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Pumpkin seeds
Yezback, Steven A.
David uses his nickles to buy a bag of pumpkin seeds. Willing to share his seeds, he offers some to everyone he meets, but only the pigeons want his pumpkin seeds.

A sky full of dragons
Wright, Mildred Whatley
Lee Chow's grandfather shows him the wonderful items in the magic Chest of Dragons. What Lee Chow really wants is marbles and the Chest of Dragons cannot provide them. Fortunately, the Spring Festival creates good times, friends, and the beautiful marbles Lee Chow desires.

Rude giants
Wood, Audrey
Beatrix, the buttermaid, teaches two rude giants how to be clean and beautiful and to have good manners in order to rescue her friend, Gerda the cow, from being eaten.

Hi, pizza man!
Walter, Virginia
A young girl waits anxiously for the pizza man to arrive. While she waits, her mother asks her how she would greet the delivery boy if he were a woman, cat, dog, duck, cow, snake, or dinosaur.

"Stand back" said the elephant. I'm going to sneeze!
Thomas, Patricia
When an elephant announces that he is going to sneeze, all of the animals panic. If he sneezes, chaos will erupt by feathers flying off birds and stripes leaving zebras. Fortunately, the mouse has a plan, and it is up to him to save the animals from the elephant's devastating sneeze.

Tops and bottoms
Stevens, Janet
Hare and Bear decide to become business partners. Due to Bear's laziness, Hare tricks him three times. This is a great book because it shows children proper eating habits (with vegetables), and it provides a moral.

Thank-you you're welcome
Slobodkin, Louis
Jimmy always says thank-you and uses his best manners. Jimmy is upset though, because he never gets to say you're welcome. When he tells his mom why he is upset, she tells him that if he does nice things for other people he will get to say you're welcome more often.

What do I say?
Simon, Norma
Manuel is a Puerto Rican child living in a large American city. Follow along with him throughout the day as various situations arise and Manuel asks, What do I say?. All of his questions and answers are offered in English and Spanish.

Sheep out to eat
Shaw, Nancy
Five sheep stop at a restaurant to eat on the way home from a trip. The sheep order a variety of food and are sloppy, noisy, and rude. They get kicked out of the restaurant and graze on the restaurant lawn. This makes the sheep happy so they leave a big tip.

I'm terrific
Sharmat, Marjorie Weinman
Everytime Jason Bear does something terrific, he gives himself a star. He soon realizes that his behavior is ruining his friendships. Thus, Jason Bear decides to change.

Meet wild boars
Rosoff, Meg
Borris, Morris, Horace, and Doris are wild boars. They lack manners and kindness. Do not try to be friends with them because all they will do is cause trouble.

Meet wild boars
Rosoff, Meg
Morris, Boris, Horace, and Doris are four wild boars that are not good at all. Although the children try to be polite and help the wild boars or share their snack with them, the boars still cannot be good. The contrast of good and poor behaviors are pointed out in the humorous text.

Shaker boy
Ray, Mary Lyn
At age six, Celeb comes to live with the Shakers and he spends the rest of his life in their unique culture. He learns their ways, their songs, and is inspired by angels.

Loud emily
O'Neil, Alexis
Emily has a very loud voice and her parents and tutor do not know what to do with her. The tutor suggests that she go to a boarding school for quiet girls. Before she leaves for the school, Emily takes a trip into town where she sees a sign for loud help on a ship that is setting sail that day. Emily uses her voice to save several ships from crashing at sea.

Mel's diner
Moss, Marissa
Mabel's parents own a diner where she helps every morning before school. Mabel introduces all the patrons of the diner, then explains what she and her friend do after school.

Pigs aplenty, pigs galore!
McPhail, David
The narrator is innocently reading when a pack of pigs invades his house. They create quite a ruckus eating, dancing, and ordering pizza. The narrator convinces the pigs to clean up and go to bed.

Pigs ahoy
McPhail, David
A new passenger on a ship is placed in a room full of pigs. At first, he finds their lack of manners to be disturbing but when they're gone, he misses the fun atmosphere that they created.

The bear's bicycle
McLeod, Emily Warren
A little boy and his teddy bear go on a bicycle ride through an imaginative trip. They are cautious and safe along their trip.

Maclear, Kyo
Spork feels left out. He has a spoon and a fork for parents, which makes him unique compared to the other cutlery. He is never chosen in the kitchen, until something comes along that neither forks nor spoons can handle. His uniqueness comes in handy!

The old woman who lived in a vinegar bottle
MacDonald, Margaret Read
An old woman complains about living in a vinegar bottle. A fairy friend helps her to grant her wish. But the little old lady is still unhappy and wants more wishes granted by her fairy friend.

Ottie slockett
Luttrell, Ida
Ottie said mean things to his neighbors all day. One day he builds a glass house which allows his neighbors to meddle in his life. He then decides to be nice to them.

