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  • Tags: tools
Imagine a house
Gustafson, Angela
Take a walk through 15 countries around the world and learn about different types of dwellings. A brief geographical tour is taken when you traverse the pages of real-life photographs and maps.

Barn savers
High, Linda Oatman
A young boy gets out of bed early to head to work with his father. They work all day long restoring an old barn to keep it from being torn down. They are the barn savers.

The house I'll build for the wrens
Neitzel, Shirley
A young boy plans to build a house for the wrens in the yard. He starts with a diagram showing what the house will look like. He gets out a toolbox which holds wooden boards, a ruler, hammer, sandpaper, nails, a level, paintbrush, paint, and a scredriver. While he is constructing the birdhouse, his mother comes home. The boy and his mother hang the birdhouse from a tree in the backyard and admire his accomplishment.

Little bunny's cool tool set
Boelts, Maribeth
Little Bunny saves up all of his money to buy a tool kit, then decides to take it to school for show-and-tell the next day. Although he is usually good at sharing, Little Bunny finds it difficult to share his new tool kit while at school, even with his best friend.

Gold fever
Kay, Verla
In a rhyming story a farmer joins a group of miners to look for gold. They travel through praries, deserts, and mountains panning for gold but never find much. The farmer, after finding no gold, leaves the miners to go back home to his farm and family.

If you give a pig a pancake
Numeroff, Laura Jofee
What happens when you give a pig a pancake?She'll probably ask for some syrup to go with it. What will she want next?

Cooper, Elisha
An empty lot is transformed by an architect, surveyors, and workers of all kinds. Big construction equipment moves earth and trucks deliver materials throughout the building process. The building stands between two other buildings not far from downtown. It stands empty now, waiting to be filled with people.

Maclear, Kyo
Spork feels left out. He has a spoon and a fork for parents, which makes him unique compared to the other cutlery. He is never chosen in the kitchen, until something comes along that neither forks nor spoons can handle. His uniqueness comes in handy!

Hammers and mops, pencils and pots: A first book of tools and gadgets we use around the house
Kelley, True
There are many tools used for different tasks in different places. For example, there are names and pictures of each tool used in a garden, including a picture of a garden where many of the tools are being used.

The old pirate of central park
Priest, Robert
An old pirate who lives in New York City takes a walk in Central Park and spends time with other old pirates. One day, when he brings his ship to sail on the pond, he meets the retired Queen. A battle ensues between vessels. Chaos reigns until a truce is called. Now the Old Pirate and the Old Queen spend time together at the pond every day as Retirates.

What!Cried granny: An almost bedtime story
Lum, Kate
It is Patrick's first time to sleep over at Granny's house. When it is time for him to go to bed, Patrick tells his Granny that he does not have a bed, so Granny chops down some trees for wood and makes him a bed. Patrick then tells his Granny that he did not have a pillow at her house, so Granny collected feathers from her chickens and made him a pillow. Granny also has to make Patrick a blanket and teddy bear, but by the time she is finished, it is morning.

Roy makes a car: Based on a story collected by Zora Neale Hurston
Lyons, Mary
Roy Tyle is known around town as the best mechanic in Florida. Roy makes it his mission to create a car that will be accident proof. No one in the town believes him, but Roy proves them wrong time and time again. Roy's creativity and perseverance leads to the making of the best cars in the area.

Making room
Taylor, Joanne
John William Smith dedicated his life to helping others, especially people in need by inviting them into his very own home! His dedication to family is heart-warming and his marriage is strong. Readers will find a unique meaning of home in this story.

Miss Bridie chose a shovel
Conner, Leslie
In 1856, Miss Bridie traveled to America with only her family shovel. She finds many uses for her shovel and it proves to be the right choice. She carves her path through life with a simple everyday shovel.

Our community garden
Pollak, Barbara
Neighborhood children plant a garden together and each contribute by helping to take care of the garden. They set goals, work hard, and build healthy friendship. After harvesting their crops, everyone from the community comes together for a special meal made from vegetables grown in the garden. What a nutritious, heart-warming treat!

