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Nicky and the big, bad wolves
Gorbachev, Valeri
Little Nicky is having a bad dream when his cries for help wake everyone up. After telling his mom about the dream, Nicky realizes it wasn't as bad as it seemed. He scared his brothers and sisters though, so mom has to go outside and pretend to get rid of the scary wolves so everyone can sleep.

Gordon, Gaelyn
Mabel makes friends with a very odd duck who thinks he is a cat.

The supermarket mice
Gordon, Margaret
The mice of the supermarket are happy and content until one day a cat invades their space. Although they make a few mistakes, the mice learn how to deal with the cat.

Happy birthday, crystal
Gordon, Shirley
Two girls get together to celebrate Crystal's birthday. They play many games and open presents.

The doubtful guest
Gorey, Edward
A guest becomes unwelcome in his hosts' home by doing silly and strange things. The hosts learn to accept him and to enjoy their company.

The frog who wanted to be a singer
Goss, Linda
Frog wants to do something no frog has ever done before; sing!He practices and practices until he gets so tired of keeping his talent to himself, he decides to go out into the forest to sing. What he finds is no one believes a frog can sing, so frog has to keep going until someone gives him a chance.

Taking diabetes to school
Gosselin, Kim
Jayson explains how having diabetes effects his day, but doesn't stop him from doing what other kids do. Like most kids, Jayson loves to play at recess and take part in gym class.

Zoo allergy: A fun story about allergy and asthma triggers
Gosselin, Kim
Justin goes to the allergist for the first time. He has to be tested to see if he has any allergies. The tests are quick and painless. For doing so well at the doctor, Justin's mom takes him and his friend Ashley to the zoo for the day. While at the zoo, Justin, his mom, and Ashley play a fun game. They try to find as many allergy triggers as they can. How many zoo allergy triggers can you find?

Taking asthma to camp: A fictional story about asthma camp
Gosselin, Kim
Justin is scared to leave his parents for the first time to travel to camp. Asthma camp turns out to be a place he greatly enjoys. He learns about asthma and its effects on his body. By the end of the week Justin leaves camp but he can't wait until the following year to come back.

Taking seizure disorders to school: A story about epilepsy
Gosselin, Kim
Jamie is a girl who has a seizure disorder. Jamie explains what happens when she has a seizure and shares how others can help her.

The abc's of asthma: An asthma alphabet book for kids of all ages
Gosselin, Kim
Having asthma is never easy. Come learn the basics of asthma through the alphabet: A is for asthma, B is for bronchial tubes, C is for can't catch, and D is for dust mites.

Trick-or-treat for diabetes: A halloween story for kids living with diabetes
Gosselin, Kim
Halloween is quickly approaching. Sarah is feeling sad because she knows that she cannot eat as many sweets as her friends. This is because Sarah has diabetes. Sarah and her mother eventually learn that Halloween is not all about candy; it's about having fun.

Sportsercise: A school story about exercise-induced asthma
Gosselin, Kim
This book looks at exercise and how it can induce asthma. It explains that some children may have this problem, but encourages them to participate in physical activities.

Smoking stinks
Gosselin, Kim
Maddie and Alex get the facts about smoking!They learn the truth by interviewing Maddie's grandpa, Norman. His mistakes intrigue their class's journey to stay healthy and live smoke-free.

Taking asthma to school
Gosselin, Kim
Justin has asthma so he explains a day in his life to his classmates. Justin takes special medicine to help him breathe. But he is like any other child his age: he likes to play with his friends, go outside at recess, and take part in gym class just like any other kid.

What is red?
Gottlieb, Suzanne
Many illustrations and simple words show all the different colors, including the fun color red.

The day we saw the sun come up
Goudey, Alice
A brother and sister witness their first sunrise. After spending the entire day frolicking in the sun, their mother teaches them about the Earth, the sun, day, night, and clouds.

Grandpa's slide show
Gould, Deborah
Sam and Douglas love visiting their grandparents. When they are at their grandparents house, they always watch old slides. However, this is interrupted for a while when their Grandfather dies and they learn to deal with death.

Christmas in catland
Goyder, Alice
Two sister cats and their family celebrate the holidays.

Timothy turtle
Graham, Al
A turtle is tired of the everyday routine of life, and decides to try and climb a hill. He goes through many struggles and failures to get to the top of the hill, but finds happiness once he succeeds.



Graham, Bob
Max is the son of the legendary superheroes Captain Lightning and Madam Thunderbolt. His family has high expectations for him to follow in their footsteps and become a superhero too. Now he just needs to learn how to fly. After many persistent tries, Max still can't keep himself off the ground. His family is supportive and determined to get him to fly. Will this confidence be enough to help him fly like the birds?

Greetings from sandy beach
Graham, Bob
A young girl and her family go camping at the beach. They make new friends and do interesting things such as playing different games at the beach.

Benny: An adventure story
Graham, Bob
Benny is a very talented magician's assisstant. When he outshines the magician though, he is kicked out of the show. For the first time, Benny is on his own and he doesn't know where to go or what to do. He searches everywhere for a place to belong. In the last place he looks, Benny finds the perfect home.

Queenie, one of the family
Graham, Bob
A rescued hen becomes a member of a young girl's family. Even though they take the hen back to the farm where she lives, the hen returns to the house everyday so that her chicks can grow up along with the family.

Rose meets mr. wintergarten
Graham, Bob
Rose's nice cheerful family moves next door to Mr. Wintergarten, a man who has not seen daylight in years. When Rose's ball goes over the fence, despite many warnings, she retrieves it. She brings cookies to Mr. Wintergarten and becomes his friend. Mr. Wintergarten is less lonely.

