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Life: My Healthy Adventure



National Health Education Standards

Standard 1: Students will comprehend concepts related to health promotion and disease prevention to enhance health.

Performance Indicators:
PreK – Grade 2
1.2.3 Describe ways to prevent communicable diseases.

Standard 4: Students will demonstrate the ability to use interpersonal communication skills to enhance health and avoid or reduce health risks.

Performance Indicators:
PreK – Grade 2
4.2.1 Demonstrate healthy ways to express needs, wants, and feelings.

Standard 5: Students will demonstrate the ability to use decision-making skills to enhance health.

Performance Indicators:
PreK – Grade 2
5.2.1 Identify situations when a health-related decision is needed.
5.2.2 Differentiate between situations when a health-related decision can be made individually or when assistance is needed.

Standard 6: Students will demonstrate the ability to use goal-setting skills to enhance health.

Performance Indicators:
PreK – Grade 2
6.2.1 Identify a short-term personal health goal and take action toward achieving the goal.

Standard 7: Students will demonstrate the ability to practice health-enhancing behaviors and avoid or reduce health risks.

Performance Indicators:
PreK-Grade 2
7.2.1 Demonstrate healthy practices and behaviors to maintain or improve personal health.
7.2.2 Demonstrate behaviors that avoid or reduce health risks.


Piper, Emily


Miami University Libraries




Ubbes, Valerie A. (editor and genre designer); Carballo, Rocio (translator)



English; Spanish






Going out and exploring the world is fun and healthy for me!
¡Para mi, es mucho divertido y bien para la salud salir y explorar el mundo!
by Emily Piper

The world has a lot of germs, and germs are not healthy. Some germs can make me sick.
Hay muchos gérmenes en el mundo y los no son saludes. Algunos gérmenes me hace enfermos.

We need to keep these germs away so that we stay healthy.
Necesitamos deshacerse de estos gérmenes, para que mantenerse la salud.

I decide to wash my hands before I eat and after I use the bathroom.
Decido lavarse los manos antes de comer y después de usar el baño.

I set a goal to brush my teeth for 2 minutes twice a day.
Pongo una meta cepillarme los dientes por 2 minutos dos veces todos los dias.

Spreading germs to friends is a conflict. To resolve this, I cough and sneeze into my elbow.
Dar los gérmenes a los amigos es mal. Para mejorar, voy a toser y estornudar en el codo.

When I feel worried or stressed, I take a deep breath and count to 10.
Cuando me siento preocupado o intranquilo, voy a tomar una respiración profunda y cuente hasta 10.

I communicate with my parents or teacher when I feel sick.
Me communico con mis padres o mi maestro cuando me siento enfermo.

I share my toys, but I do not share my food or drinks.
Yo comparto mis juguetes, pero no comparto mi comida o bebidas.

My world is full of adventures when we keep away the germs! ¡El mundo está lleno de las adventuras si nos alejamos de los gérmenes!

Collection: Electronic Texts


Piper, Emily, “Life: My Healthy Adventure,” Health Literacy Database at Miami University, accessed October 22, 2024,

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