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Rachel, a Hutterite girl
Maendel, Rachel
A young Hutterite girl named Rachel explores her farm home. On her journey, she learns facts about the natural world as well as the social traditions and cultural customs of her Hutterite family and community.

Park, Linda Sue
Animal sounds in different languages such as Turkish, Chinese and Hindu are shared. Open the flap to find out what animal it is.

New York is English, Chattanooga is Greek
Raschka, Chris
New York is planning a party and invites other cities such as: El Paso, Minneapolis, and Chicago. Learn how different cities got their names.

Bartleby Speaks!
Cruise, Robin
Bartleby is a very quiet baby. He learns to crawl, walk and explore, but he still doesn't talk. His family and even the dog try to get him to talk by singing, dancing, playing instruments, but Bartleby still won't speak. On his birthday he speaks his first word: listen, and for the first time his family stops and listens.

Let the celebrations begin
Wild, Margaret//Vivas, Julie
Miram and the women of the camp make toys for children from material scraps and buttons. They plan for a celebration when the soldiers come to free them from the German camp.

Hopscotch around the world
Lankford, Mary D.
Nineteen different ways of playing hopscotch from around the world are presented along with directions, drawings of the different patterns, and a brief history of the game.

Flowers on the wall
Nerlove, Miriam
During 1938 in Poland, Rachel and her family are struggling to survive along with other Jews in the area. Her father loses his store, Rachel and her brother stop going to school, and they have nothing to eat. Rachel paints flowers on their apartment walls to pass the time.

The lily cupboard
Oppenheim, Shulamaith
Miriam, who is Jewish, must go live with another family in the country because the Germans are killing the Jews. She learns a new life in the country and successfully hides when the soldiers come to look for her.

Seven brave women
Hearne, Betsy
A young girl tells the story of her family's history. She explains how each of her female ancestors played a very important role in the shaping of this family's history.

The number on my grandfather's arm
Adler, David A.
A little girl's grandpa comes over to her house to babysit her. She sees a number on his arm. She asks about it and he tells her about when he was young and in a concentration camp in Germany.

The christmas train
Gantschev, Ivan
Translated from German, this is a true story of a young girl whose wise actions saved many passengers on a train.

My daddy was a soldier: A world war II story
Ray, Deborah Kogan
While Jeannie's daddy is away fighting in the Pacific, Jeannie plants a Victory garden, collects scraps to help the war effort, and sends her daddy letters. She awaits his safe return.

Hattie and the wild waves
Cooney, Barbara
Hattie is a child of German immigrants. She has the courage to pursue her goal of becoming an artist.

Open me...i'm a dog
Spielgelman, Art
The dog narrating this story explains the wizard's curse and many other adventures that turn him into this book. He longs for the curse to be broken and for someone to save him from being the pages of a book. He wants someone to give him a loving home.

A visit to oma
Russo, Marisabina
A young girl visits her great-grandmother, Oma, every Sunday. She cannot understand her grandmother's language and makes up stories in her head to fit her great grandmother's gestures.

The ring and the window seat
Hest, Amy
Stella, a young girl, saved nickels for weeks to buy a ring. Eventually, she gives it all away so she can help a girl come to the United States from Germany during WWII.