One little lamb
Greenstein, Elaine
One little lamb is shaved for wool. The wool is cleaned, combed, spun into yarn, dipped into dye, and transformed into a pair of mittens. A little girl visits the lambs while wearing mittens.

Baxter Barret Brown's bass fiddle
McKenzie, Tim A
Baxter Barret Brown loves to play his bass fiddle. He decides to take it with him wherever he goes and turn it into whatever he needs. However, he soon learns that when he changes the fiddle he can't play the music he loves and must change it back if he wants what really makes him happy.

Iron horses
Kay, Verla
Building a railroad takes a lot of work. Many people must be involved from the planners and politicians in the capital, to the Irishmen and Chinese men building the track out west. When it is finally finished, the track is a wonderful form of transportation.

Moon over the mountain/ Luna sobre la montana
Polette, Keith
A retelling of a traditional Asian tale in which a discontented stone-cutter is never satisfied with each wish that is granted him. Set in the desert Southwest.

Sky boys: How they built the empire state building
Hopkinson, Deborah
A boy watches in amazement as the Empire State Building is built. When the building is completed he goes to the top with his father to see all of the New York City.

Lady monster has a plan
Blance, Ellen // Cook, Ann
Monster and the little boy have too many pets. They try to build a house for all of them, but they need help. Lady monster and the little girl come to help and they all cooperate to build the animal house.

My garden: Mi jardin
Emberley, Rebecca
Different objects and living things found in a garden are described in words and pictures: stones, dirt, worm; vegetables, squash, peas; and flowers, snail, lady bug and leaf. Words are shared in English and Spanish.

Julia, child
Maclear, Kyo
Best friends, Julia and Simca, are little girls who love the art of French cooking. They wish to stay young with little worries and lots of marvelous times. They decide to share their recipes for growing young with grown-ups. These adults fear the youthful food will not last, so the girls must make a dessert and cookbook to remind the adults to enjoy life. Note: References to Julia Child are fictionalized even though she was a famous chef in France and the U.S.

Still-life stew
Pittman, Helena Clare
Rosa picks vegetables from her garden. Rosa's garden has tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, zucchini, leeks, carrots, and potatoes. Don't forget to notice her spinach, green beans, and garlic too! Rosa outlines descriptive qualities of each vegetable. After Rosa gathers enough ingredients, she paints a picture of the vegetables and makes a stew. Also savor the colors of Rosa's still-life painting of tomatoes, peppers, eggplant, zucchini, leeks, and much more.

The listening walk
Showers, Paul
A young girl and her dad love to take silent walks with each other and their old dog. The girl enjoys the silence and is constantly listening to all of the sounds she hears.

You and me and home sweet home
Lyon, George Ella
A young girl helps her family build a new home. The family celebrates the new milestone by sharing a meal together. The family then adjusts to the new house together.

A day in the life of a dentist
Adamson, Heather
Dr. Fong provides readers with an outline of what she does in her job as a dentist. Starting at the beginning of her day, Dr. Fong describes the various articles of clothing that she and the other office staff wears. This includes office managers and hygienists, who help the dentist when she cares for her patients. After eating her lunch, Dr. Fong demonstrates various techniques, including x-ray imaging and models, that she uses to visualize a patient's mouth. Finally, Dr. Fong shows the tools she uses when examining a patient and describes the importance of visiting dentists, like her, regularly!

A toothbrush tale
Smith, Stacy
A little boy goes to sleep one night without brushing his teeth, and then he hears a song coming from his bathroom. When he goes to investigate the noise, he finds his toothbrush singing and dancing about why it is so important to brush his teeth every morning and night. Scared that he will develop cavities (or even worse, that his teeth might fall out), the little boy brushes his teeth well and continues to do so every day in order to keep a healthy smile!

