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The ASCPA completes guide to pet care
Carroll, David
The ASCPA Complete Guide to Pet Care is a great book that tells you everything you need to know about taking care of your pet to ensure a healthy life! It's a favorite among pet lovers everywhere.

How smudge came
Gregory, Nan
A developmentally challenged girl named Cindy finds love and companionship in a puppy she names Smudge. However, the home where Cindy lives does not allow pets, so the puppy is taken away. With the help of her friends at Hospice, a perfect solution is thought of so that Smudge is taken care of and everyone can benefit from his companionship.

George did it
Jurmain, Suzanne Tripp
George Washington shows his leadership skills by leading the United States Army to victory to gain their independence. Although George is nervous and reluctant, he accepts the challenge to become the first President of the United States of America.

Louis the fish
Yorinks, Arthurs
Louis inherits his father's meat store after he dies. Louis never like meat and prefers fish. He eventually turns into a fish himself.

Who's whose?
Ormerod, Jan
Three families come together every day of the week to do activities help each other out. Some observe activities, do chores with others, or run errands with their friends. With so many people doing things together it is hard to keep track of who's whose!

Down dairy farm road
Martin, CLG
After making veterinary rounds with her grandfather, Junie Mae realizes that money and curly hair are not the most important thing in life when she sees how her grandfather is paid in food.

Merry christmas, amelia bedelia
Parish, Peggy
Amelia Bedelia has lots of work to do for the Rogers family before Aunt Myra comes for Christmas. Once again she gets things mixed up. She is so cheerful, though, that it is a nice Christmas after all.

Thank-you, amelia bedelia
Parish, Peggy
Amelia Bedelia works as a maid for the Rogers and she is always gets things mixed up. For example, she removes spots in Mrs. Roger's dress by cutting them out. In the end, she makes a hot apple pie which impresses the family despite her mistakes.

Jamie's turn
DeWitt, Jamie
Eleven year old Jamie helps his stepfather, Butch, pick corn one autumn day. When the corn picker becomes plugged up, Butch attempts to climb off the tractor but gets caught and is seriously injured. Jamie saves Butch's life by turning the corn picker off and running for help. Jamie keeps the farm running while Butch recovers from the accident.

Henry hikes to fitchburg
Johnson, D.B.
Henry decides to take a trip to Fitchburg on foot and his friend decides to go by train. Henry partakes in numerous adventures on his journey into town, while his friend works odd jobs to earn the fare. Who will arrive in Fitchburg first?The journey to Fitchburg will prove to be an exploration of time and interests.

The wishing chair
Dupre, Rick
Eldon grows up from his childhood into this teenage years. He realizes that his wishes could come true through his actions and what he does for others.

Miss rumphius
Cooney, Barbara
Miss Rumphius was once a little girl who wanted to travel, see far away places, and eventually return home to live by the sea. She fulfills her life's goals of traveling and living by the sea. As an older woman, she seeks a way to complete her legacy.

Willie's adventures
Brown, Margaret Wise
A trilogy of stories about a small boy named Willies. The reader follows Willie through his adventures of getting a new pet, having a new suit, and visiting Grandma by himself for the first time.

The three legged cat
Mahy, Margaret
Mrs. Gimble's cat is dreaming of seeing the world while she only wants him to sleep and not eat. Her brother stops to visit and upon leaving, he mistakes his hat for the cat. The cat gets to see the world and she doesn't have to feed the cat.

I want a brother or sister
Lindgren, Astrid
Peter wants a little brother or sister but after Lena is born he feels that his mama doesn't love him anymore. He soon realizes however, that having a little sister is a big responsibility and a lot of fun.

Sofie's role
Heath, Amy
One day before Christmas, Sofie goes to work at her family's Broadway Bakery. The store is filled with many customers and Sofie's help is greatly needed.

Rip van winkle
Moses, Will
Could you sleep 20 years of your life away?Well, Rip Van Winkle didn't think he could. One day he was walking around his old familiar town, talking with his old familiar friends, and hunting with his old familar dog. The next day (or so Rip thinks) his old familiar town, friends, and dog are no longer famliar. Come find out what happens when Rip sleeps for 20 years.

