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Chicks and salsa
Reynolds, Aaron
A very creative bunch of farm animals at the Nuthatch Farm decide they are tired of their regular feed, and that they want something different. They begin to create sumptuous Mexican dishes with spices that they get from the farmer's garden. After planning a fiesta, the animals discover that all of the foods from the garden have been harvested and they cancel the fiesta and begin to eat their old, dull food once again --until the next day when rooster makes crepes and white grapes with sauce!

My river
Halpern, Shari
Creatures of a river tell how they need and use the river. The river is important to everyone.

The eensy-weensy spider
Hoberman, Mary Ann
Travel beyond the waterspout -- out into the garden, pond, brook, shoe store, and even the park with this determined spring-loving spider. Sing the all-time classic tune or just read with rhythm!This book will catch you in its colorful web and keep you on your toes as you advance beyond the traditional limits.

When agnes caws
Fleming, Candace
Agnes Peregrine has always loved birds and has recently found out that she has a true talent for bird calling. She goes to the Himalayan Mountains with her mother in search of the rarest bird of all. Little does she know that an evil colonel has followed them and wants this rare bird for his own collection!

What shall we do when we all go out?
Halpern, Shari
What shall we do when we all go out to play?Sing along as children choose many activities to throughout the day. Children ride bikes, fly kites, somersault, seesaw, run, eat, and much more.

Johnny crow's party
Brooke, L. Leslie
Johnny crow has a bunch of animals that gather in his garden. They have many rhyming adventures.

Swim, little duck
Miles, Miska
Little Duck has many adventures when she meets a frog, a pig, a rabbit, and a redwing bird. Each animal tries to show Little Duck where they think the best place in the world is.

Curious maggie
Gunthorp, Karen
Maggie, the duck, is curious to see what is beyond the farmyard where she lives. On an adventure outside of the farmyard, Maggie discovers what trouble is.

Daisy and the egg
Simmons, Jane
As Aunt Buttercup sits atop her eggs, Daisy awaits the arrival of new cousins and a brother or sister. Soon the eggs begin to hatch, all but the one Daisy has been watching. When Mama gives up hope, Daisy helps hatch the late egg!

Watch william walk
Jonas, Ann
William walks with his dog Wally and meets up with Wilma and her duck Wanda. They all walk together, but find when they wade in water, Wanda can move much faster.

Albert's alphabet
Tryon, Leslie
A duck, Albert the school carpenter, is asked to build an alphabet for the schools walking path. Albert relies on all the supplies in his workshop to build the alphabet.

Alice and aldo
Lester, Alison
During their day, Alice and Aldo work their way through the alphabet. They do all kinds of fun things like quacking with the ducks, making milkshakes, and swinging over the flowers. By the end of the day Alice and Aldo are ready for bed.

The surprise party
Hutchins, Pat
A rabbit is going to have a surprise party. He tells the owl that he is going to have a surprise party and the owl misunderstood what the rabbit said. The owl passes the misunderstood message on to others and everyone becomes confused.

Andreas in king's park
Andreas, Matt, and Ruff are great friends who do everything together. When Ruff runs off, Matt and Andreas use clever thinking and courage to find their dog.

Baby duck and the bad eyeglasses
Hest, Amy
Baby duck dislikes her new eyeglasses. She believes they look bad and hinder her ability to play. Her grandpa convinces her that her glasses are not so terrible after all.

Colors to know
Gundersheimer, Karen
A tiny person plays with different objects as she learns about colors.

A northern alphabet
Harrison, Ted
A Northern Alphabet provides many examples of people, places, animals and objects under each letter. It also displays an accurate representation of northern life throughout the year.

Buzzy bear goes camping
Marino, Dorothy
On his way camping, Buzzy meets three different creatures and learns how they do certain things. This helps him find his way home.

Another day
Ets, Marie Hall
A curious boy finds an animal talent contest in the middle of the forest. Since none of the animals could laugh, the little boy wins the contest.

Tomorrow on rocky pond
Reiser, Lynn
A child can't wait to go fishing on Rocky Pond so she can see animals and have picnics. It's a day full of adventure and fun.

It's a perfect day
Pizer, Abigail
All of the animals in the farm partake in their perfect day by making their sounds of happiness. For example, a cow goes moo-moo.

Splash, splash
Sheppard, Jeff
Colorful illustrations demonstrate how some animals like water and others do not. With clever repetition of animal sounds, the book shows how animals react after falling into a lake.

Pig in a barrow
Kitchen, Bert
Each rhyme tells of a different thing each animal or insect does on a farm.

Iktomi and the ducks
Goble, Paul
An arrogant Indian loses his horse. While he is looking for his horse, he goes duck hunting and fools the ducks long enough to kill them. Because he does not like noises, he tries to stop two trees from creaking. While he does this, he becomes stuck and a wolf eats the Indian's ducks.

Solo plus one
Scamell, Ragnihild
Solo is a cat who is very bad and enjoys eating gooey eggs. One day, an egg breaks open next to him and the duckling thinks he is his mother. This relationship brings a change in Solo's attitude.

