“Picking” the Right Foods to Make the Right Decision
“Picking” the Right Foods to Make the Right Decision
National Health Education Standards
Standard 5: Students will demonstrate the ability to use decision-making skills to enhance health.
Performance Indicators:
Pre-K-Grade 2:
5.2.1 Identify situations when a health-related decision is needed.
Grades 3-5:
5.5.1 Identify health-related situations that might require a thoughtful decision.
5.5.5 Choose a healthy option when making a decision.
Carlton, Emily
Miami University Libraries
Ubbes, Valerie A. (editor and genre designer); Corner, Alexandra (translator)
English; Spanish
“Picking” the Right Foods to Make the Right Decision
Elegir los Alimentos Correctos A Tomar la Decisión Correcta
By Emily Carlton
I decide to make healthy food choices at school and at home. Would you like to see if I pick the right foods throughout the day?
Decido hacer la elección de alimentos saludables en la escuela y en casa. ¿Te gustaría ver si cojo los alimentos adecuados en todo el día?
I decide to ask my parent to help me pack my lunch for school at least 3 times per week.
Decido preguntarle a mi padre para ayudar a empacar mi almuerzo para la escuela por lo menos 3 veces por semana.
I decide to pick the fruit or vegetable as a side instead of fried foods if I have to buy lunch at school.
Decido a recoger la fruta o verdura como un lado en lugar de alimentos fritos si tengo que comprar el almuerzo en la escuela.
I decide to eat at least 1 cup of fruit each day at lunch.
Decido comer 1 taza de fruta cada día a almuerzo.
I decide to eat an apple with peanut butter as a snack instead of chips.
Decido comer una manzana con mantequilla de maní como bocadillo en vez de papas fritas.
I decide to eat at least 2 kinds of vegetables with hummus to add to my vitamin and protein intake.
Decido comer por lo menos 2 tipos de verduras con hummus para añadir a mi consumo de vitaminas y proteínas.
I decide to try at least 1 new vegetable each time my parents prepare them for me.
Decido probar al menos 1 verdura nueva cada vez que mis padres a prepararse para mí.
I decide to finish my salad before I eat my dinner.
Decido terminar mi ensalada antes de comer mi cena.
I decide to drink 1 cup of milk with dinner instead
of soda so my bones are strong.
Decido beber 1 taza de leche con la cena en lugar
de refresco para que mis huesos son fuertes.
Do you think I picked the right foods to make healthy decisions? (Fruit, veggies, hummus, peanut butter, salad, milk).
¿Crees que yo recogí los alimentos adecuados para tomar decisiones saludables? (Frutas, verduras, puré de garbanzos, mantequilla de maní, ensalada, leche).
Spanish translations were verified by Alexandra Corner, a bi-lingual Spanish and English speaker, at Miami University, Oxford, OH in 2014.