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My Busy Day: I Communicate to Improve My Relationships


Communication; Relationships; Children; Habits of Health & Habits of Mind (Ubbes, 2008)


National Health Education Standards

Standard 4:
Students will demonstrate the ability to use interpersonal communication skills to enhance health and avoid or reduce health risks.

Performance Indicators for Grades 3-5:
4.5.1 Demonstrate effective verbal and nonverbal communication skills to enhance health.

4.5.2 Demonstrate refusal skills that avoid or reduce health risks.

4.5.3 Demonstrate nonviolent strategies to manage or resolve conflict.

4.5.4 Demonstrate how to ask for assistance to enhance personal health.


Martini, Courtney


Miami University Libraries




Ubbes, Valerie (editor and genre designer); Suchowolik, Ewelina (translator)




Englsih, Polish





My Busy Day: I Communicate to Improve My Relationships
By Courtney Martini

In the morning, my mom makes me breakfast and we talk about school.
Rano, moja mama sprawia mi śniadanie i mówimy o szkole.

When I get to school, I go to my classroom and talk with my friends.
Kiedy się do szkoły, przejdź do mojej klasie i pogadac z kumplami.

The librarian is very helpful. He helps me to find the books that I enjoy to read when I ask, and he tells me where to find them. Bibliotekarz jest bardzo pomocne. Pomaga mi znaleźć książki, które lubię czytać, i mówi mi, gdzie je znaleźć.

When I am feeling sick, I go the school nurse. I communicate with her and let her know how I feel.
Kiedy czuję się chory, idę do pielęgniarki szkolnej. Komunikować się z nią i dać jej znać, jak się czuję.

At recess, I talk to my best friend. We love to have races while we play.
W przerwie rozmawiam z moim najlepszym przyjacielem. Kochamy do ras a gramy.

After recess, I sit and listen with my classmates as my teacher teaches and speaks with us about the globe.
Po przerwie siedzieć i słuchać z moich kolegów jak moich nauczycieli uczy i mówi z nami o całym świecie.

After school, I have soccer practice. My coach and teammates tell me to kick the ball. I listen to them.
Po szkole mam praktyki w piłce nożnej. Mój trener i drużyny powiedz mi kopać piłkę. Słucham ich.

Collection: Electronic Texts


Martini, Courtney, “My Busy Day: I Communicate to Improve My Relationships,” Health Literacy Database at Miami University, accessed February 15, 2025,

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