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I Play Outside



National Health Education Standards

Standard 7: Students will demonstrate the ability to practice health-enhancing behaviors and avoid or reduce health risks.

Performance Indicators
PreK-Grade 2
7.2.1 Demonstrate healthy practices and behaviors to maintain or improve personal health.
7.2.2 Demonstrate behaviors that avoid or reduce health risks.

Grades 3-5
7.5.1 Identify responsible personal health behaviors.
7.5.2 Demonstrate a variety of healthy practices and behaviors to maintain or improve personal health.
7.5.3 Demonstrate a variety of behaviors to avoid or reduce health risks.


Hearty, Cara


Miami University Libraries




Ubbes, Valerie A. (editor and genre designer); Zuccaro, Lily (translator)



English; Spanish






I Play Outside
Puedo jugar afuera
By Cara Hearty

I decide to wear a helmet on my head when riding my bike.
Decido usar un casco en la cabeza mientras montaba en bicicleta.

I set a goal to walk on the sidewalk instead of the road.
Me puse una meta de caminar en la acera en lugar de la carretera.

I will manage my stress by waiting my turn for going down the slide.
Voy a manejar mi estrés esperando mi turno para ir por el tobogán.

I will manage my stress of sunburn by wearing sunscreen when I play outside.
Voy a manejar mi estrés de las quemaduras de sol usando bloqueador solar cuando juego fuera.

I will communicate with my parents every time I play outside with my friends.
Me comunicaré con mis padres cada vez que juego afuera con mis amigos.

I decide to look both ways before crossing the street.
Decido mirar a ambos lados antes de cruzar la calle.

I decide to exercise my whole body when I play outside.
Decido ejercer todo mi cuerpo cuando juego fuera

I set a goal to play outside for at least 60 minutes per day.
Me puse una meta de jugar afuera durante al menos 60 minutos por día.

Remember, when we play outside: We wear helmets when riding a bike.
We walk on the sidewalk.
We wait our turn on the slide.
We wear sunscreen.
We talk to our parents.
We look both ways before crossing a street.

Recuerde, cuando jugamos fuera:
Nos ponemos los cascos al montar en bicicleta.
Caminamos en la acera.
Esperamos nuestro turno en la diapositiva.
Nos ponemos protector solar.
Hablamos con nuestros padres.
Miramos a ambos lados antes de cruzar una calle.

Spanish translations were verified by Lily Zuccaro, a Spanish minor at Miami University, Oxford, Ohio in 2014.

Collection: Electronic Texts


Hearty, Cara, “I Play Outside,” Health Literacy Database at Miami University, accessed February 8, 2025,

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