Pierino and the bell
Dublin Core
Pierino and the bell
Pierino, the son of a church warden in a small village in Tuscany, claims the bell is what brings all the pigeons. On San Colombino Day, Pierino finds a silver egg. The silver egg hatches into a beautiful silver pigeon. Pierino says the bird is his and does not share it with the village. One day, Pierino sets the bird free. Some time later, the village is full of silver eggs for everyone.
Cassedy, Sylvia
Doubleday and Company, Inc.
Picture Book Entry Item Type Metadata
City of Publication
Garden City, NY
Year of Publication
Author of Abstract
Abstract provided by Amy Brumbaugh, 1995
Cassedy, Sylvia, “Pierino and the bell,” Children's Picture Book Database at Miami University, accessed March 16, 2025, https://dlp.lib.miamioh.edu/picturebook/items/show/7805.