Healthy Kids, Happy Kids!
Healthy Kids, Happy Kids!
National Health Education Standards
Standard 1: Students will comprehend concepts related to health promotion and disease prevention to enhance health.
Performance Indicators for PreK – Grade 2:
1.2.1 Identify that healthy behaviors impact personal health.
Standard 5: Students will demonstrate the ability to use decision-making skills to enhance health.
Performance Indicators for PreK – Grade 2:
5.2.1 Identify situations when a health-related decision is needed.
Standard 6: Students will demonstrate the ability to use goal-setting skills to enhance health.
Performance Indicators for PreK – Grade 2:
6.2.1 Identify a short-term personal health goal and take action toward achieving the goal.
Standard 8: Students will demonstrate the ability to advocate for personal, family, and community health.
Performance Indicators for PreK – Grade 2:
8.2.1 Make requests to promote personal health.
Zurawski, Madison
Miami University Libraries
Ubbes, Valerie A. (editor and genre designer); Roskam, Frances (translator)
English; Spanish
Healthy Kids, Happy Kids!
By Madison Zurawski
I decide to eat a banana every morning for breakfast.
Cada mañana decido comer un plátano para el desayuno.
I set a goal to eat at least 5 fruits or vegetables every day.
Me puso una meta de comer al menos 5 frutas o verduras cada día.
When I have a headache, I will make sure to drink lots of water. Cuando me duele la cabeza, me aseguraré beber mucha agua.
I will communicate with my parents about healthy foods I should eat.
Me comunicaré con mis padres sobre los alimentos saludables que debo comer.
I will choose to eat an apple instead of eating ice cream. Escogeré comer una manzana en lugar de comer el helado.
I decide to put something from almost every food group on my plate for dinner.
Decido poner algo de casi todos los grupos de comida en mi plato para la cena.
I set a goal to eat healthy snacks at snack time such as whole grain cereal.
Me puso una meta de comer bocadillos saludables a la hora del aperitivo, como cereales de grano entero.
I decide to eat whole grain bread for my turkey sandwich at lunch.
Decido comer pan de grano entero para mi sándwich de pavo en el almuerzo.
I decide to put small portions of food on my plate for dinner. Decido poner pequeñas porciones de comida en mi plato para la cena.
I will choose to drink non-fat milk with my cereal for breakfast. Escogeré a beber leche descremada con mi cereal para el desayuno.
Summary Slide
I eat healthy foods everyday so that I can be a happy kid!
¡Como alimentos saludables todos los días para que yo pueda ser un niño feliz!
Spanish translations were verified by Frances Roskam, who studied Spanish for 7 years and has traveled to the Dominican Republic and Costa Rica where she spoke Spanish.