A trip to the dentist
Smith, Penny
Sarah and Josh go to see Dr. Richards, their local dentist, for routine checkups. Josh is examined first and, after the dentist checks his mouth for evidence of cavities, Dr. Richards shows Josh how he can do a better job of brushing teeth in the back of his mouth in order to prevent the buildup of plaque. Next, Dr. Richards examines Sarah's mouth and finds a cavity which he fixes by adding a filling to her infected tooth. After explaining how to maintain a healthy smile by avoiding sugary foods and beverages, Sarah and Josh are done with their appointments and ready to keep taking good care of their teeth!

Brushing teeth
Schuh, Mari
Lee sets an example for other children like him by describing how to properly brush his teeth in order to get rid of food and plaque that could build up and cause cavities. Every morning and night, Lee uses his own toothbrush and a small amount of toothpaste to clean his teeth, gums, and tongue. After brushing, Lee makes sure to rinse with water in order to maintain a healthy smile. Lee also uses a new toothbrush every few months so his teeth get brushed well. Everyone should try to be more like Lee when brushing their teeth!

Unknown Author
Children go in and out of this dentist's office for checkups! First, a little boy gets his teeth examined by the dentist, and he finds out that they are a little dirty. Then, the dentist teaches the boy about how teeth develop over time and what he should do to take care of his teeth properly. Next, a little girl visits the dentist, and they find out that she has a hole in her tooth or a cavity. Finally, the little girl gets a filling, and her mouth is good as new!

Dentists help
Ready, Dee
Learn who a dentist is, what their job entails, and how they work to provide care for their patients. Children also learn about different types of dentists and what specialists they should see when and if they have crooked teeth, for instance. Details are shared about the clothing and tools a dentist may use when caring for their patients' teeth. When you know these important details, you can relax and enjoy going to the dentist!

How to... brush your teeth
Cottage Door Press
Learn from the tiger how your teeth develop over time, how teeth are classified, and why it is so important to take care of them regularly. The tiger gives you a step-by-step explanation of how to brush your teeth, and he reminds you how to brush for two minutes twice a day. Finally, the tiger explains other ways to care for your teeth that include proper nutrition and visits twice a year to the dentist.

Loose tooth
Schaefer, Lola
A young boy wakes up and realizes he has a loose tooth. He wiggles the tooth and shows his mom, dad, sister, brother, and dog, but it won't fall out. He tries to eat hard food or have his brother yank it out with a wrench, but the tooth finally comes out all on its own!

Max goes to the dentist
Klein, Adria
Max visits the dentist where he gets his teeth checked and cleaned. Max makes sure to brush his teeth twice a day so, when the dentist looks for cavities, he doesn't have any! After looking at x-rays of his teeth, Max gets a new toothbrush from the dentist and leaves his office after having a great checkup!

Klingel, Cynthia & Noyed, Robert
A group of children demonstrate all of the different things they can do with their mouths so that other kids can do the same. However, in order to be able to do all of these things, the children make sure to explain why it is so important to go to the dentist to take care of their mouths and keep their teeth clean healthy. Can you do this too?

Ready, set, brush! A pop-up book
American Dental Association
Elmo and his gang teach you how to brush your teeth. First, Elmo teaches you about how much toothpaste to use, and Marvin Monster helps you learn about where you should brush. Then Zoe reminds you to brush your tongue, and you learn about rinsing from the Cookie Monster. Next, Martha Monster visits the dentist for a checkup, and he tells her that she, and all of her friends, do a great job of taking care of their mouth by brushing and rinsing twice a day!

Sugar bugs
Weisz, Sam & Weisz, Erica
The Mutans family moved into Robbie's mouth after searching for a sugary new home. Robbie ate candies and sweets every day, so the Mutans loved living there, but Robbie did not like his unwelcomed guests. Over time, the Mutans began to rot his teeth, causing Robbie to have horrible pain when chewing. Then Robbie goes to visit Dr. Sam, his dentist, who removes the Mutans family from their home. Dr. Sam shares some habits that will help Robbie improve his oral health in the future and keep the Mutans family out forever!

