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  • Tags: seagull
A beach day
Florian, Douglas
A family takes a trip to the beach on the Fourth of July. The family flies kites, collects shells, builds castles, and watches fireworks.

Bird talk
Jonas, Ann
Come hear the enchanting sounds of the wild in all its wonder by taking a walk through nature. Shh!Quiet!Listen!The language of birds has many connections to the language of people.

Birdie's lighthouse
Hopkinson, Deborah
Ten year-old Bertha, daughter of a lighthouse keeper, receives a diary for her birthday. She records significant family events such as their relocation to rugged Turtle Island and the time when her brother went to sea for a long time.

Burt dow, deep water man
McCloskey, Robert
Burt Dow is an old deep-water fisherman. He goes out in his old boat one day and catches a whale tail. He puts a bandaid on the hole in his tail and later becomes a doctor to all the other whales in that school.

Each living thing
Ryder, Joanne
Do you ever think about what things you have in common with everyone else on Earth?One thing is that we share our world with every living thing. Can you find the snake in the grass?The crabs on the pier?We share our world and we should take care of it.

Going fishing
McMillan, Bruce
A young boy from Iceland enjoys time with both of his grandfathers while fishing for two kinds of fish: Atlantic cod and Lumpfish. Photographs of the boats and fishing process bring the true joy of catching fish alive. The stamps and coins showing the two kinds of fish are emblematic of the Icelandic culture.

Guess who?
Miller, Margaret
Decide if you have an answer to the main question in this book. Words and photographs become an exciting and educational game for the reader.

Habitat spy
Kieber-King, Cynthia
Told in rhyming narrative, Habitat Spy invites children to search for and find plants, invertebrates, birds, and mammals and more that live in 13 different habitats: backyard, beach, bog, cave, desert, forest, meadow, mountain, ocean, plains, pond, river, and cypress swamp. Children will spend hours looking for and counting all the different plants and animals while learning about what living things need to survive.

Jack & Jim
Crowther, Kitty
An adventurous blackbird wants to venture out, beyond his home in the forest, to explore the beach. He meets a white seagull and the two quickly become friends. However, their outward appearances quickly cause some adverse reactions from others in town. These friends stand fast to their friendship and overcome adversity. Eventually, the village of seagulls accepts Jack for his gift of stories.

Louie's goose
Ehrlich, H.M.
Louie's toy goose goes everywhere he goes. Sometimes the goose needs to be fixed. Louie's mom and dad, and even the sun, fixes the goose.

Mother osprey
Nolan, Lucy
What if Jack and Jill had been playing on a nice soft sand dune instead of that treacherous hill? And suppose Mary's pet wasn't really a lamb? What if Mary had a little clam? This collection retells Mother Goose rhymes and celebrates America's coastlines and waterways from sea to shining sea.

One lighthouse, one moon
Lobel, Anita
Nini the cat takes an exciting journey in which he discovers the concepts of color, days of the week, months of the year, and numbers. Nini sees a different colored pair of shoes each day of the week, explores a variety of activities during each month of the year, and counting the sights that surround the sea where he finally comes to one hundred stars and one moon lighting up the sky around the lighthouse.

Paul and arthur search for the egg
Rockwell, Anne
Paul and Arthur the bull, hear a crying seagull. The seagull has lost her egg and Paul and Arthur take on the responsibility of finding it. When they do, a baby gull is born and the mother gull is very happy.

Story in the sand
Myrus, Donald//Squillace, Albert
Jeff and his mother go to the beach for a day. Jeff runs around collecting things and drawing pictures in the sand. He meets a little girl, Jenny, and spends the day teaching her about art in the sand.

The big box
Morrison, Toni//Morrison, Slade
Patty, Mickey, and Liza Sue just can't handle their freedom. The things they do frighten the adults around them. The adults decide to put them in a big brown box because they care about the youngsters. The children will have everything they need, except their freedom. Isn't that the one thing children need?

The frog who wanted to see the sea
Billout, Gary
One day, a little frog named Alice asks a passing seagull about life beyond her pond. The seagull tells Alice about everything there is to see between her pond and the great sea. Feeling courageous, Alice take up her lilly pad and embarks on a wondrous adventure to the sea and back.

The lighthouse cat
Stainton, Sue
In an old lighthouse, the keeper strives to keep the twenty-four candles burning, by tending to them every half hour. He was lonely until the day he was nose to nose with a cat. They both tended to the lighthouse together. On a dark and stormy night, the rapid wind blew the candles out. The cat called for other cats to help light the lighthouse with their yellow bright eyes.

The runaway wok
Compestine, Ying Chang
Ming lives in a poor family. He goes to the market to trade and receive food so he and his neighbors can share a Chinese new year feast. Instead of buying food, Ming chooses a magical wok. The wok rounds up the food and prized possessions of the rich to bring food to Ming's family and poor neighbors. Ming celebrates a wonderful new year, and he sells more woks to help other poor families.

The wild horses of sweetbriar
Kinsey-Warnock, Natalie
A young girl tells her story of an encounter with wild horses. While living with her parents on the small island off the coast of New England, she discovers wild horses. During the harsh winter that they live there, she helps the horses survive.

Thy friend, obadian
Turkle, Brinton
A seagull takes a liking to a young boy and follows him around. The boy finds the seagull annoying and tries to scare it away. However, when the bird is missing, the boy goes to find it. He finds it with a fishhook in it's beak. Obidian takes the fishhook out and gains a new friend.