When I'm Tired
When I'm Tired
Children; Sleep; Communication; Conflict Resolution; Decision Making; Goal Setting; Relationships; Stress Management; Habits of Health & Habits of Mind (Ubbes, 2008)
National Health Education Standards
Standard 5: Students will demonstrate the ability to use decision-making skills to enhance health.
Performance Indicator for PreK - Grade 2
5.2.1. Identify situations when a health-related decision is needed.
Performance Indicator for Grade 3 - 5
5.5.5. Choose a healthy option when making a decision.
Standard 6: Demonstrate the ability to use goal-setting skills to enhance health.
Performance Indicator for Pre-K - Grade 2
6.2.1. Identify a short-term personal goal and take action towards achieving the goal.
Keyser, Haley
Miami University Libraries
Ubbes, Valerie A. (editor and genre designer); Pikras, Max (translator)
English; Spanish
When I’m Tired
Cuando Estoy Cansado
by Haley Keyser
I decide to go to sleep when I am tired.
Yo decido ir a dormir cuando estoy cansado.
I set a goal to go to sleep at 9 pm every night.
Yo defino para ir a dormir a las nueve de la noche cada noche.
I set a goal to turn off the lights when I am ready to sleep.
Yo defino para apagar las luces cuando estoy listo para dormir.
I manage stress by sleeping with my teddy bear.
Yo manejo mi estrés por durmiendo con mi oso de peluche.
I communicate with my parents when I don’t get enough sleep at night.
Me comunico con mis padres cuando yo no duermo suficiente a la noche.
I decide to rest my head during the day when I feel tired.
Yo decido apoyar mi cabeza durante la día cuando me siento cansado.
When I have a conflict, I will take quiet time to reflect on the problem.
Cuando yo tengo un conflicto, tomaré tiempo de silencio a reflejar sobre el problemo.
I communicate to my friends when I am tired at a sleep over.
Me comunico a mis amigos cuando estoy cansado a fiesta de sueño.
I manage my school stress by getting enough sleep at night.
Yo manejo mi estrés escolar por consiguiendo suficiente sueño por la noche.
I decide to do homework in a quiet room.
Yo decido hacer la tarea en un cuarto tranquilo.
Spanish translations were verified by Max Pikras, a Spanish major, at Miami University, Oxford, OH in 2014.