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With My Hands. . .


Physical Activity; Play; Nutrition; Hygiene; Relationships; Body Parts; Children; Habits of Health & Habits of Mind (Ubbes, 2008)


National Health Education Standards

Standard 1:
Students will comprehend concepts related to health promotion and disease prevention to enhance health.

Performance Indicators for Grade 2:
1.2.1 Identify that healthy behaviors impact personal health.

1.2.2 Recognize that there are multiple dimensions of health.

Standard 7:
Students will demonstrate the ability to practice health-enhancing behaviors and avoid or reduce health risks.

Performance Indicator for Grade 2:
7.2.1 Demonstrate healthy practices and behaviors to maintain or improve personal health.


Kistler, Laura; Allen Paige


Miami University Libraries




Ubbes, Valerie (editor and genre designer)




English; Spanish






With My Hands… Com as Minhas Mãos…
By Laura Kistler and Paige Allen

With my hands I say hello.
Eu digo olá.

With my hands, I zip my jacket.
Eu fecho meu casaco.

With my hands, I paint.
Eu pinto.

With my hands, I swing on the monkey bars.
Eu balouço nas barras de macaco.

With my hands, I talk.
Eu falo.

With my hands, I eat.
Eu como.

With my hands, I share my toys.
Eu compartilho meus brinquedos.

With my hands, I throw a frisbee.
Eu lanço um frisbee.

With my hands, I do push-ups.
Eu faço flexões com apoio nos braços.

With my hands, I tie my shoes.
Eu amarro meus sapatos.

With my hands, I brush my teeth.
Eu escovo os meus dentes.

With my hands, I build block towers.
Eu construo torres de bloco.

With my hands, I pet my dog.
Eu acaricio meu cão.

With my hands, I hold my baby sister.
Eu seguro minha irmã de bebê.

With my hands, I wash my hair.
Eu lavo o meu cabelo.

With my hands, I write my name.
Eu escrevo meu nome.

With my hands, I play the piano.
Eu toco piano.

With my hands, I type on the computer.
Eu escrevo no computador.

With my hands, I plant a garden.
Eu planto um jardim.

With my hands, I say goodbye.
Eu despeço-me.

Collection: Electronic Texts


Kistler, Laura; Allen Paige, “With My Hands. . .,” Health Literacy Database at Miami University, accessed December 21, 2024,

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