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What Does My Tongue Like to Taste?


Nutrition; Body Parts; Children; Habits of Health & Habits of Mind (Ubbes, 2008)


National Health Education Standards

Standard 1:
Students will comprehend concepts related to health promotion and disease prevention to enhance health.

Performance Indicators for Grade 2:
1.2.1 Identify that healthy behaviors impact personal health.

1.2.2 Recognize that there are multiple dimensions of health.

Standard 7:
Students will demonstrate the ability to practice health-enhancing behaviors and avoid or reduce health risks.

Performance Indicator for Grade 2:
7.2.1 Demonstrate healthy practices and behaviors to maintain or improve personal health.


Kasula, Mandi; Davidson, Lindsay


Miami University Libraries




Ubbes, Valerie (editor and genre designer)




English; German






What does my tongue like to taste?
By Mandi Kasula and Lindsay Davidson

A list of healthy foods for both your mind and body that every tongue loves to taste in any language.

My tongue likes to taste carrots.
Meine Zunge mag Karotten schmecken.
My tongue likes to taste grapefruit.
Meine Zunge mag Pampelmuse schmecken.
My tongue likes to taste mushrooms.
Meine Zunge mag Pilze schmecken.
My tongue likes to taste lemons.
Meine Zunge mag Zitronen schmecken.
My tongue likes to taste celery.
Meine Zunge mag Sellerie schmecken.
My tongue likes to taste melons.
Meine Zunge mag Melonen schmecken.
My tongue likes to taste peaches.
Meine Zunge mag Pfirsiche schmecken.
My tongue likes to taste peas.
Meine Zunge mag Erbsen schmecken.
My tongue likes to taste tomatoes.
Meine Zunge mag Tomaten schecken.
My tongue likes to taste spinach.
Meine Zunge mag Spinat schmecken.
My tongue likes to taste yogurt.
Meine Zunge mag Joghurt schmecken.
My tongue likes to taste pineapple.
Meine Zunge mag Ananas schmecken.
My tongue likes to taste raspberries.
Meine Zunge mag Himbeeren schmecken.
My tongue likes to taste cherries.
Meine Zunge mag Kirschen schmecken.
My tongue likes to taste oranges.
Meine Zunge mag Apfelsinen schmecken.
My tongue likes to taste salad.
Meine Zunge mag Salat schmecken.
My tongue likes to taste soup.
Meine Zunge mag Suppe schmecken.
My tongue likes to taste strawberries.
Meine Zunge mag Erdbeeren schmecken.
My tongue likes to taste bread.
Meine Zunge mag Brot schmecken.
My tongue likes to taste peppers.
Meine Zunge mag Pfeffer schmecken.

Collection: Electronic Texts


Kasula, Mandi; Davidson, Lindsay, “What Does My Tongue Like to Taste?,” Health Literacy Database at Miami University, accessed March 13, 2025,

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