A band of angels: A story inspired by the jubilee singers
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A band of angels: A story inspired by the jubilee singers
A young girl listens to a story told by her aunt. Her story is about the young girl's great great grandmother and how she used her voice and dedication to fight for her education after the slaves were freed. The story was also tells how a group of singers toured and sang slave songs. They were trying to save their school, but ended up creating a university.
Hopkinson, Deborah
Antheneum Books for Young Readers
Picture Book Entry Item Type Metadata
City of Publication
New York
Year of Publication
Author of Abstract
Abstract provided by Rusty Berner, 2001
african american, assertiveness, author's note, conflict resolution, critical thinking, decision making, family, feelings, goal setting, grandparents, happiness, instruments, money, multicultural, nonverbal communication, sadness, self esteem, sewing, slavery, song, spiritual, stress management, train, transportation, verbal communication
Hopkinson, Deborah, “A band of angels: A story inspired by the jubilee singers,” Children's Picture Book Database at Miami University, accessed March 14, 2025, https://dlp.lib.miamioh.edu/picturebook/items/show/9020.