Manners can be fun
Leaf, Munro
Stick figures are used to demonstrate good manners and how to act properly for play, home, and visits.

Lunch bunnies
Lasky, Kathryn
A little bunny named Clyde is nervous about lunch time on his first day at school. Clyde worries about whether he will be able to balance his tray or if anyone will sit with him.

I want my hat back
Klassen, Jon
A bear almost gives up his search for his missing hat until he remembers something important.

What do you say, dear?
Joslin, Sesyle
This is a manners book for children. Each page presents a question of etiquette in an unbelievable setting. It then gives the correct answer.

Mommy go away
Jonell, Lynne//Mathers, Petra
Christopher is tired of his mommy telling him what to do. Christopher tells his mommy to go away. Suddenly, mommy shrinks to the size of a toy and he sends her away on a toy boat in his bathtub. After Mommy's scary adventure, she realizes that it is rough being little.

Grunter: A pig with an attitude
Jolley, Mike
Grunter is a pig with an attitude. He thinks he rules the little green farm. All of the other animals are sick of it! On his birthday, Grunter thinks everyone forgot him but they have decided to get their revenge. Before Grunter knows what's going on, he's blasted into outer space. Where will he end up now?

Ellen's lion
Johnson, Crockett
Twelve different stories teach lessons of politeness, geography, and life experiences. A young girl named Ellen is aided by her stuffed animal who helps her on her journey.

The doorbell rang
Hutchins, Pat
Ma made a plate of cookies. People kept coming by to share the cookies. Then grandma came by with more cookies.

The little brute family
Hoban, Russell
It isn't until Baby Brute finds a lost good feeling in a field of daisies that the family becomes happy and friendly. In the springtime, they flew thier kites together. In summer, they swam together. In fall, they gathered nuts and acorns. And in winter, they sang songs together. When spring came again, the little Brute family changed their name to nice.

Dinner at alberta's
Hoban, Russell
Arthur, the crocodile, lacks manners. Food falls out of his mouth, and he talks with his mouth full. He is invited to dinner at Alberta's house, so he tries to learn some table manners. He watches how Alberta eats and tries to eat the way she does.

Dinner's ready: A pig's book of table manners
Gedye, Jane
Dinner is ready, but pig and bunny have no manners when they begin to eat. They burp, reach and spill things. When they are finished eating, they leave the table a mess.

First things first
Fraser, Betty
Various situations are presented and explained by a suitable proverb. Each situation begins with the statement, What do you say when..

DiPucchio, Kelly
Mrs. Poodle takes Gaston and his three siblings to the park where they meet Mrs. Bulldog and her family. Suddenly, they realize that Gaston looks more like Mrs. Bulldog’s child and Gaston goes to live with her family. However, Gaston realizes that he likes his old family and returns to live with Mrs. Poodle, making sure to play with Mrs. Bulldog’s children when they are at the park.

The professor of etiquette
de Mejo, Oscar
Professor McGrath is the professor of etiquette. He is visiting town and he is on the lookout for bad manners. He demonstrates the proper way to blow your nose, cut and chew your food, and drink from a cup.

Please say please!
Cuyler, Margery
When Penguin invites his friends for dinner, they all seem to have forgotten their manners. The animals need help to remember the right way to act at a friend's house.

Mary louise loses her manners
Cuneo, Diane
Mary Louise loses her manners during breakfast one day and goes on a journey to find them all around town. Through the journey, the importance of manners becomes a reality for Mary Louise while at the restaurant, doctor's office, and library.

Zany zoo
Bridwell, Norman
Timmy has a job at the zoo helping out Mr.Penny. When Mr. Penny goes out of town, his wife takes over and tries to change everything in the zoo. When Timmy tells Mr. Penny, things turn around quickly.

Mooove over!
Beil, Karen Magnuson
A trolley driver has a set system that he always uses to keep track of the number of passengers: he counts by twos. One day, everything is going right on schedule, until a big, bossy cow comes on the trolley. The driver loses count and the cow forces the other passengers onto the roof. Finally, the driver realizes there is only one passenger, gets everyone back inside the trolley, and pushes the cow off to the streets.

I am every good thing
Barnes, Derrick
Illustrations and easy-to-read text pay homage to the strength, character, and worth of a child.

Pigs in the pantry: Fun with math and cooking
Axelrod, Amy
Mrs. Pig isn't feeling well so Mr. Pig and the piglets decide to make her favorite chili. There's only one problem--they don't know how to cook! While Mom is taking a nap, Mr. Pig and the piglets make such a mess in the kitchen that Mrs. Pig wakes up to find the firemen cleaning up a big mess.

Pass the peas, please: A book of manners
Anastasio, Dina
Clever, funny rhymes are used to show how to behave in a variety of situations. Eating with your mouth full, taking food that doesn't belong to you, eating spaghetti the right way, and sharing food with others are rhymes about food manners.