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Secret knowledge of grown-ups
Wisniewski, David
All those rules that grown-ups tell us aren't really true. Like why do you have to comb your hair or why can't you play with your food?Find out about several secret tricks that grown-ups use to get kids to do stuff. Do so quickly before any grown-ups find out that their secrets are being revealed.

Tough cookie
Wisniewski, David
After discovering that his long time partner, Chips, has been eaten by Fingers, Tough Cookie travels to the Top of the Jar to find Fingers and put him away for good. Pecan Sandy shows how she can be a smart cookie in the end.

You're mean, Lily Jean
Wishinsky, Frieda
Sandy always plays with her little sister Carly, but when Lily Jean moves in next door, she has a new friend. Lily Jean never wants to include Carly and bosses her around. When Sandy stands up for her little sister, the three girls learn to play together nicely.

Each one special
Wishinsky, Frieda
Henry, the baker, creates magnificent cakes. No two cakes are alike and his customers love the beautiful decorations. Henry's friend Ben visits Henry and watches him work each day after school. When the bakery is bought by new owners, Henry loses his job. Henry is sad when he can no longer decorate cakes, but only until Ben helps his friend find a new outlet for his creativity.

Morris the moose
Wiseman, B.
Morris thinks that every animal with four legs and a horn is a moose. The cow and deer disagree with him. When they all go to get a drink in the pond, they see that they are all different.

Morris and boris at the circus
Wiseman, B.
Boris takes Morris to the circus where he tries to be an acrobat, a high wire walker, and a lion tamer. In the end, he finds out that he is best at being a clown.

Little frightened tiger
Wisegard, Leonard//Mac Donald, Golden
A little tiger tries to deal with other animals in his habitat. His parents try to assure him that there is nothing to be afraid of. Eventually, he becomes a brave little tiger.

Whisper from the woods
Wirth, Victoria
A small seed falls into the woods. It grows into a beautiful tree and develops friendships with neighboring trees.

Bear and mrs. duck
Winthrop, Elizabeth
Nora loves Bear. They eat lunch, read stories, and sleep next to each other. Bear gets sick so Mrs. Duck comes to babysit. Bear and Mrs. Duck become friends.

Maggie and the monster
Winthrop, Elizabeth
Every night a monster comes into Maggie's room and messes it up. Maggie asks the monster what she wants and the monster tells Maggie that she is looking for her mother. Maggie helps the monster find her mother in the hall closet.

Winthrop, Elizabeth
A young brother and sister are excited that the sledding hill is covered with snow. When they finally get dressed to go outside, they have fun with the other children sledding down the hill.

Winthrop, Elizabeth
There are different types of shoes for various purposes such as skating, swimming, walking, and skipping. We can do many fun activities in so many fun shoes -- especially with your own feet.

I think he likes me
Winthrop, Elizabeth
Eliza's mother brings home her new baby brother. Eliza learns how to play with Andrew.

Dumpy la rue
Winthrop, Elizabeth
Dumpy La Rue is a pig with a passion for dancing. All of the other animals, including his family, keep telling Dumpy that pigs can't dance. But Dumpy doesn't listen and soon all of the animals are dancing with him.

My teacher for president
Winters, Kay
Oliver writes a letter to the local news station to nominate his teacher for president in the next election. He thinks she meets the requirements because she signs important papers, likes white houses, goes to meetings, acts quickly in a crisis, is used to being followed around, wants peace, cares for people and the environment, goes on trips, and deals with the media. The only downfall is he doesnメt want her to leave before the end of the year.

Penguin day
Winteringham, Victoria
Penguins are portrayed as being very similar to human beings. The penguins get up, play, laugh, make friends, eat, exercise, and sleep.

The bear and the fly
Winter, P.
The bear family is eating dinner when a fly interrupts them. The Papa tries to catch the fly but is unsuccessful until the fly flies out he window. (Wordless book).

Winter, Jeanette
Josefina spends her whole life shaping soft clay into a story. She looks out at the world and makes what she sees until her story is complete.

Klara's new world
Winter, Jeanette
Klara's family struggled in Sweden so they moved to America. The long trip and struggles of leaving her home make her sad but with time she became very happy.

The christmas tree ship
Winter, Jeanette
Captain Herman and his crew cut trees in Michigan to deliver to the city of Chicago for Christmas. When a blizzard forms over Lake Michigan, the Captain and his crew disappear. From then on, the Captain's wife and daughters carry out the Christmas Tree Ship tradition for many years.

Sybil's night ride
Winnick, Karen B.
A brave girl takes a brave journey on a horse through the night. Find out how her brave actions helped America while at war with the British.

George hogglesberry grade school alien
Wilson, Sarah
When George begins a new school different from his old planet, he is worried he won't fit in. When the school play comes around, he thinks of a perfect costume to impress his classmates.

Beware the dragons!
Wilson, S.
Tildy sets sail over Spooner Bay, being warned to beware of the dragons. When she encounters the dragons, she finds them friendly, and realizes that they only want to play. She decides to teach the town about the friendly dragons.

Wilson, Jacqueline
Mr. Cool gives a fresh perspective on friendship and accepting people for who they are. There is a focus on emotional and social health which is brought to light in a positive manner. Kids will gain a better view of acceptance of their peers and helping with self esteem. Mr. Cool's band develops health skills, friendship, and confidence as they perform.

Wilson, Christopher
Two brothers, Hob and Nob, live next door to each other and share everything. One day they have a disagreement over material things and they stop speaking. They finally realize it is not materials that are important, so their brotherly friendship is restored.

