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  • Tags: italian
A helpful alphabet of friendly objects
Updike, John
Poems are provided with various pictures of objects which begin with each letter of the alphabet such as apple, bird, jam, egg, nickel, oatmeal, toy and zero.

The gondolier of venice
Kraus, Robert
Gregory the mouse wants to help save Venice because it is sinking. Gregory rounds up his other gondelier friends and they put floats under the city. Then they tie it down to keep Venice afloat and still.

Jingle the christmas clown
dePaola, Tomie
Jingle and Il Circo Riccolo, the little circus, venture off to perform their circus at a little town, as they do every Christmas, on their way to the city. To their surprise, the town is poor, almost abandoned, and can't afford the circus. See how Jingle brightens their Christmas.

Days of the blackbird: A tale of northern italy
dePaola, Tomie
Gemma and her father, Duke Gemma, love to sit in their courtyard where birds of all colors decorate the trees and sing beautiful songs. When her father becomes ill, Gemma realizes that the only hope for her father's recovery comes from the bird songs. Unfortunately, it is winter and all of the birds fly south, all except the Duke's favorite bird, La Colomba. La Colomba withstands the cold wind and snow in order to sing the Duke back to health.

Rome antics
McCaulay, David
With the help of a pigeon, we take a journey through the city of Rome where there are many ancient buildings and sculptures. We soar over beautiful architecture and cobblestone streets as we explore the city.

Little leo
Politi, Leo
When Leo gets an Indian costume from his father, he doesn't realize all the attention he will receive. From California to Italy, many people admire the costume so much that his friends make their own.

Siggy's spaghetti works
Thomson, Peggy
Siggy takes a group of students through his spaghetti factory. He shows them how to make spaghetti from start to finish. The children get to test the pasta during their tour. Siggy tells the students of the history of spaghetti and then they all dine on spaghetti.

Danilo the fruitman
Valens, Amy
Danilo, the fruitman, sells oranges to all the people in town. One day he discovers a new fruit, but when he tries to sell it, people just laugh at him. When he discovers the secret of this fruit, he becomes very popular with all the people.

Everybody cooks rice
Dooley, Norah
Carrie's mom sends her out looking for her little brother at dinner time. While she is looking, she stops at many of her neighbors' houses and tries their cultural dinners made with rice

Angelo goes to the carnival
Goodenow, Earle
Angelo has his first experience with an Italian carnival.

Merry christmas, strega nona
dePaola, Tomie
Strega Nona has a huge Christmas feast to prepare. How will she finish with untrustworthy Big Anthony as her only helper?Big Anthony will suprise us in the end!

A boy named giotto
Guarnieri, Paolo
Dreams really do come true for Giotto, a young shepard boy, who is mindless of his chores and duties because of his strong passion and talent for painting. Although he loses a sheep, Giotto's curiosity and persistence lead him to find someone who can unlock the door to his artistic future.

Uncle's new suit
Passen, Lisa
Uncle Carmen gets a new job, and the entire family goes to the store to help him pick out a new suit.

Haycock, Kate
What is pasta?What is pasta made from?How does pasta effect the body?Explore the history of pasta and the various types of pasta through this story. Learn how to make and cook your own pasta from step-by-step instructions that are included.

Big anthony and the magic ring
dePaola, Tomie
Big Anthony steals Strega Nona's magic ring and wishes to be handsome. Be ready for a surprise when he realizes it's more of a hassle than fun.

Bravo, zan angelo!
Daly, Niki
Angelo Polo is a young boy who passionately wants to be a clown like his grandfather Zan Polo. His grandfather tells him that the theater is no place for a little boy. Finally, Zan Polo tells Angelo that he can be the little red rooster who crows in the last act. So, Angelo scurries and runs all over the city to prepare for his performance during the carnival. It turns out that Angelo is an excellent rooster and his grandfather agrees that the theater can be a place for a little boy.

How pizza came to queens
Khalsa, Dayal Kaur
There is no pizza in May's town until Mrs. Pelligrino comes to visit and teaches them how to make delicious food.