The Berenstain bears visit the dentist
Berenstain, Stan & Berenstain, Jan
Sister Bear wakes up to find that she has a loose tooth, and she tries to wiggle it out all day, but it won't budge! That afternoon, Brother Bear goes to see Dr. Bearson, the family dentist. After watching his checkup, Dr. Bearson gently pulls Sister Bear's tooth out, and she is no longer scared of the dentist.

Toothful tales
Courtad, Jeanette
Incisa tells the story of how she and her friends, Cuspi, Mola, and Tongo, are attacked by a "sticky sweet" given to them by Grandma. After being covered in sugar, germs begin to attack as they make acid and dissolve holes in Incisa and her tooth friends. Then, Incisa, Cuspi, Mola, and Tongo get a pleasant surprise when Grandma brings other things to make the teeth happy; an electric toothbrush and floss! Finally, after a good cleaning, Incisa, and her friends, Cuspi, Mola, and Tongo, are once again, all shiny and bright just in time for lunch!

Why we go to the dentist
Clark, Rosalyn
Let's take a trip to the dentist to learn more about what dentists do in order to develop and maintain a healthy smile for each of their patients. First, the dentist takes x-ray images of the patient's teeth and performs a routine checkup on the teeth and gums. Next, the dentist explains how to properly clean your teeth using a toothbrush and floss each day. Now you know more about the dentist, and why it is so important to go for checkups on a regular basis.

My doctor, my friend
Hallinan, P.K.
Explore the sights, sounds, and care that kids experience at the doctor's office. After explaining why they go to the doctor for a medical check-up, the children describe the different tests that are performed at every appointment to diagnose their illness. Afterwards, the children are much less afraid about going to the doctor. Kids want to feel better so they like going to their check-ups to see their doctor.

My dentist, my friend
Hallinan, P.K.
Take a tour through the sights, sounds, and care of the friendly dentist's office! After spending time in the waiting room and visiting with the oral hygienist, the children are seen by the dentist. Some of their teeth may need to get some x-ray scans during the dental checkup. After a successful appointment, the children are given the knowledge and tools to practice oral health behaviors at home.

Santa from Cincinnati: How a little boy named Santa grew up to become the real thing
Barrett, Judi
Calus was born on Christmas Day at Cincinnati General Hospital, and as he grew up, he developed a love for toys. As a young boy, Calus began building toys with his dad and delivering them to other kids in his neighborhood on Christmas Eve. Soon, everyone wanted toys from Calus, and after going to college and meeting Claus, they moved to the North Pole and began manufacturing toys year-round.

Lola loves stories
McQuinn, Anna
Lola and her dad go to the library on Saturdays to pick out books to read during the week. Every time Lola reads a book, she acts it out the next day. If she reads about building, she becomes a builder. If Lola reads a book about fairies, she becomes a fairy. What will Lola be next?

Someone builds the dream
Wheeler, Lisa
Many skilled workers, craftsmen, and tradesmen help to build each dream of a community in order for it to become a house, a park, or a bridge. After many many examples of how dreams are made and constructed, you learn how an author and illustrator are also a dream team that makes a book for you.

Puffy popovers and other get-out-of-bed breakfasts
Fauchald, Nick
Learn how to eat healthy by using the MyPyramid food model and the step-by-step sequence for cooking This recipe book uses the five main food groups to make 3 easy recipes, 7 intermediate recipes, and 4 advanced recipes for breakfast, lunch, and snacks. Kids see the tools they use when cooking the recipes and enjoy lots of measuring of ingredients and follow the time needed to make the food. Bon appetite!

Papa's magical water-jug clock
Trejo, Jesus
Papa is working today so Jesus tags along to help him with planting, cutting grass, and trimming trees. The family business works on Saturdays too so Jesus is in charge of filling Papa's big water jug. The two work around the neighborhood with all the tools rattling in the work van, stopping to work in 14 yards. Does the water hold out for them even though Jesus splashes some water on his face and gives water to some animals. Even though Jesus panics when the water is gone by 10:30 am, Papa explains that Jesus is still part of the family business. At the end of the day, Papa says "Time and water are precious. We don't want to waste them".