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Across the wide dark sea: The mayflower journey
Van Leeuwen, Jean
A young boy and his family leave England with many other people to search for a new life in a new land. They dream of finding a place where they can worship God in their own way. During their journey, everyone endures many hardships, but they find what they are looking for.

An artist
Goffstein, M.B.
Goffstein depicts how an artist's work is part of him and how his work is like a creation from God.

Big momma makes the world
Root, Phyllis
As each day goes by, Big Momma continues to make the world a better place with a little baby by her side. She is the boss of the world and never will mess around.

Cat heaven
Rylant, Cynthia
Past the stars, the moon, and the sun is where cat heaven is, and every cat knows the way there. With trees to climb, toys to play with, angel laps to purr in, and food to eat, all cats love going to cat heaven and God loves having them there too!

Elephant prince:  The story of Ganesh
Novesky, Amy
In this mythical story, that takes place in India, a girl grows up listening to her motherメs and grandmotherメs stories. As a princess, she meets her love and is married. He promises her a baby and has one within a year. When gods gather around the babyメs head vanishes. Another god helps save the baby with the help of an elephant offering his life. The little boy was saved and became the elephant prince, listening to his motherメs stories everyday.

Freedom school, yes!
Littlesugar, Amy
Jolie shows courage in her community by protecting the school that will educate her and others. Jolie is afraid others will burn down the school. Jolie never gives up hope, and learns about famous African Americans who were brave and made a difference in their community, just like Jolie.

God bless the gargoyles
Pilkey, Dav
Over time the gargoyles have become feared and unloved, but at night angels come down and make them feel blessed again.

Hip, hug, hooray!
Tangvald, Christine
Do you know how many types of hugs there are? Look and learn how hugs are imporatant everywhere and everyday.

Lift every voice and sing
Johnsson, James Weldan
Lift every voice puts pictures to the African American National Anthem. The lyrics tell the story of Black people's past struggles and the hope that Blacks will continue to have towards their future.

Nappy hair
Herron, Carolivia
Brenda has nappy hair all over her head. Her Uncle Mordecai tells the story that God gave Brendy nappy hair even though the angels tried to talk him out of it. Brenda is special, because God created the only perfect circle in nature in one nap of her hair.

No one else like you
Goeminne, Siska
There are seven billion people living in this world. Each person is different and uniquely original. See all the ways that people can move, act, do and be. People come in different colors, shapes, and sizes, and they wear a variety of clothing and feel a variety of emotions. People believe in different things. Not one of them is just like you.

Old turtle
Wood, Douglas
This is a tale of the animal's and nature's search for God, and later man's search for God. Through the eyes of God's other creations, we are shown God's unending love and eternal presence in our lives, and we are reminded that we were put on earth to be stewards for the earth and messengers of God's love.

Only passing through: The story of Sojourner Truth
Rockwell, Anne
A young woman named Isabella leads a strong and courageous life after being sold three times as a slave girl in the northeastern United States. After she is given a freedom day by a couple living nearby who knew of the 1827 New York law to set adults free, Isabella felt the "power of a nation" in court to win back her son who was unlawfully sold out of state. Isabella later heard God calling her to be a sojourner and spread her message about the value of freedom and what it had been like to be a slave. She would ask people "Is this any way to treat a human being"? Sojourner told her truth so well that she took the name Sojourner Truth and carried a white silk banner with the words "Proclaim Liberty" wherever she went.

Papa's pastries
Toscano, Charles
Miguel and his father set out to sell their homemade pastries in the near by villages. Since money was scarce, Miguel's father decided that kindness was more important than money and was later repaid.

Q.T. pie catches the rainbow
Sanders, Stephanie
Now that Q.T. Pie is finished with her chores, she can join her friends outside for play. But when it starts to rain, she must find something fun to do indoors. With help from her mom, Q.T. discovers how to catch a rainbow inside her own house!With colored beads strung in her hair, Q.T. can now wear her very own rainbow.

Rain player
Wisniewski, David
A young boy must face repentance for disrespecting a god. The fate of the town lies in the young man's hands.

Remember the secret
Kubler-Ross, Elisabeth
Because she has already discovered the wonders of God, Suzy understands the true meaning of her friend's death.

