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Sleep and Relaxation Calm a Stressed Mind



National Health Education Standards:

Standard 2: Students will analyze the influence of family, peers, culture, media, technology, and other factors on health behaviors.

National Foreign Language Standards:

Standard 1: Communicate in languages other than English.
Standard 1.3: Students present, information, concepts, and ideas to an audience of listeners or readers on a variety of topics.

Standard 3: Connect with other disciplines and acquire information.
Standard 3.1: Students reinforce and further their knowledge of other disciplines through foreign language.


Geis, Madeline; Brinson, Kate


Miami University Libraries




Ubbes, Valerie A. (editor and genre designer)




English; Spanish






Sleep and Relaxation Calm a Stressed Mind
by Madeline Geis and Kate Brinson

I manage stress when I manage time, so I have more time to sleep.
Yo manejo el estrés cuando manejo tiempo, así que yo tengo más tiempo para dormir.

I manage stress when I go to bed before midnight.
Yo manejo el estrés cuando me acuesto antes de medianoche.

I manage stress when I allow myself 15 minutes every hour and a half to relax.
Yo manejo el estrés cuando me permito quince minutos cada hora y media para relajarme.

I manage stress when I calmly listen to music.
Yo manejo el estrés cuando escucho música tranquilamente.

I manage stress when I set specific times every day for working and sleeping.
Yo manejo el estrés cuando fijo tiempo específico cada día para trabajar y dormir.

I manage stress when I set a time to wake up.
Yo manejo el estrés cuando fijo un tiempo para despertarme.

I manage stress when I do not use electronic devices when I need to sleep.
Yo manejo el estrés cuando no utilizo los dispositivos electrónicos cuando necesito dormir.

I manage stress when I schedule a 20 minute nap every afternoon.
Yo manejo el estrés cuando programo una siesta de veinte minutos todas las tardes.

I manage stress when I work and complete my assignments at a reasonable hour.
Yo manejo el estrés cuando trabajo y completo mis tareas a un hora razonable.

I manage stress when I sleep at least 8 hours.
Yo manejo el estrés cuando duermo por lo menos ocho horas.

Collection: Electronic Texts


Geis, Madeline; Brinson, Kate, “Sleep and Relaxation Calm a Stressed Mind,” Health Literacy Database at Miami University, accessed March 13, 2025,

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