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Making Daily Decisions


Decision Making; Body Parts; Children; Habits of Health & Habits of Mind (Ubbes, 2008)


National Health Education Standards

Standard 5
Demonstrate the ability to use decision-making skills to enhance health.

Performance Indicators for PreK-2
5.2.1 Identify situations when a health-related decision is needed.


Howell, Rachel; Conner, Jessica


Miami University Libraries




Ubbes, Valerie (editor and genre designer); Hernandez, Carlos (translator); Castillo, Juan (translator)




English; Spanish






Making Daily Decisions
by Rachel Howell & Jessica Conner

Did you know that we make many decisions all day long?
¿Sabias que nosotros hacemos toda clase de decisiones todo el día?

From the time we get out of bed in the morning, to the time we lay down in bed at night, we make so many decisions that affect our healthy lives!
Desde el momento que nosotros nos levantamos de la cama y en el momento que nos a costamos tomamos desiciones que afectan a nuestra vida saludable!

When you roll out of bed, do you decide to get up feet first or head first?
¿Cuando te levantas, decides levantarte con los pies o con la cabeza?

When you get dressed for the day, do you decide to put your socks on your feet or your hands?
On your way to school, do you decide to walk on your hands or your feet?
¿En tu camino a la escuela, tu decides caminar con las manos o con tus pies?

At recess, do you decide to hang on monkey bars from your hands or your legs?
At snack time, do you decide to drink your juice with your nose or your mouth?
During art class, do you decide to paint with your hands or your feet?
Do you decide to listen to your teacher with your ears or your nose?
When you go to bed at night, do you decide to lay your head on your pillow or your feet?

Even though some of these options would be silly, we use our brain to make the correct decision on a daily basis.
A pesar de que algunas de estas opciones sería tonto, usar nuestro cerebro para tomar la decisión correcta a una base diaria.

Collection: Electronic Texts


Howell, Rachel; Conner, Jessica, “Making Daily Decisions,” Health Literacy Database at Miami University, accessed March 15, 2025,

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