Roy makes a car: Based on a story collected by Zora Neale Hurston
Lyons, Mary
Roy Tyle is known around town as the best mechanic in Florida. Roy makes it his mission to create a car that will be accident proof. No one in the town believes him, but Roy proves them wrong time and time again. Roy's creativity and perseverance leads to the making of the best cars in the area.

Rumi: Whirling dervish
Born in Afghanistan in the thirteenth century, Rumi settled in Turkey and became the greatest mystical poet who ever lived. Although he began his adult life as a highly respectable scholar, he found his true calling after becoming the disciple of a mysterious holy man, Shamsuddin, who taught him for three years. From Shams he learned to listen for the sacred sound of God within himself. When his creative spirit was awakened, he recited more than 50,000 rhymed couplets. He wrote about the love that resides in the soul of everyone regardless of religion or background. He founded the order of the whirling dervishes who believed their spinning dances put them in touch with God and brought peace and love into the world. Although Rumi died 800 years ago, his poems are more widely read now than ever. To honor the 800th anniversary of his birth, the United Nations declared 2007 the year of Mevlana Jalaluddin Rumi.

Ruth and naomi
Marzollo, Jean
After their husbands sadly pass away, Ruth moves to Bethlehem with her widowed mother-in-law Naomi. With no money and no sense of hope, the two women are unsure as to what will happen. A kind farmer known as Boaz, however shows his kindness and restores their happiness so that they can begin anew.

Seven brave women
Hearne, Betsy
A young girl tells the story of her family's history. She explains how each of her female ancestors played a very important role in the shaping of this family's history.

Shaker boy
Ray, Mary Lyn
At age six, Celeb comes to live with the Shakers and he spends the rest of his life in their unique culture. He learns their ways, their songs, and is inspired by angels.

Sister Anne's hands
Lorbiecki, Mary Beth
Anna begins her second year of school in the early '60's. Her new teacher, Sister Anne, is different from other teachers because she has a different skin color. She inspires students all around her and overcomes challenges. Students learn what respect and tolerance are, and everyone learns from one another.

Sunday week
Johnson, Dinah
A community describes each day of their weekly routine. The community is constantly looking forward to their Sunday traditions. Sunday is rich with family time, the Lord, and storytelling.

The crippled lamb
Lucado, Max
A little lamb named Joshua has one leg that doesn't work well so he always limped when he walked. His best friend, Abigail, was an old cow who encouraged Josh with her voice in a kind and friendly way. Abigail also told Josh about God who has a special place for those who feel left out. When all the other sheep are moved to a new meadow, a shepherd tells Josh to go back to the stable and spend the night. Josh gains companions when a young woman with her baby, Jesus, is born in that stable. Even shepherds come to the door to see God's son.

The fourth wise man
Summers, Susan
Atraban is the fourth wise man who is to go see the new born King of the Jews. He never meets the Messiah, but during his travels he is able to help many people with the gifts he carries for the King. After years of travel, Artaban still hasn't met his King, but before both men die Artaban hears the voice of the Messiah.

The little lamb's first christmas
Walther, Clara Mae
A young lamb witnesses the birth of Christ. Joy fills the stable, as Mary and Joseph spend the night.

The little match girl
Pinkey, Jerry
When a poor girl finds herself using matches to imagine things that are important in her life, she recalls the lessons that her grandmother has taught her. With hands stiff with cold, the little match girl studies the bright light that gives her warmth, imagination, and the closure to her young life.

The mouse god
Kennedy, Richard
A barnyard cat is very vain and musses his hair when he chases the barnyard mice. He comes up with a plan to get rid of all the mice at once so he doesn't have to catch them.

Learn about King Tutankhamun's life and his challenges when ruling his kingdom in Egypt.

What a truly cool world
Lester, Julius//Cepeda, Joe
God created the world with water, trees, land, animals, and people, and thought he had done a great job. God's angel Shaniqua told God that the world looked too boring. God then set out to make the world more interesting. First he made grass but that did not help much so God started singing and making beautiful music. When the flowers complained about being lonely, God called on Shaniqua to sing. Her voice was so pretty that the planets and starts started crying. The people on earth were very happy with their world and so was God.

Who will I be, Lord?
Nelson, Vaunda Michaeaux
A young girls outlines the careers and callings of her family members. She questions the Lord on what she will become. As she realizes that her family dreams of being more than anything they are now, she then understands that she can be anything she wants to be, because it is up to her.