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  • Tags: wind
Beard, Darleen Bailey
Lucille and her younger brother, Natt, play together and use their imagination. They run around and exercise in their yard. While they are playing, a bad storm hits. Their mother puts them in the cellar as she goes to help an elderly neighbor. The storm is a tornado. When the storm is over, the two children find the two adults, and life is back to the way it was: imaginary.

The summer sands
Garland, Sherry
When a raging storm destroys the sand dunes that several animals and plants called home, a community works together to restore the dunes in a most creative way. Includes an author's note about the ecology of the coastal sand dunes and what is being done to preserve them.

Herzig, Alison Cragin
Great-Great Uncle Thaddeus always gives unique birthday presents to his nephew. This year Uncle Thaddeus gives him best present ever. The present is a book about all the birthdays they have shared together. Their relationship grows stronger as they grow older.

Elephants aloft
Appelt, Kathi
Rama and Raja are elephants who receive a letter from their aunt. The elephants live in India while the aunt lives in Africa. Their aunt wants them to come and visit her. The elephants travel to India in a hot air balloon.

Amy loves the wind
Hoban, Julia
It is a windy fall day in the park. Amy plays on the swings and flies a kite.

Iva dunnit and the big wind
Purdy, Carol
A pioneer woman named Iva Dunnit tries to save her house from the Big Wind. Her children use their wits and work with their mother to save their property from the wind storm.

Snow family
Kirk, Daniel
Join a young boy as he wanders into the snow to meet new friends. His friends are missing their noses, hats, and part of their family. Help the boy try to find what his new friends need.

Tulip sees america
Rylant, Cynthia
When he is finally old enough, a young man drives his dog, Tulip, from Ohio to the farms of Iowa. They also experience the skies of Nebraska, the winds of Wyoming, the mountains of Colorado, the desert of Nevada, and the ocean of Oregon. Each place shows a new and wonderful part of America.

Jack, skinny bones, and the golden pancakes
Helldorfer, M.C.
An orphan boy befriends Skinny Bones, the dog of a hot-tempered old lady named Granny Trick. Together the boy and the dog must not only out smart Granny, but even the devil himself!

The paper princess
Kleven, Elisa
A little girl draws and cuts out a princess, but the wind blows her away. The princess then meets many new friends and has many new adventures as she tries to find her way back to the little girl.

Dracula's cat
Wahl, Jan
Dracula and his companion go on an adventure to scare Agatha. To their dismay, they are too late and confront a bat. Together they work to save the bat. They learn that pets can be our best friends.

Humphrey's bear
Wahl, Jan
Humphrey sails with his stuffed bear on some very scary adventures. He eventually finds his lost security and gets reassurance from his parents.

The wild horses of sweetbriar
Kinsey-Warnock, Natalie
A young girl tells her story of an encounter with wild horses. While living with her parents on the small island off the coast of New England, she discovers wild horses. During the harsh winter that they live there, she helps the horses survive.

One step, two
Zolotow, C.
A little girl takes her mother for a walk and shows her all the wonderful things to see.

A picnic in october
Bunting, Eve
Tony and his extended family celebrate the birthday of the Statue of Liberty every October. They travel out to Libery Island to have a picnic and show their appreciation to the meaning the statue brings. Tony is embarrassed by his family's dedication, but in the end realizes the meaning of the statue.

Haas, Jesse
Hurry!Hurry!If the grass gets wet, then the hay will spoil. Grandpa, Grandma, and Nora work hard to gather the hay before the gray clouds bring the rain. Cooperation and commitment help the family successfully gather the hay.

One fine day
Bang, Molly
From morning until bedtime, a child plays with toys to experience one fine day of activities.

Knots on a counting rope
Martin, Bill Jr.//Archambault, John
Sitting around a campfire, Boy-Strength-of-Blue-Horses and his grandfather talk about special events like the night that the boy was born and the special meanings of them.

The north wind and the sun
La Fontaine
The north wind and the sun compete with each other on who can make a man take off his cloak. The wind tries to force the cloak off of the man, but is unsuccessful. The sun makes everything warm, and the man takes off his cloak through the sun's gentleness.

Farmer brown goes round and round
Sloat, Teri
Farmer Brown lives on a farm and he and his animals are very content. One day, a tornado whips through the farm picking up Farmer Brown and his animals. When they land back on the ground everyone is mixed up and making the wrong sounds. When the tornado returns and picks up the farmer and the animals again, things return back to normal.

Across the wide dark sea: The mayflower journey
Van Leeuwen, Jean
A young boy and his family leave England with many other people to search for a new life in a new land. They dream of finding a place where they can worship God in their own way. During their journey, everyone endures many hardships, but they find what they are looking for.

How the witch got alf
Annett, Cora
Alf is a donkey that feels unappreciated, so he hides on the roof and pretends to run away. His two owners miss him very much. Alf learns how appreciated he really is.

Otto at sea
du Bois, William Pene
Otto, an extremely large dog, sails in a ship on the ocean. He then ends up saving everyone's life because the ship goes down.

Johnny maple-leaf
Tresselt, Alvin
Johnny Maple-Leaf begins his life as a small brown bud. As time passes and the seasons change, he grows and develops into a mature leaf. Throughout his life, he encounters many animals. The other leaves help to keep him company, whether in the trees or on the ground.

Tripp, Nathaniel
As farmer Ben begins his hot job of bailing hay one summer day, a cold front changes the weather pattern. An explanation of what happens in the clouds is given as Ben works rapidly to get his hay inside. After the storm is over, Ben discovers that there is more work for him to do from the storm's destruction.

