Health Advocacy Model
The Health Advocacy Model (Ubbes, 2014) assumes foundational knowledges and skills in the social studies and social sciences which build upward toward social advocacy and ultimately, social justice causes. Through formal and informal educational experiences, you develop the capacity to reach the apex of your vocation or calling. As you journey through your professional work, the next step - and the next - involves taking one’s passion to a higher level up the mountain – so that eventually, your life’s work (vocation) and play (avocation) become a consummation of your “calling out” for humanity as you motivate others to join your cause around a social issue.
The pinnacle of your health advocacy experiences often involves multiple journeys of your personal story making integrated with professional theory making to inform your practice (Gk, praxis). Theory-based practice has the potential to motivate and advance the personal and public health practices of human beings of all ages and backgrounds (Ubbes, 2008). When we come together around a common cause, we can learn to move metaphorical mountains for “solving problems and fashioning products that are valued in one or more cultures” (Gardner, 1999).
Gardner, H. (1999). Intelligence reframed: Multiple intelligences for the 21st century. New York: Basic Books.
Ubbes, V.A. (2008). Educating for health: An inquiry-based approach to preK-8 pedagogy. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.
Ubbes, V.A. (2014). Health advocacy model. Available at the Health Advocacy Database at Miami University @