A tale of stolen time
Schwartz, Evgeny
Peter is a lazy boy that never does his homework. He soon falls behind all the other students. Peter always thinks he will have time to catch up. Until one day, he becomes an old man.

My mom travels a lot
Bauer, Caroline, Feller
My mom travels all the time. I miss her, but sometimes it is fun-we get to go to the airport, and when she comes back, she brings us neat presents. My mom misses a lot of fun-like when our dog had puppies and, when I was in the school play-but that just makes seeing her when she comes home more fun!

Harry's dog
Porte, Barbara Ann
Harry gets a dog from a neighbor who is moving. The dog cannot stay at Harry's house because his father is allergic to dogs. Harry's aunt offers to keep the dog at her house for Harry to visit. Harry ends up buying his father a fish.

The cat in the hat comes back
Seuss, Dr.
The Cat in the Hat returns to visit Salley and her brother's house while their mother is gone. The children shovel the sidewalk, causing mischief and a big mess. Then, the Cat in the Hat brings out his helpers, Cats A-Z, to help clean up.

The folks in the valley
Aylesworth, Jim
Using the Pennsylvania Dutch culture as a backdrop, this book uses a rhyme to teach the alphabet. For example, the letter E is represented by the rhyme Eggs are found under the fat red hens.

Alice and aldo
Lester, Alison
During their day, Alice and Aldo work their way through the alphabet. They do all kinds of fun things like quacking with the ducks, making milkshakes, and swinging over the flowers. By the end of the day Alice and Aldo are ready for bed.

Love as strong as ginger
Look, Lenore
While her mother and father go to work in Chinatown, a young girl learns how to make rice dumplings and crab and shrimp soup with her grandma. They then take a bus to Grandma's work where she cracks crabs in a factory for a few pennies per day. Grandma prepares a crab meal at the end of a hard working day, made with love as strong as ginger. Katie appreciates her "Gnin Gnin" (grandmother) and all she does so Katie can follow her dress, becoming whoever she wants to be in America.

Haas, Jesse
Hurry!Hurry!If the grass gets wet, then the hay will spoil. Grandpa, Grandma, and Nora work hard to gather the hay before the gray clouds bring the rain. Cooperation and commitment help the family successfully gather the hay.

Peter's pony
Kingman, Lee
Peter, a young boy, lives far up a mountainside on a farm with his mother and father. They live far from any town and Peter looks forward to starting school in town so he can make and have friends. Before the beginning of the school year Peter receives a pony that takes him to school. Peter discovers that his new pony can perform tricks and was once famous.

Bright fawn and me
Leech, Jay//Spencer, Zane
Bright Fawn is a young Indian girl who is left in the care of her older sister. Bright Fawn's sister is upset at this, but learns to appreciate her younger sister. The tribe trades, dances, and plays games.

Flicka, ricka, dicka: The big red hen
Lindman, Maj
Flicka, Ricka, and Dicka offer to care for their Aunt's hens while she is away. One of the hens disappear and the girls find her and a great surprise!

Frank and ernest
Day, Alexandra
Frank and Ernest run Mrs. Miller's diner for a few days while she is out of town. Mrs. Miller is nervous at first because there is a lot of responsiblity in running a diner. Frank and Ernest do a great job and have a lot of fun too.

Ben and the bear
Riddell, Chris
When a young boy encounters a harmless playful bear, the two become best friends. They go back to Ben's house and eat lunch, dance, and clean up their mess. Then the bear goes home and tells the boy that they will have lunch at his house the next day.

Bedtime for frances
Hoban, Russell
It's France's bedtime but she isn't very tired, so she makes up an alphabet song, imagines a tiger, sees a giant, and learns that the wind has a job before she falls asleep.

Cowboy small
Lenski, Lois
Cowboy Small takes care of his horse Cactus and rides him around the ranch. He does jobs like fixing the fence and rounding up the cows.

Stanley and rhoda
Wells, Rosemary
Stanley and Rhoda are brother and sister. They have fun in three short stories as they clean Rhoda's room, deal with Rhoda's bee sting, and play with the babysitter.

