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  • Tags: forgiveness
I swapped my dog
Ziefert, Harriet
In an effort to find the perfect pet which he believes he should be able to ride, a countryman exchanges his dog for a mare. However he soon finds that the mare is not what he expected which begins a long series of unsuccessful pet exchanges, including a goat, a sheep, a cow, and a rooster among others. In the end, however, the countryman makes a successful exchange, in which he acquires his dog who is always by his side.

Old woman and the willy nilly man
Wright, Jill
The Little Old Woman who lives in the woods has not gotten a good night's rest because every night her shoes get up and dance. She visits a very scary man, the Willy Nilly Man, to ask for his help.

The parrot tico tango
Witte, Anna
Set in a Rainforest of Costa Rica, greediness consumes a parrot named Tico Tango. However, what comes around goes around, and as Tico Tango finds out in this morally centered text, sometimes getting everything you want is not what you need.

How I learned geography
Shulevitz, Uri
A war occurs and a boy and his family must flee from their homeland. Food is scarce and there is no entertainment. One day, Father brings home a map. The little boy studies the map. He learns geography and allows his imagination to take him to faraway places. He forgets about his hunger and his sadness.

David goes to school
Shannon, David
David is quite the mischievous student, full of energy and always keeping his teacher on her toes. His entertaining antics make it impossible not to enjoy him.

The peddler's gift
Schur, Maxine Rose
Shnook the peddler arrives in the town of Korovenko with his assortment of beautiful, hand-carved dreidels. Leibush notices on that is left behind and makes excuses for keeping it. He soon realizes that the peddlers ways may be a cover for wisdom and forgiveness. As Hanukkah approaches, Shnook leaves Leibush a gift that will last a lifetime.

Curious george plays baseball
Rey, Margaret//Shalleck, Allan J.
Curious George goes to a baseball game to see his friend Jimmy play. He soon interferes with the game, and everyone becomes angry with him. Curious George climbs a pole for safety. A foul ball is headed straight towards Jimmy's mother, but George snatches the ball out of the sky. Curious George becomes the hero of the day.

Raschka, Chris
Two boys are talking on the telephone. They get into an argument about their other peers. By the end, both sides of the conversation are known.

Harry in trouble
Porte, Barbara Ann
Harry tells his own story about how he misplaces his library cards. He feels ashamed about not being responsible, but then learns that he is not the only one.

Good driving, amelia bedelia
Parish, Herman
Amelia Bedelia is a maid who is not quite together. She misunderstands everything she is told to do, always with hysterical results. What will happen if Mr. Rogers lets her test drive his car?

Grandpa's gamble
Michelson, Richard
A brother and sister are tired of always having to be quiet so as not to interrupt Grandpa Sam while he is praying. The children think they have a very boring grandfather. Grandpa Sam overhears the children and tells them the story of his life. He was born a Jew in Poland and to escape persecution he came to the United States. He learns to gamble to make a living but when his daughter becomes very ill he decides to lead an honest, humble life and pray every morning and night. The children are now amazed by their Grandpa Sam's story and respect his prayer time.

The best place
Meddaugh, Susan
After talking with a bird on his lovely screen porch, an old wolf realizes that he may be missing out on some wonderful places because he's spent so much time admiring his porch with the beautiful view. Determined to see the world, the old wolf sells his house to a young rabbit family and sets out on his travels. However, after a trip down a river, an afternoon in the hot desert, and a tour of London drowned in rain, the wolf realizes that his front porch really is the best place in the world. However, the rabbits have settled and will not give the wolf his house back. Saddened he runs far into the forest and retreats to the top of a tall tree for the night. When he awakens, he realizes that this could be his new best place so he and his old neighbors work together to build his new home.

The crystal apple
McDermott, Beverly B.
Three sisters work in the fields all day. Their father goes to market and bring each of them a gift. Marusha receives a crystal apple, but her sisters break it. She realizes that she did not need it, because she has her imagination so she forgives her sisters.

Now I will never leave the dinner table
Martin, Jane Read//Marx, Patricia
Patty Jane's older sister Joy is perfect in everyway. She even likes to prepare and eat spinach. Patty Jane, however, refuses to eat spinach. Joy will not let Patty Jane leave the table until she eats a bite of spinach. In protest, Patty Jane plots how to make Joy leave the house.

George and martha round and round
Marshall, James
George and Martha are two hippos who learn about friendship, not hurting others' feelings, using their imagination, and learning forgiveness in five short stories.

Miss Flora Mcflimsey's valentine
Miss Flora McFlimsey sends anonymous valentines to all her friends. Her cat, Pookoo, is supposed to deliver them but does not. Even though Pookoo made a mistake, things work out in the end.

Big red lollipop
Khan, Rukhsana
Rubina is excited to get her first invite to a birthday party! However when she asks Ami whether she can go, Ami tells her she has to take her younger sister, Sana. After Sana ruins the party, Rubina has to learn how to overcome her anger and forgive her little sister.