Sheep on a ship
Shaw, Nancy
Five sheep set sail on their ship. They run into a violent storm that causes their ship to sink. The sheep escape on a life raft and drift to shore where they are safe again.

Gather up, gather in
Helldorfer, M.C.
Let's enjoy the frosts of autumn, the snow of winter, the renewal of spring, and the warmth of summer. What do we all look forward to during each season of the year?

The yellow umbrella
Drescher, Henrik
Mother monkey and son are in a zoo. They fly away with a yellow umbrella that is caught in the wind and are then reunited with their father,husband. (A Wordless Book)

Loud emily
O'Neil, Alexis
Emily has a very loud voice and her parents and tutor do not know what to do with her. The tutor suggests that she go to a boarding school for quiet girls. Before she leaves for the school, Emily takes a trip into town where she sees a sign for loud help on a ship that is setting sail that day. Emily uses her voice to save several ships from crashing at sea.

The girl who loved the wind
Yolen, Jane
Danina's father does not want her to experience life's harshnesses or sorrows. She is surrounded only by beauty. Then, the wind comes and tells her of another world. She accepts it's challenge by setting out to discover the real world and broadening her sheltered life.

Do you know what i'll do?
Zolotow, Charlotte
A sister tells her younger brother all the different things that she will do for him. She will bring him things that will apply to his five senses. Most of all, she brings her brother her love and attention.

A busy year
Lionni, Leo
Twin mice, Willie and Winnie, befriend Woody, the talking tree. They visit her every month and witness the changes the different seasons bring to their friend.

The turnaround wind
Lobel, Arnold
Everyone goes out to enjoy the beautiful day. A troublesome wind comes blowing through but leaves quickly. Everyone is still happy after the wind left.

Asleep, asleep
Ginsburg, Mirra
Everyone and everything sleeps. Sometimes children must be reminded of this so they can fall back to sleep like the boy in the story.

The island-below-the-star
Rumford, James
Five brothers decide to go on an adventure to discover the Island-below-the-Star. They each have a love for something in nature. By using their talents and working together, the brothers overcome obstacles on their journey to the island.

Boat ride with lillian two blossom
Polacco, Patricia
Mabel and Will go on an adventure with Lillian Two Blossom. She answers many of their questions about the world and nature on a magical boat ride.

Sailing with the wind
Locker, Thomas
Elizabeth's uncle comes sail boating into two every two years to see her family. This year he takes Elizabeth on a sail boating trip to see the ocean.

Fish in the air
Wiese, Kurt
Little fish owned everything that looked like a fish. One day he makes his dad buy him the biggest fish kite. The kite is caught by a gust of wind and little fish is taken into the air and dropped into a fish net in the nearest pond.

The sign painter
Say, Allen
A boy with a love of painting wanders into town looking for a job when he sees a sign painter. Together, they go into the desert, painting a dozen billboards with just what was ordered, a woman's face and a single word, Arrowstar. Not understanding the meaning behind these billboards in the middle of the desert, the boy longs to paint beautiful landscapes instead. Still, the sign painter insists they stick to the order. Near the end of their journey, they learn the dream behind the billboards and the boy remembers a dream of his own.

Atwell, Debby
After the American Revolution, a barn is built and endures the many stages of history. The barn describes its transitions through farming days, world wars, peace rallies, and other historical events.

Tacky in trouble
Lester, Helen
Tacky the penguin always seems to be getting himself in trouble. This time, while he is surfing, he lands on a tropical island. An elephant named Rocky is envious of Tacky's pretty flowered shirt. He almost doesn't get home because Rocky wants him to decorate his table. Thanks to Tacky's quick thinking, he leaves the island safely.

Wind child
Murphy, Shirley Rousseau
Resshie is a child of the wind. She is a talented weaver and is known across the country, and beyond. However, she's not happy. All she wants is a husband to keep her company. She meets the men in the villages, she even tries weaving one, but she is still not happy. Then a stranger comes who is everything she's dreamed. Through her wonderful weaving, they can spend forever together.

Marigold and grandma on the town
Calmenson, Stephanie
Marigold and grandma go into town to buy Marigold a new hat. On the way to feed the ducks, Marigold's hat blows off. Grandmother shows Marigold how to make friends with the wind. At the end of the day, they have wonderful memories with photos.

The wind thief
Barrett, Judi
The wind blows big breezes until it gets chilly and wants a hat to keep warm. It blows a big gust of air to get a hat from a boy, but actually blows hats off of everyone's head. The wind stops blowing to give all the hats back.

The story of may
Gerstein, Mordicai
May gets lost and is found by her Aunt Jane. She is informed that she has a father and trys to find him.

Mirandy and brother wind
McKissack, Patricia C.
To win first prize in the dance contest, Mirandy tries to capture the wind for her partner.

The little airplane
Lenski, Lois
Pilot Small with the cooperation of a mechanic readies his airplane for flight. He then takes off , enjoys the landscape, runs into trouble, fixes the clogged fuel line and return to the airport.

Gilberto and the wind
Ets, Marie Hall
Gilberto is a friend with the wind. The wind and Gilberto do things for each other.

A promise is a promise
Munsch, Robert//Kusugak, Michael
A little girl wants to go fishing in the icy cracks of the ocean but her parents tell her it is too dangerous. She promises that she will not go, but what happens when she breaks her promise?

Cows can't fly
Milgrim, David
A little boy's drawing of flying cows becomes a reality. He tries to tell his parents, teacher, and some others but no one believes him. He is the only one that is lucky enough to see the cows and now he wonders what else can fly.