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Rachel, a Hutterite girl
Maendel, Rachel
A young Hutterite girl named Rachel explores her farm home. On her journey, she learns facts about the natural world as well as the social traditions and cultural customs of her Hutterite family and community.

Lorenz, Albert // Schleh, Joy
A home is a place where people go to feel secure and comfortable. Home is a place of belonging and shelter. Learn interesting facts and details of history by examining different types of home structures from B.C. to the nineteen hundreds. From the Egyptians to the Eskimos, a variety of culture and famous folks are explored.

Good morning, let's eat!
Badt, Karin Luisa
What's for breakfast in Switzerland?Where did the word breakfast originate?Discover the answers to these questions and many more about morning foods. In some countries, breakfast is the biggest meal of the day, and in others it is very small.

Shoes, shoes, shoes
Morris, Ann
A rhyme about shoes from all over the world ranges from new shoes to work shoes, game shoes to fun shoes.

The lily cupboard
Oppenheim, Shulamaith
Miriam, who is Jewish, must go live with another family in the country because the Germans are killing the Jews. She learns a new life in the country and successfully hides when the soldiers come to look for her.

The cow who fell in the canal
Krasilovsky, Phyllis
Hendrika is a cow on a farm in Holland. Bored with her everyday routine, Hendrika longs to see the city. One day, she gets that chance and stirs up a lot of commotion in the city.

Rip van winkle
Moses, Will
Could you sleep 20 years of your life away?Well, Rip Van Winkle didn't think he could. One day he was walking around his old familiar town, talking with his old familiar friends, and hunting with his old familar dog. The next day (or so Rip thinks) his old familiar town, friends, and dog are no longer famliar. Come find out what happens when Rip sleeps for 20 years.