Lilly's purple plastic purse
Henkes, Kevin
Lilly wants to be a teacher like Mr. Slinger. She always says wonderful things about him until one day he takes her purple plastic purse away. For revenge, Lilly draws a nasty picture of Mr. Slinger which makes her feel worse than before. This teaches Lilly that revenge is the wrong way to resolve conflict.

A pebble for your pocket
Hanh, Thich Nhat
Enjoy the stories of Thich Nhat Hanh, a Zen Buddhist. Learn how to transform negative feelings into positive feelings so you can live more at peace with yourself and in harmony with your environment.

Dear Willie Rudd
Gray, Libba Moore
Elizabeth remembers a wonderful woman named Willie Rudd that had an extraordinary impact on her childhood. Elizabeth writes a letter to Willie Rudd to tell her that she loves her and apologizes for any wrongs committed due to Willie's race.

Lucky and the giant
Elkin, Benjamin
Lucky, the little boy, has to outsmart the giant, Elmo, in order to get his parents back. He does three tasks to get them back as well as the brook that the giant stole. In the end, the family is together again, and Elmo becomes their friend.

Metropolitan cow
Egan, Tim
Bennett Gibbons, the only calf in his neighborhood, often feels very bored and alone. When the Andersons, a family of pigs, move in next-door, Bennett instantly becomes friends with Webster, the youngest Anderson. Come join Bennett and Webster in the joy and pains of friendship.

Stage struck
DePaola, Tomie
Tommy knows the story of Peter Rabbit by heart. When his class decides to put on the production he wants to be cast in the roll of Peter. Tommy is so excited he does not pay attention to his teacher and as a result gets cast as Mopsy. However, Tommy has a plan to keep him in the spotlight.

Brian's bird
Davis, Patricia
Brian receives a bird for his birthday. The two quickly become friends after Brian overcomes his fear. When Brian's brother Kevin carelessly lets the bird escape, Brian becomes upset. Will he ever see Scratchy again?

Jamela's dress
Daly, Niki
Jamela's mama has just bought some beautiful fabric for a new dress. While she's watching it dry outside in the South African air, Jamela wraps it around herself and starts parading down the street. Everyone is watching her, she is so proud. When she gets home, Jamela finds her mama very upset because her fabric is ruined. With the help of a friend, Jamela buys her mama more fabric. At this South African wedding, both Jamela and her mama are beautiful in their new dresses.

For you are a Kenyan child
Cunnane, Kelly
Follow a little Kenyan boy through his village on a typical but eventful day in Kenya. He learns an important lesson about listening to his elders as he visits with the neighbors in his village.

The meanest thing to say
Cosby, Bill
Little Bill meets a new boy at school who challenges him to play a game to find the meanest thing to say. When Bill learns a new strategy from his dad, he decides to avoid the game and ignore the criticism. Soon the new boy gets embaressed, but Bill reaches out to make him his friend.

Cannon, Janell
Crickwing is different from all the other cockroaches. He likes to create sculptures and has a twisted wing. Crickwing is tired of being bullied by the bigger animals in the forest and mistakenly takes his anger out on the leaf-cutter ants, learning a valuable lesson in return.

My brother, ant
Byars, Betsy
Anthony is a wild and creative little brother who, in the course of four different stories, tests the patience of his older brother.

Smoky night
Bunting, Eve
A riot breaks out in a young boys neighborhood which leads to his apartment building catching on fire. This tragedy brings together people from different backgrounds when they share in the trauma of both losing their cats and having their homes taken over by fire.

So far from the sea
Bunting, Eve
Laura and her family are moving, so they are coming to visit the Manzanar War Relocation Center one last time. Years ago, this center was used to house anyone living in the United States that were of Japanese descent. These people were forced to leave their homes and come to the center because Japan bombed the United States. The center is bare now except for all of the memories and the cemetary, including her grandfather's grave.

Dinosaurs divorce
Brown, Laurene Krasny//Brown, Marc
Divorce can be a scary thing for children. Questions and concerns about divorce can be answered with help from the dinosaurs. Dinosaurs explain everything from why parents divorce to celebrating holidays with two families to satisfy the inquisitive young mind.

The summer my father was ten
Brisson, Pat
A father and his daughter plant a garden every year, and every year she hears the story of how the ritual started. When her father was ten, he and some friends destroyed a neighbor's garden. In the father's guilt, he makes amends with the neighbor and gains a friend.

Junk pile!
Borton, Lady
When Jamie Kay helps her dad in their magical junk yard, Robert Haines and other kids make fun of her. Jamie Kay has to find a way to show the kids that her junkyard is magical. But most of all, Jamie has to find a way to make a friend.

The wrong side of the bed
Ardizzone, Edward
A little boy gets up on the wrong side of the bed. At the beginning of the day, he gets into all kinds of trouble. However, throughout the rest of day, he realizes what he has done wrong and apologizes to everyone. (A wordless book)

It's so nice to have a wolf around
Allard, Harry//Marshall, James
An old man and his three old pets needed someone to look after them. The wolf came and helped them get their spirits up. The man and his cats did not know that the wolf was wanted for bank robbery. The wolf was set free because he was so nice to the old man and they all lived happily ever after.