Our tree named Steve
Dublin Core
Our tree named Steve
In a letter to his children, a father reflects upon the importance of a good friend and the value of a place to feel safe and secure. The father recalls various memories of his family as it has grown in relationship to a favorite tree that had been part of their lives since they built their home. The tree seems to help the family through many events but does not withstand a huge storm. The father uses the wood to build a tree house to continue its importance to the family.
Zweibel, Alan
G.P. Putman's Sons
Picture Book Entry Item Type Metadata
David Catrow
City of Publication
New York
Year of Publication
Author of Abstract
Abstract provided by Pamela Theurer, 2006
aging, appreciation, camping, caring, change, community, conflict resolution, correspondence, critical thinking, death, decision making, dedication, destruction, dog, emotions, family, feelings, friendship, goal setting, happiness, home, jumping, loss, moving, neighbors, parents, peace, plants, rain, relationship, sadness, safety, seasons, siblings, sleep, spring, storm, storytelling, summer, swinging, tree, verbal communication, weather, winter, writing
Zweibel, Alan, “Our tree named Steve,” Children's Picture Book Database at Miami University, accessed March 14, 2025, https://dlp.lib.miamioh.edu/picturebook/items/show/5807.