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Going to Sleep: Bed Time Tips for Toddlers and Children



National Health Education Standard

Standard 7: Students will demonstrate the ability to practice health-enhancing behaviors and avoid or reduce health risks.

Performance Indicators
PreK to Grade 2
7.2.1 Demonstrate healthy practices and behaviors to maintain or improve personal health.
7.2.2 Demonstrate behaviors that avoid or reduce health risks.

Grades 3-5
7.5.1 Identify responsible personal health behaviors.
7.5.2 Demonstrate a variety of healthy practices and behaviors to maintain or improve personal health.
7.5.3 Demonstrate a variety of behaviors to avoid or reduce health risks.


Conti, Cassandra


Miami University Libraries




Ubbes, Valerie A. (editor and genre designer); Belanger, Jackie (translator)



English; Spanish






Going to Sleep: Bed Time Tips for Toddlers and Children
De ir a dormir: Consejos Bedtime para bebés y niños
By Cassandra Conti

I set a goal to take a 15 to 30 minute nap in the early afternoon so I have energy for the day.
Me puse una meta para tomar una siesta de 15 a 30 minutos por la tarde, así que tengo la energía para el día.

I decide to take time between dinner and bed time to digest my food and make it easier to sleep.
Decido dar tiempo entre la cena y la hora de dormir para digerir mi comida y que sea más fácil conciliar el sueño.

I decide to prepare my brain for sleep by avoiding electronics.
Decido preparar mi cerebro durante el sueño, evitando la electrónica.

I set a goal to begin my bedtime routine 30 minutes before going to bed.
Me puse una meta para comenzar mi rutina de acostarse 30 minutos antes de irse a la cama.

I set a goal to start a goodnight journal to clear my thoughts for sleep.
Me puse una meta para comenzar una buena revista noche para aclarar mis pensamientos para el sueño.

I set a goal to read a story with my parents every night before bed.
Me puse la meta de leer un cuento con mis padres todas las noches antes de acostarse.

I decide to wear comfortable clothes and use comfortable blankets that do not restrict me.
Decido llevar ropa cómoda y tienen mantas cómodas que no me restringen.

I decide to hug a stuffed animal with my arms to feel safe in bed alone.
Decido abrazar un muñeco de peluche con mis brazos para sentirse seguro en la cama solo.

I decide to go to bed every night at the same time.
Decido ir a la cama todas las noches a la misma hora

Spanish translations were verified by Jackie Belanger, a second year Miami University Student with a minor in Spanish, Oxford, Ohio, 2014.

Collection: Electronic Texts


Conti, Cassandra, “Going to Sleep: Bed Time Tips for Toddlers and Children,” Health Literacy Database at Miami University, accessed October 22, 2024,

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