Vanilla ice cream
Graham, Bob
A young curious sparrow escapes from the truck stop and makes his way through an eventful journey to find food. The adventure leads him to Edie Irvine and his grandparents, including the moment of Edie's first taste of vanilla ice cream!

Song of the boat
Graham, Lorenz
An African father and a son from West Africa build a boat from a special tree. They work together to find the perfect tree to use.

Benjy's boat trip
Graham, Margaret Bloy
A little dog's family leave him alone to go on a cruise. The dog feels lonely and attempts to board another ship to find his family. Once he realizes he is in the wrong ship, he tries to make the best of the situation. Then he returns home to his family.

Mr. bear's chair
Graham, Thomas
Mr. Bear makes another chair for Mrs. Bear after it breaks at breakfast. Mr. Bear spends the whole day making a new chair for her. Then his chair breaks at dinnertime.

The open road
Grahame, Kenneth
Little animals have differing opinions on exploration of nature. They cannot come to one consensus, so they all go off and do their own thing.

Little toot on the thames
Gramatky, Hardie
A small tug boat feels insignificant until his adventures lead him to a situation in which he becomes the hero and is happy.

Gramatky, Hardie
Bolivar, is a clumsy donkey who dilligently tries to live up to his namesake, the famous hero of South America. At the city's fiesta, Bolivar proves himself worthy of his name when he saves his owner Pepito and others from a raging bull.

Hercules: The story of an old-fashioned fire engine
Gramatky, Hardie
A fire engine seems to be the most modern vehicle of the times, but is soon replaced by the car. The car is more modern and sophisticated.

Sparky: The story of a little trolley car
Gramatky, Hardie
A trolley's imagination keeps his repetitive job exciting but also gets him into trouble sometimes. At last the town council decides to turn him into a diner. He saves the day and is rewarded in the end.

Little toot
Gramatky, Hardie
Little Toot is known only to play, but when he decides to work, no one lets him. So he drifts away to the ocean where he saves a big liner who gets stuck between rocks.

Granstrom, Brita & Manning, Mick
Yuck! shows us some of the animal world's most interesting babies, along with what they love to eat for supper! Let's look at what human babies eat!

A cow for jaya
Grant, Eva
Jaya, a young boy in India, desperately wants a cow for his family. However, when his parents buy Khubi, the cow, Jaya is disappointed because she is so ugly. Despite Khubi's physical apperance, she and Jaya develop a close friendship when Khubi saves Jaya from trouble.

The blue faience hippopotamus
Grant, Joan Marshall
A hippopotamus falls in love with an Egyptian princess. He finds a magician who turns him into a statue. The princess discovers the statue and there is a surprise ending.

Up home
Grant, Shauntay
A young woman of African decent recalls her childhood in her native homeland of Preston, Canada. She remembers long hot days of summer playing with cousins, singing on Sunday mornings, climbing trees and picking blueberries. Gatherings with her family are special celebrations.

Frank was a monster who wanted to dance
Graves, Keith
Frank wants to dance. He puts on his best clothes and some ants in his pants and heads to the theatre. Once on stage, Frank dazzles the audience with his dancing. Everyone is impressed, until Frank starts to fall apart--literally!It doesn't matter to him, he can dance!

Cluck's clock
Gray, Kes
Day begins on the farm at 4 o'clock in the morning. The chickens stretch and begin breakfast followed by laying their eggs from 6 to 8 oï¾’clock. At 2 o'clock, they play a game of hide-and-seek, and then visit the horses before dinner. As the sun sets, the chickens return to the coop and await the fox. When the fox arrives, a chicken lures him to a hole in the door then dirt is thrown on him to scare him away. At midnight, the chickens say good night.

Dear Willie Rudd
Gray, Libba Moore
Elizabeth remembers a wonderful woman named Willie Rudd that had an extraordinary impact on her childhood. Elizabeth writes a letter to Willie Rudd to tell her that she loves her and apologizes for any wrongs committed due to Willie's race.

Small green snake
Gray, Libba Moore
Small green snake, an adventurous garter snake, learns a big lesson about obedience. Instead of napping with his family, he wanders off and experiences a series of dangerous occurrences.

My mamma had a dancing heart
Gray, Libba Moore
A ballerina remembers how she developed a dancing heart just like her mother's. After each dance, both mother and daughter shared in a special moment for that season. For example, the autumn dance would be a leaf-kicking leg lifting, hand clapping, hello autumn ballet, and afterwards, they would press leaves and drink hot tea spiced.

When uncle took the fiddle
Gray, Libba Moore
Stretching and yawning with slumberous faces a family seems so sleepy and sluggish... until Uncle puts the rappa-tap-tap back in their step with the cheerful music he plays on his fiddle. Soon every generation of the family is singing, dancing, and frolicking around the house.

Little lil and the swing-singing sax
Gray, Libba Moore
Little Lil lives with her mom Big Lil and her saxophone playing uncle. Everyone loves the sound of Uncle Sudi Man's sax!One day, Big Lil becomes ill and Uncle Sudi Man must sell his saxophone to pay for the medicine. Everyone is so sad until Little Lil saves the day!

It'll come out of the wash
Gray, Nigel
A father helps to teach his little girl that it is alright not to be perfect.

A country far away
Gray, Nigel
This is a story comparing two young boys who live in Africa and the United States. Their lives are identical even though they live in different countries.

A balloon for grandad
Gray, Nigel
Sam lost his balloon out the back door. At first he was sad, but his father reminded him of his grandfather Abdulla who lived very far away. Sam thought about how his balloon might travel to his grandfather and make him very happy.

Where's my share?
Greeley, Valerie
A robin asks where's the wheat milled into flour, where's the flour baked into bread, where's my share?