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Making Decisions to Stay Active During Middle School


Decision Making; Physical Activity; Play; Youth; Habits of Health & Habits of Mind (Ubbes, 2008)


National Health Education Standards

Standard 5:
Students will demonstrate the ability to use decision-making skills to enhance health.

Performance Indicators for Grades 6-8
5.8.4 Distinguish between healthy and unhealthy alternatives to health-related issues or problems.

5.8.6 Choose healthy alternatives over unhealthy alternatives when making a decision.

5.8.7 Analyze the outcomes of a health-related decision.


Berg, Jen


Miami University Libraries




Ubbes, Valerie (editor and genre designer); Gorley, Dave (translator)




English; Spanish






Making Decisions to Stay Active During Middle School
By Jen Berg

I decide to play on my school’s soccer team so I can stay active and socialize with my friends.
Decido jugar en el equipo de fútbol de mi escuela para que
pueda mantenerse activo y socializar con mis amigos.

I decide to go on walks in the park with my mom to stay active.
Decido ir de paseo en el parque con mi Mamá para mantenerse activo.

I decide to walk to the bus stop instead of having my mom drop me off, so I can stay active 5 times a week.
Decido ir andando a la parada de autobús en lugar de
tener a mi mamá me dejara para que pueda mantenerse
activo cinco veces a la semana.

I decide to ride my bike in the neighborhood to stay active.
Me decido a montar mi bicicleta en el barrio de mantenerse activo.

I decide to walk the stairs instead of taking the elevator, so I can stay active 7 days a week.
Decido caminar por las escaleras en lugar de tomar
el ascensor para que pueda mantenerse activo todos los días.

I decide to go swimming in the summer to stay active.
Decido ir a nadar en el verano para mantenerse activo.

I decide to walk my dog to stay active.
Me decido a pasear a mi perro a mantenerse activo.

I decide to dance with my friends to stay active.
Me decido a bailar con mis amigos para mantenerse activos.

I decide to play catch with my sister to stay active.
I decide to jump rope to stay active.
Get up and have fun! Decide to stay active!

Collection: Electronic Texts


Berg, Jen, “Making Decisions to Stay Active During Middle School,” Health Literacy Database at Miami University, accessed October 24, 2024,

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