Tony's bread
dePaola, Tomie
In order to win the hand of Serafina, Angelo helps Tony the Baker, who is Serafina's father, create the best tasting bread in Milano, Italy. The bread is a success, and Angelo and Serafina marry.

Hopscotch around the world
Lankford, Mary D.
Nineteen different ways of playing hopscotch from around the world are presented along with directions, drawings of the different patterns, and a brief history of the game.

The summer my father was ten
Brisson, Pat
A father and his daughter plant a garden every year, and every year she hears the story of how the ritual started. When her father was ten, he and some friends destroyed a neighbor's garden. In the father's guilt, he makes amends with the neighbor and gains a friend.

The clown of god: An old story
dePaola, Tomie
Giovanni loves to juggle. He juggles every day to make people laugh. He goes to great extremes to turn peoples' frowns upside down.

Strega nona meets her match
dePaola, Tomie
Strega Nona cures all the townspeople of aches, lovesickness, and other ailments. One day, her friend, Strega Amelia, steals her customers and opens a high-tech office. In the end, good old-fashioned ways win out.

Strega nona: Her story as told to Tomie dePaola
dePaola, Tomie
A little girl name Nona is born, and her Grandma Concetta says that she will teach her the ways of a strega who gives cures and advice on many things. Nona grows up and attends the convent school and the Academy of Stregas in the city. Nona eventually returns to the country to take her Grandma's place after she retires.

Big anthony, his story
dePaola, Tomie
Big Anthony is born, and from the beginning cannot seem to pay attention. This gets him in trouble, where ever he travels.

Gabriella's song
Fleming, Candace
When Gabriella begins to hum a tune, the inhabitants of Venice begin to hum along too. The tune makes some happy, others sad, and some even swoon. The power of music is clearly portrayed in this story.

Shoes, shoes, shoes
Morris, Ann
A rhyme about shoes from all over the world ranges from new shoes to work shoes, game shoes to fun shoes.

Good morning, let's eat!
Badt, Karin Luisa
What's for breakfast in Switzerland?Where did the word breakfast originate?Discover the answers to these questions and many more about morning foods. In some countries, breakfast is the biggest meal of the day, and in others it is very small.

Bartleby Speaks!
Cruise, Robin
Bartleby is a very quiet baby. He learns to crawl, walk and explore, but he still doesn't talk. His family and even the dog try to get him to talk by singing, dancing, playing instruments, but Bartleby still won't speak. On his birthday he speaks his first word: listen, and for the first time his family stops and listens.

This is the way we eat our lunch
Baer, Edith
Time for lunch! What will it be? Come along - let's taste and see! Journey across the world as children eat lunch. Discover many new foods and recipes you can make and eat.

How to make an apple pie and see the world
Priceman, Marjorie
A girl decides to make an apple pie. She goes to the store and finds it closed. Now she must travel across the world to gather ingredients for her pie. She goes to Italy, France, Sri Lanka, England, Jamaica, and Vermont. Once her ingredients are gathered, she takes them home and bakes an apple pie.

The secret Olivia told me
Joy, N.
Olivia develops interpersonal skills by realizing how her words affect her friends. Olivia and her best friend realize the importance of honesty and trust in their friendship.

Park, Linda Sue
Animal sounds in different languages such as Turkish, Chinese and Hindu are shared. Open the flap to find out what animal it is.

Macauley, David
A man is repairing when he comes upon an injured pigeon. He nurses the pigeon back to health and a friendship fast emerges. The pigeon helps the man fulfill his lifelong dream and is surprised to find an addition to the building.

The great poochini
Clement, Gary
The Great Poochini lives with his owner, Hersh, and leaves at night to sing in the opera. Due to his talent, the Great Poochini is the lead singer and, on the night of the premiere, he is unable to leave his home. Then, after a robber breaks into Hersh's home and the Great Poochini scares him away, he makes it to the opera just in time for the show.