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  • Tags: mole
All about you
Anholt, Catherine//Anholt, Laurence
Everyone is different, no one is quite the same. Discover all about you!How do you feel today?Are you hungry?Each time it's a new story.

All wet!All wet!
Skofield, James
A little boy takes a walk while it is raining and finds that everything in nature responds to the rain. When the rain goes away and the sun dries everything, nature is even more beautiful.

Badger's bad mood
Oram, Hiawyn
Badger is in a bad mood and this is very unusual. His forest friends don't know what to do about his terrible demeanor. They need him and try different ways to cheer him up. After several failed attempts at cheering badger up, mole realized all he needed was to feel appreciated.

Basil brush and the windmills
Firmin, Peter
A fox and a mole decide they need to cut down on their electrical costs. So, they invent a windmill to supply energy for many different things. By charging people to come see their inventions, they make enough money to pay their bills.

Big bear to the rescue
Margolis, Richard J.
A bear sees his friend, Mr. Mole, at the bottom of a well. The bear rounds up his friends to rescue Mr. Mole.

Clink Clank Clunk
Aroner, Miriam
Rabbit is taking a trip into town and is kind enough to pick up nine friends along the way. Much to his dismay, Rabbit's car begins to fall apart more and more with each friend that gets in! With a little teamwork and persistence though, the ten make it safely to town where Rabbit buys a new car.

Deep down underground
Dunrea, Olivier
One mole digs deep underground and affects all the other animals down there because of his noise.

Eeny meeny miney mole
Yolen, Jane
Eeny, Meeny, and Miney Mole live life underground and they have no idea what life up above is like. One day, Eeny burrows up above ground and discovers day, night, light, darkness, and the four seasons.

Hosie's alphabet
Baskin, Leonard
All the letters of the alphabet are associated with many different animals, birds, and insects.

How groundhog's garden grew
Cherry, Lynne
Little Groundhog is hungry. His friend Squirrel reminds him that it would not be nice to eat from someone else's garden, so he offers to teach Groundhog how to grow food in his own garden. Groundhog learns that cooperation with the birds and insects around him will help meet their needs and help his garden to grow. After planting, tending, and harvesting his garden, Groundhog has a feast with his friends.

In my backyard
Giogas, Valarie
Baby dogs are puppies and they belong to a litter. Counting from one to ten, familiar backyard animals are introduced by baby and family group name. Each stanza also tells a bit more about each animal by providing clues as to what they eat, how they sound, or where they live.

Johnny crow's party
Brooke, L. Leslie
Johnny crow has a bunch of animals that gather in his garden. They have many rhyming adventures.

Little mouse and the big cupcake
Taylor, Thomas
Little Mouse finds a big cupcake, but it is so big he can't carry it home. Other animals come by and ask to try the cupcake, but they can't help him carry it. After all the animals have some of the cupcake Little Mouse is sad. He cheers up when he realizes there's a positive side to the smaller cupcake.

Mole music
McPhail, David
Mole lives by himself underground, spending his days digging tunnels. One night her hears the beautiful music from a violin, and he gets one and begins to make wonderful music. Although he thinks he is playing only for himself, his music has an impact on numerous people.

Night noises and other mole and troll stories
Johnston, Tony
A series of several short stories about two friends - a troll and a mole -that describe several adventures they go through together from losing a tooth to being afraid of the dark.

Q is for duck
Elting, Mary // Folsom, Michael
A zoo filled with a wide variety of animals, their behaviors, and the noises that they make creates a fun-filled atmosphere for an exciting riddle using all twenty-six letters of the alphabet. This alphabet guessing game keeps children anticipating what is on the next page as they are learning they connections between animals and letters.

River beds: Sleeping in the world's rivers
Karwoski, Gail Langer
Take an around-the-world boatride to learn how mammals sleep in or around ten of the world's major rivers. Row down the Mississippi and watch two river otters slip into a hollow tree, or look to the bank of the Bribane River as a platypus pops into a hole and disappears into a narrow tunnel.

Silly tilly and the easter bunny
Hoban, Lillian
Silly Tilly, the mole, seems to be slightly senile. She looses her glasses and thinks that the Easter bunny has come to visit her. She eventually finds her glasses and the Easter bunny really does come to see her. Then they celebrate together.

Silly tilly's thanksgiving dinner
Hoban, Lillian
Silly Tilly Mole is very forgetful and almost ruins her Thanksgiving dinner. She forgets to mail invitations and make the food. In the end, her friends come to the rescue with food and they all enjoy dinner.

Slither, swoop, swing
Ayliffe, Alex
Join animals of many shapes and sizes doing the activities they do best. Watch snakes slither, bats swoop, monkeys swing, penguins waddle, and other animals on the move.

The busy tree
Ward, Jennifer
Spectacular illustrations rendered in oil paint, and a rhyming text that describes tree's activities from its roots to its branches, introduce young readers to the amazing activities that go on in a tree. See acorns nibbled by chipmunks, ants scurrying across a trunk, and a spider spinning a web. Everything adds up to a busy tree for all to come and see.

The mushroom man
Pochocki, Ethel
An old man, known as the mushroom man, works on a mushroom farm. People say that his head looks like a mushroom. They tease him and call him names. He befriends an even uglier animal, and they are happy together.

Whose garden is it?
Hoberman, Mary Ann
Whose garden is it? A garden belongs to everyone because many contribbuted to its growth.