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Pictures for Miss Josie
Belton, Sandra
A young boy is introduced by his father to Miss Josie, who as first freightens him. As he grows up, he learns to admire her and the two develop a special friendship. Soon the grown boy passes on his memories to his own son and introduces Miss Josie to him.

Children of the forest
Beskow, Elsa
Four forest children learn about nature and their surroundings. Their days revolve around the light and the weather. The children also are taught lessons throughout their childhood.

Ruby's wish
Bridges, Shirin Yim
Ruby is known for wearing red and being an exceptionally bright student. Even during a time in China when ...most girls were never taught to read and write. However, Ruby's grandfather hires a teacher to come to the house, making it possible for any grandchild living in the house to learn. This initiates a desire in Ruby to attend university, a place that women in China were not encouraged to go.\r\n*Based on a true story of the author's grandmother.

Can you find it, too?
Cressy, Judith
Come enjoy history through a collection of famous paintings. Each has its own personality and story. Search through each painting for objects and colors. Get imaginative and create your own stories or interpretations about the paintings.

Art lesson (La clase de dibujo)
dePaola, Tomie
Tommy wants to be an artist when he grows up, but when he has his very first art lesson in first grade, he is very disappointed. He learns to compromise, and he is happy in the end.

Five trucks
Floca, Brian
A little boy observes how five different trucks assist in the preparation and take-off of his airplane. Description of the trucks and their duties are very clear. It takes many people working together to complete the goal of take-off!

Trudi & Pia
Hegi, Ursula
Trudi dreams of being tall and feels there are no other dwarfs like her until she meets Pia who teaches her to accept the way she is and that she is not alone. Pia talks about when other drawfs from around the world in Russia, Italy, France and Portugal, Trudi learns to feel normal and beautiful.

Arthur's birthday party
Hoban, Lilliam
Arthur's determination to have the best birthday party and be the best all-around gymnast causes him to be inconsiderate of the feelings of his sister and friends. When Arthur forgets to be fair and have fun at the competition, his younger sister is quick to point out that each chimpanzee has his or her own special skill to be honored with a medal at the birthday competition.

Arthur's pen pal
Hoban, Lillian
Arthur longs to be his pen pal's big brother, so they can wrestle and do karate. He does not like having to jump rope with his little sister. But one day, he learns something very surprising about his pen pal.

God bless the child
Holiday, Billie & Herzog, Arthur Jr.
Each day is a work day for which to be thankful and grateful. There's a lot of work to be done on this land. It's time to go and experience the city life up north where things are different. Dream on, my child!

Girl wonder: A baseball story in nine innings
Hopkinson, Deborah
Alta's dream of becomming a professional baseball player comes true. She proves that it doesn't matter if you're a girl, you can still be just as talented. After pitching for an Ohio semipro baseball team in 1907, Alta goes on to become a doctor like her dad.

Alphabet of girls
Jacobs, Leland
A different letter is shown for each girl. Girls are shown doing many special activities.

The little airplane
Lenski, Lois
Pilot Small with the cooperation of a mechanic readies his airplane for flight. He then takes off , enjoys the landscape, runs into trouble, fixes the clogged fuel line and return to the airport.

Lionni, Leo
Cornelius, the crocodile, is able to walk upright by standing on his head. The other crocodiles become jealous when Cornelius brags about his skill.

Roy makes a car: Based on a story collected by Zora Neale Hurston
Lyons, Mary
Roy Tyle is known around town as the best mechanic in Florida. Roy makes it his mission to create a car that will be accident proof. No one in the town believes him, but Roy proves them wrong time and time again. Roy's creativity and perseverance leads to the making of the best cars in the area.

The cheerios counting book
McGrath, Babra Barbieri
Have fun with your cereal, even after breakfast time! Learn to count using Cheerios cereal. First, count Cheerios from one to ten, then count Cheerios in groups of ten. A different fruit accompanies the cereal on each page.

More m & m's math
McGrath, Barbara
M & M candy characters guide you through the wonderful world of math as you learn the concepts of graphing, addition and subtraction, multiplication and division, and ordinal numbers. The best part is that you get to eat the materials you're working with. Remember not to eat too many!

Jelly beans for sale
McMillan, Bruce
Math is fun and in this case -- delicious! As each child displays the number of jelly beans, coins are also displayed to show the correct and equal amount of money.

Leaping lizards
Murphy, J. Stuart
Through rhyme and rhythm, this story focuses on counting skills by 5s and 10s. The lizards are set for a show to begin. However, snake cannot find all of the lizards! One by one, five by five, and ten by ten, the reptiles begin to arrive by air, sea, car and bicycle. The finale includes a fifty leaping lizards show!

Karate hour
Nevius, Carol
A group of children practice karate. They kick, punch, chant and roll as they learn the value of self discipline, respect, and self esteem in both self and others.

Shaker boy
Ray, Mary Lyn
At age six, Celeb comes to live with the Shakers and he spends the rest of his life in their unique culture. He learns their ways, their songs, and is inspired by angels.

Power and glory
Rodda, Emily
For his birthday, a young boy gets a video game and keeps playing until he wins.

A group of children demonstrate all of the different things they can do with their mouths so that other kids can do the same. However, in order to be able to do all of these things, the children make sure to explain why it is so important to go to the dentist in order to take care of your mouth and keep your teeth clean and healthy.