April wilson's magpie magic: A tale of colorful mischief
Wilson, April
A child's drawing of a bird comes to life. The child and the bird draw with the coloring pencils to outsmart each other. (A Wordless Book).

A garden alphabet
Wilner, Isabel
In this alphabet garden, you will experience the process of planting a garden through spring, summer, and autumn. While tending to your garden, you may even meet a variety of animals that may lend a hand during the process.

Natalie spitzer's turtles
Willner-Pardo, Gina
Jess is afraid of losing her best friend Molly, because there is a new girl in her class. Jess becomes close with the new girl's turtles. It's not too long until Jess learns what a true friend is and that you can have more than one.

The secret in the matchbox
Willis, Val
Dragons and secrets are two things every child loves to read about. Bobby wants someone with whom to share his secret. When his secret is finally let is the dragon.

The monster bed
Willis, Jeanne//Varley, S.
A young monster is afraid that humans are going to come and get him so he sleeps under his bed to hide. A little boy enters his cave and goes to sleep on his bed. When they see each other, they are both scared away.

Earthlets -- As explained by professor xargle
Willis, Jeanne
Alien Professor Xargle explains what human babies or earthlets are to the rest of his alien friends. They learn about feeding, bathing, bedtime, and crying from the alien perspective.

The great watermelon birthday
Williams, Vera B.
Birthday parties are always fun for children. A group of children all born on the same day have a great celebration with watermelons.

Music, music for everyone
Williams, Vera B.
While her grandmother is sick, Rosa helps her mother with expenses by playing her accordion with her friends in a band.

Something special for me
Williams, Vera B.
On her birthday, Rosa gets to buy whatever she wants from the money jar. Rosa and Mom shop all day. Rosa finally decides to buy an accordian.

More more more
Williams, Vera B.
Three different families give their babies love. First a father, then a grandmother, then a mother shower their baby with attention and affection.

A chair for my mother
Williams, Vera B.
There is a jar that a mother saves all her change in from work. When the jar is finally full, she buys a chair that is very comfortable. This is important because all of her furniture was destroyed in a fire.

Cherries and cherry pits
Williams, Vera B.
A girl and her friend make up stories to go with the pictures she draws. All the stories have to do with eating cherries.

Stringbean's trip to the shining sea
Williams, Vera B.
Stringbean sends postcards to his Ma, Pa, and Grandpa. His postcards describe his trip to the Pacific Ocean.

Three days on a river in a red canoe
Williams, Vera B
A boy and his brother Sam take a canoe trip with their mother and aunt and engage in a variety of adventurous activities along the way.

Lucky song
Williams, Vera B
Evie receives everything she wants from her family, including something new to wear and a kite to fly. One of the best things Evie receives is a song from her father.

I went walking
Williams, Sue
A young child goes out for a walk. By the end of the story he is being followed by a cat, a horse, a cow, a duck, a pig, and a dog.

Working cotton
Williams, Sherley Ann
Shelan tells of working the cotton fields as a little girl. She tells the different accomplishments of each person in her family in the field. Shelan wishes she could pick cotton as fast as her parents and sisters.

The little old lady who was not afraid of anything
Williams, L.
A little old lady, who isn't afraid of anything, takes a walk in the woods at night. A pumpkin head, a tall black hat, a pair of pants, a shirt, two gloves and two shoes try to scare her.

My name is sangoel
Williams, Karen Lynn//Mohammed, Khadra
Sangoel feels homesick after leaving his Sudanese homeland where his father died in the war. With his mother and sister, Sangoel arrives to the United States to start a new life where they learn so many things about technology, escalators, cooking stoves, and televisions. With a clever use of writing in his new school classroom, Sangoel helps his teacher and classmates learn how to pronounce his name. He will always be a Sangoel just like "his father and grandfather and his father" before him in Africa.

Williams, Karen Lynn
Kondi needs wire to make his galimoto, the word in Malawi Africa which means car. He thinks of clever ways to make his galimoto in the shape of a car. He falls asleep imagining what shape he might twist it into the next day.

Painted dreams
Williams, Karen Lynn
Ti Marie loves to paint, but her family is too poor to afford paint so she uses bricks, stones and charcoal. One day, as she is walking to the river, she sees Msie Antoine painting a snake and admires his art supplies. Later on in the night she decides to look through his trash to see if he has any left over supplies. She uses them to paint on the wall behind her family's place at the Haitian market. Find out how the people at the market react.

Williams, Karen Lynn
After spending a long day selling oranges at the market, a Haitian mother and daughter earn enough money to ride the tap-tap home. The tap-tap is a vehicle that takes passengers where they need to go. It stops when a passenger taps on the side twice.

When Africa was home
Williams, Karen Lynn
A home is a place of security and happiness. Peter finds Africa to be more of a home than America. In Africa, Peter is treated with respect, politeness, and care. After learning more about the world, Peter gets to go home again.

The practical princess
Williams, Joy
A young princess is given three gifts. One of her gifts is common sense. In the beginning, Princess Bedelia saw this as insignificant, because all she needed was charm. After realizing that charm won't fight off a dragon and save her life, Bedelia values her common sense.

Playtime 123
Williams, Jenny
Counting to 20 can be fun!Nine children go on a Sunday picnic and 10 bear-buddies eat in the sun. Later on in this book, 19 children run to the ice cream truck and eat a treat.