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Anholt, Laurence
Marie dreams of being a famous dancer until one day her chance of being in the Christmas show diminishes when her father becomes ill. Marie begins to model for a painter to earn money for her family's lost income. One day, Maria's sculpture shows up in the art museum and becomes the famed sculpture of Edgar Degas.
Hunter, Ryan Ann
Explore many types of robots in the world today and the diverse things that they can do, from working in the home to performing tasks at the bottom of the sea.
Trottier, Maxine
As a child, Emily watched her mother endure physical abuse. One night Emily's mom awakens her and she is only allowed to take her teddy bear. They go to a house with many mothers and children. All of them are watched over by a lady named Jane. Emily and her mother stay for awhile, then leave to move into their new apartment.
Brenner, Barbara
The prince carries an old pink blanket around with him at all times. It makes the prince feel safe, brave, and happy to carry the blanket. The king decides no kids are allowed to carry blankets. The king is shown a film of when he was a kid and that he too carried a blanket. Finally, the king allows the children to have their blankets back.
Eastman, P.D.
A baby bird hatched out of the egg and found no mother in the nest. The bird went out searching for his mother. After asking various animals, the bird returns to the nest where his mother is waiting to give him a worm. Written in Spanish and English.
Johnson, Jane
A little boy packs his bag with his special belongings and runs away. In his travels, he comes in contact with bad creatures, but in the end he isn't hurt and goes back home.
Johnson, Angela
A young boy and his granddaddy spend a lot of time doing different activities together. For example, they fish, go to the ocean, play cards, talk to people, and learn about the past.
Wild, Margaret//Tegge, David
Tom is anxious and excited for his first day of kindergarten. When he finally arrives, he does not want his family to leave and insists they stay with him. The next day, Tom feels grown up but now his parents do not want to leave kindergarten.
Gilson, Jamie
Two brothers are always putting each other up to things. These two boys begin their day inside playing the game at which the older brother is winning. They end up outside fishing where the younger boy is most comfortable.
Bunting, Eve
Goose is a family pet, but the only person he really likes is mom. He does not like dad because dad threatens him all the time. Goose fights off a raccoon and the dad's attitude changes.
Fine, Anne
Sometimes when a single parent works so much, their children may feel a bit neglected. Single parents are loving parents too.
Horner, Althea
Mary Ellen was unsure whether or not her parents would love her when she grew up. After her parents found out the problem, they helped her to feel secure.
Hughes, Shirley
Abel Grable returns from his work greeted by his family. When he tells them all about his adventures, his children only want to hear more. Before he sets out on his next outing for work, he writes his stories down. As he is away, his children take his writing table and create a certain machine that lets them be with their dad all the time while he's gone.
Aylesworth, Jim
In the middle of the night, a little boy wakes up suddenly because of a bad dream. He falls out of bed and is extremely frightened. His parents rush in to help him. After comforting words from his parents, he goes back to sleep realizing that it was just a bad dream.
Paterson, Katherine
A very mean cow named Rosie is sold by her owners. Five-year-old Marvin gets extremely upset when his parents move.
Munsch, Robert
A mother loves her son. No matter how frustrated she becomes with him, every night she says that she will love him forever. He carried this on and said the same thing to his daughter.
Ormerod, Jan
A little girl has bad dreams and wants to be near her mom and dad to feel secure. When they try to put her to sleep, the parents get more and more sleepy.
Waber, Bernard
Ira has to make a tough decision about a bear, and just does not know what to do. The sleep over proves to be stressful, but it finds a way to work itself out.
Yolen, Jane
Danina's father does not want her to experience life's harshnesses or sorrows. She is surrounded only by beauty. Then, the wind comes and tells her of another world. She accepts it's challenge by setting out to discover the real world and broadening her sheltered life.
Ziefert, Harriet
In an effort to find the perfect pet which he believes he should be able to ride, a countryman exchanges his dog for a mare. However he soon finds that the mare is not what he expected which begins a long series of unsuccessful pet exchanges, including a goat, a sheep, a cow, and a rooster among others. In the end, however, the countryman makes a successful exchange, in which he acquires his dog who is always by his side.
Keller, Holly
Geraldine the pig does not want to give up her blanket. So when she gets a doll for Christmas, she makes a dress out of her blanket so she can take it with her.
Asch, Frank
A new character is added to the story of the three little pigs, changing the tale to four little pigs. The fourth pig saves his brothers from the wolf by being resourceful.
Bamcroft, Catherine//Coale, Hannah
Felix loves that orange hat and takes it everywhere he goes. He dreams that a turtle brings him his hat. However, it was really his brother, Fred, who brings him the hat.
Butler, Dorothy
Brown bear Barney goes with his owner, a little girl, everywhere. The little girl's mother told her that bears do not go to school. The little girl does not listen and takes the bear to school.
King, Dorthea
Rex Q.C. is a dog that belongs to the queen of England. He is allowed to follow the queen wherever she goes. He follows her to goverment parties, garden parties and other special occasions.