Paul and arthur search for the egg
Rockwell, Anne
Paul and Arthur the bull, hear a crying seagull. The seagull has lost her egg and Paul and Arthur take on the responsibility of finding it. When they do, a baby gull is born and the mother gull is very happy.

The little red hen
Galdone, Paul
The little red hen lived with a cat, dog, and mouse, but was the only one who ever did any work. She planted wheat, took it to the mill to ground into flour, and made a cake. Even though she asked for help, no one helped her with anything. But once the cake was made, they all wanted a piece. After the hen finished the cake herself, she had three eager helpers whenever there was work to be done.

April's kittens
Newberry, Clare Turlay
April owns a cat who gives birth to three kittens. There is not room for all four of them, so April must give away three. She gives away two kittens and her family decides to keep the other two.

Too many rabbits
Parish, Peggy
Miss Molly takes care of a rabbit who has babies. These rabbits multiply like crazy until she has a house full. She tries to get rid of them and finally succeeds. Then she takes in a cat who later has kittens.

Parish, Peggy
It is Todd's birthday and he is getting a kitten. He goes to the animal shelter and gets to pick the kitten out himself. He names his kitten Scruffy.

Nessa's fish
Luenn, Nancy
Nessa and her grandmother catch enough fish to feed the whole camp. However, during the night, Nessa's grandmother becomes sick and Nessa must protect her and the fish from wild animals.

How the camel got his hump
Kipling, Rudyard
When the world was brand new camal had no hump. He did not work, only idled in the desert. This upset the other animals who told a magic man. This magic man gave the camel his hump so he can work for three days without food and water.

Clymer, Eleanor
Horatio is a selfish cat who leaves home because his owner, Mrs. Casey, has taken in other animals and doesn't pay attention to him. While he is gone, two kittens adopt him and he must take care of them. When he realizes that he can't do it alone, they all go back to Mrs. Casey.

Farmer brown goes round and round
Sloat, Teri
Farmer Brown lives on a farm and he and his animals are very content. One day, a tornado whips through the farm picking up Farmer Brown and his animals. When they land back on the ground everyone is mixed up and making the wrong sounds. When the tornado returns and picks up the farmer and the animals again, things return back to normal.

Aunt minnie mcgranahan
Prigger, Mary Skillings
Aunt Minnie McGranahan lives alone and has a very orderly life. She has a system for doing everything from cleaning to feeding her animals. One day, Minnie receives a telegram from across the country telling her that her nieces and nephews need someone to raise them and take care of them. Despite her neighbors' doubts that nine children could never fit into her perfectly ordered schedule, Minnie and the children work as a team and live together quite nicely.

The cat in the hat
Seuss, Dr.
It was too wet to play outside, so Sally and her brother just sat inside. Along came the Cat in the Hat with a bunch of silly tricks that made a huge mess. Right before their mother returns, they clean everything up.

Mean murgatroyd and the ten cats
Zimelman, Nathan
Arabella takes her ten cats for a walk every day, but Mean Murgatroyd, the dog next door, scares them away. Arabella comes up with a great idea for dealing with Murgatroyd.

Will you please feed our cat?
Stevenson, James
Maryann and Louie's grandpa had to take car of his neighbors' pets when he was a young boy. He describes the escapades of feeding hundreds of cats, a rabbit, fish and gerbils.

Kitten day
Ormerod, Jan
A little girl gets a kitten and they begin to get to know one another. They eat, take a bath, play and sleep. She is very happy with her new friend.

The everywhere cat
Corbin, William
A cat goes everywhere, except when there are mice to be caught and a cat is needed - he is nowhere.

Mrs. potter's pig
Root, Phyllis
Mrs. Potter loves to keep everything clean but her baby Ermajean always gets dirty. One day while Mrs. Potter is cleaning in the yard, Ermajean crawls over to a big mud puddle in a pig pen andhas a wonderful time getting messy. In the meantime, a pig finds its way into Ermajean's buggy and when Mrs. Potter comes back, she thinks her daughter has actually turned into a pig.

Runaway mittens
Rogers, Jean
Pico, an Eskimo boy, is always losing the red mittens his grandmother makes for him. One day, Pico finds his mittens in a box with his dog who has just delivered puppies. He decides his mittens should stay there, so the puppies can keep warm.