a reality for Mary Louise while at the restaurant, doctor's office, and library.

Frank was a monster who wanted to dance
Graves, Keith
Frank wants to dance. He puts on his best clothes and some ants in his pants and heads to the theatre. Once on stage, Frank dazzles the audience with his dancing. Everyone is impressed, until Frank starts to fall apart--literally!It doesn't matter to him, he can dance!

Pete's a pizza
Steig, William
When Pete is in a bad mood, his dad makes him into a pizza. As each ingredient is assembled, Pete becomes more and more cheerful until he is laughing and running out the door to play football with his friends.

Nate the great and the crunchy christmas
Sharmat, Marjorie Weinman//Sharmat, Craig
When Annie's dog, Fang, is unhappy, everyone is unhappy, especially Nate the Great. When Fang's Christmas mail turns up missing, Nate agrees to help solve the mystery of the missing card. Join Nate the Great in solving this holiday case in time for Fang to have a crunchy Christmas.

Bones, bones, dinosaur bones
Barton, Byron
Six small paleontologists search for bones. They dig, find, load and take the bones to a museum where they carefully put the bones together to form the dinosaur Tyrannosaurus Rex.

Someday with my father
Buckley, Helen E.//Eagle, Eleen
A little girl has many dreams of things she would like to do with her father. She is not able to do them because she has a broken leg. She will have fun when the cast comes off.

X-rays and other fun things
Scarry, Richard
Huckle and Lowly are learning all sorts of fun things. First, they visit the doctor and learn about x-rays. Then they learn about making bread. Finally, they practice safety outside playing in the sun and while walking to the grocery store.

Hooray for diffendoofer day!
Prelutsky, Jack
Everyday the students at Diffendoofer School learn many new things. They become worried though, when they discover that they must pass a special test. They pass with no problems and Diffendoofer Day is declared!

Stella louella's runaway book
Ernst, Lisa Campbell
Stella Louella cannot seem to find her library book that is due at 5:00 All day, she tracks down its whereabouts along with others in the community who have seen the book along its trip. Find out where the book ends up.

The house of wisdom
Heide, Florence Parry//Gilliland, Judith Heide
The House of Wisdom, an ancient library in Baghdad, is the center for new ideas and a quest for knowledge from all parts of the world. As scholars study and translate the ancient manuscripts, one boy, Ishaq, learns the wisdom on Aristotle through his expedition and a special book.

How my library grew, by dinah
Alexander, Martha
There is a new library being built near Dinah's house. She watched it get larger and could not wait for it to open. When it did she wanted to get a card of her own, so Dinah learned how to write her name and got her own library card.

The library
Stewart, Sarah
Elizabeth Brown spends her whole life buying and reading books because she loves them so much. When she realizes that there is no room for books in her house, she decides to give them all away so others can enjoy them too.

Too many books
Bauer, Caroline Feller
Maralou loved books and received them on all occasions. Soon she had too many books and did not know what to do. She decided to give them away and now all the children in towns nearby were reading books too.

At the library
Loomis, Christine
An exciting trip to the library takes you through many activities -- from looking for books, to checking the computer, to playing with blocks, to listening to fun stories. You will find so much at the library.

Mama talks too much
Russo, Marisabina
It's Saturday morning, which means Celeste and her Mama make a trip to the market!As they walk through their urban neighborhood, Celeste and her Mama stop every few minutes. Mama always stops to talk, talk, talk with her friends. Will they ever make it to the market?

An apartment's no place for a kid
Knox-Wagner, Elaine
Kelly and her mom move out of a house and into an apartment when her mom gets transferred after their divorce. Kelly struggles with the lifestyle in an apartment. She handles a confusing situation which shows her the advantages to living in an apartment.

Evan's corner
Hill, Elizabeth Starr
Evan needs a place of his own so he fixes up a corner in his house with pictures, furniture, and pet turtles!When Evan is done with his corner, he decides to help his siblings fix up their corners!

Gabrielle and selena
Desbarats, Peter
Gabrielle and Selena are tired of the same routine everyday. They switch places for the evening, and their parents play a trick on them. Be ready for a funny ending.

There's nothing to do
Stevenson, James
Mary Ann and Louie are really bored, but a story about their Grandpa and his brother when they were young and bored, keeps them busy for awhile.

Nothing ever happens on my block
Raskin, Ellen
Chester Filbert sits on the curb outside his house and thinkds about how boring his block is. He imagines the kinds of exciting things that he would like to happen on his block. While he sits and dreams, the neighbors on his block are busy catching burglars, putting out fires and much more.

There's a little bit of me in jamey
Amadeo, Diana M.
Jamey has leukemia and becomes very sick. His brother feels like his family cares more about Jamey than they do him. His mother assures him that he is loved just as much as Jamey. When Jamey needs a bone marrow transplant he agrees to be the donor.

Angel mae
Hughes, Shirley
The event of a birth in her family and preparations for a Christmas play cause Mae to be anxious. Mae's courage helps her to make decisions to solve her problems.

The angel with a mouth-organ
Mattingly, Christobel
Ingrid asks her mother to tell the story about their glass angel on their Christmas tree. The mother describes her childhood during World War II and shows how the angel came to symbolize a new beginning in their lives.

Bad day at riverbend
Allsburg, Chris Van
The small town of Riverbend is under siege by omnipresent forces in this wonderful tale.

Selina, the mouse and the giant cat
Bohdal, Susi
A little girl named Selina has a fantastic dream about a mouse that becomes her friend and a cat that comes to eat him. Selina runs away from the cat in fear, but eventually must face the cat and protect the mouse.

Swimmy (Nnadarin)
Lionni, Leo
Swimmy was the fastest fish in his school. When all the other fish in his school get eaten by a new big fish, he explores by himself until he finds a new school of fish. He then teaches his new school how to swim close together so that they look like the biggest fish of all and will scare away the other big fish.