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My Safety Through the Seasons


Safety; Physical Activity; Play; Body Parts; Children; Habits of Health & Habits of Mind (Ubbes, 2008)


National Health Education Standards

Standard 7:
Students will demonstrate the ability to practice health-enhancing behaviors and avoid or reduce health risks.

Performance Indicators for Pre K - Grade 2:
7.2.1 Demonstrate healthy practices and behaviors to maintain or improve personal health.

7.2.2 Demonstrate behaviors that avoid or reduce health risks.


Gorman, Emily; Jambor, Jessica


Miami University Libraries




Ubbes, Valerie (editor and genre designer); Gunther, Caroline (translator)




English; Swedish






My Safety Through the Seasons
By Emily Gorman and Jessica Jambor

Fall (Höst)
When I walk to school, I always make sure I have a buddy
to walk with.
I use my eyes to scan both ways before I cross the street to
make sure it’s clear of cars.
I always use my ears to listen to the crossing guard
because she keeps me safe.

Winter (Vinter)
Before I go out to play in the snow, I remember to cover
my hands, face and skin to keep me safe and warm.
When I sled, I use my eyes to scan the area to see if it is clear of people and objects so no one gets hurt.
If I feel wet and cold, I go inside to warm my body up to keep from getting sick.
Om jag känner mig blöt och kall, går jag in för att värma
min kropp för att skydda mig från att bli sjuk.

Spring (Springa)
I make sure to ride my bike on the right side of the road so cars can see me biking.
Jag ser till att cykla på höger sida av vägen, så bilarna
kan se mig cykla.

Summer (Sommar)
Before I go swimming, I make sure to use my hands to cover
my whole body with sun block to protect my skin from the
I never swim by myself. I always swim with an older buddy and have a guardian watch me with their eyes and listen with their ears to keep me safe.
Jag simmar aldrig ensam. Jag simmar alltid med en äldre
kompis och har en badvakt som tittar på mig med sina
ögon och lyssnar med sina öron för att hålla mig säker.
I use my feet to walk slowly and never run near the pool so I do not slip and fall.
Jag använder mina fötter för att gå långsamt och aldrig
springa i närheten av poolen så jag inte halkar och faller.

I stay safe through all the seasons!

Collection: Electronic Texts


Gorman, Emily; Jambor, Jessica, “My Safety Through the Seasons,” Health Literacy Database at Miami University, accessed February 13, 2025,

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