Old mcdonald had a farm
Quackenbush, Robert
More and more animals, birds, and, finally, a car and wife keep adding on to the traditional song of Old MacDonald.

Lottie's new friend
Mathers, Petra
Herbie the duck and Lottie the chicken have been friends for a long time. One day Herbie goes to visit Lottie and finds Lottie spending time with a new friend, Dodo. Herbie becomes very jealous of Lottie's new friendship and he thinks that she doesn't care about him anymore. When Lottie has to leave to visit her sick aunt, Herbie becomes very lonely without Lottie's company. He decides to go over to visit Dodo and finds her stuck on her roof because she is afraid of heights. Herbie rescues her and Dodo tells Herbie how much Lottie cares about him. When Herbie finds out that Lottie is coming home, he calls Dodo and they go together to meet Lottie and welcome her home.

The winter duckling
Polette, Keith
When one duck decides he wants to see what winter is like, he realizes the hard way that it takes a lot of work to be a snow duck. Luckily, he has time and flies south for the winter.

Farmer duck
Waddell, Martin
Farmer Duck cooks, cleans, tends the fields and cares for the other animals because the farmer is too lazy. Farmer Duck grows tired so the animals come up with a plan.

Honk!The story of a prima swanerina
Edwards, Pamela Duncan
Mimi Swan loves the ballet. She practices her dancing all of the time and shows that she is very persistent. Mimi Swan dances her way into the Paris Opera House to perform in a production of Swan Lake.

Will it ever be my birthday?
Corey, Dorothy
Rabbit must first go to all his friends' birthday parties before it is time for his birthday again. Rabbit is impatient waiting but then happy when his own party day comes.

Each living thing
Ryder, Joanne
Do you ever think about what things you have in common with everyone else on Earth?One thing is that we share our world with every living thing. Can you find the snake in the grass?The crabs on the pier?We share our world and we should take care of it.

Bark, george
Feiffer, Jules
George's mother wants nothing more than for her puppy to bark but George can only meow, oink, quack, and moo. When his mother takes George to the vet, a cat, a pig, a duck, and a cow are all removed from deep inside of George. Finally, George is able to bark until he learns to speak!

The tale of tom kitten
Potter, Beatrix
Tom Kitten has two siblings. Their mother cleans them all and puts on nice clothes because her friends were coming to tea. The kittens then go out to play and get dirty. Three ducks come by and take their clothes. Their mother is very angry and sends them up to their room.

Mice squeak, we speak
dePaola, Arnold L.
Everyone knows that people communicate through talking. What about animals? How do animals communicate? Looking at different animals we can see that each kind of animal communicates in its own unique way using different sounds.

Flappy waggy wiggly
Leslie, Amanda
Can you guess what animals are hiding behind each clue? All kinds of creatures are hiding, from dogs and pigs to a little boy. Figure out the clue then turn the flap to find the answer.

Martha and skits
Meddaugh, Susan
The whole family, including Martha, the talking dog, is excited when Skits arrives. Skits is a young and mischievious dog. As he grows, the family thinks that it is time to give him alphabet soup so he will be able to talk. However, it doesn't have the same effect on Skits as it did on Martha. At first everyone is sad, especially Skits, until they discover his other talents.

Johnny maple-leaf
Tresselt, Alvin
Johnny Maple-Leaf begins his life as a small brown bud. As time passes and the seasons change, he grows and develops into a mature leaf. Throughout his life, he encounters many animals. The other leaves help to keep him company, whether in the trees or on the ground.

Mary alice returns
Allen, Jeffrey
Mary Alice is a switchboard operator on whom everyone depends. She completes her job perfectly until one day, when Karen squirrel plays dangerous games with her.

Come along, daisy
Simmons, Jane
As Mama Duck continually calls for Daisy to follow along, Daisy is distracted by everything around her. Suddenly, Mama Duck is no where to be found, and Daisy is all alone. Will Daisy find her mother and learn the importance of staying close to her?

One duck stuck
Root, P.
One duck gets stuck in the muck down by the marsh. Creatures by the marsh try to help him get free. Creatures come first two, then three, then adding one every time. No one can free the duck by themselves but as a team, the duck is freed.

Pippa mouse: Six read aloud,read alone stories
Boegehold, Betty
Pippa is a field mouse involved in various activities with her family and animal friends. Pippa works, plays, skates, and prepares for Christmas.

Springtime for jeanne-marie
A girl, her duck, and her sheep play together. The duck gets lost and Jeanne-marie must find her.

Duck in the truck
Alborough, Jez
As duck drives home in his truck, he hits a rock which leaves him stuck in the muck. Frog first tries to help, then sheep and finally goat. Working together the four animals are able to get the truck out.

Flip and the morning
Dennis, Wesley
Flip, a young horse, always wakes the other animals. Willie the goat tells Flip about a wooden duck that lives in a swamp and that anyone who comes into contact with the duck receives wisdom. Willie made oup the story so Flip would leave. Flip does leave to search for the duck and actually finds one. He races back and wakes up Willie to show him the duck.

Number nine duckling
Akass, Susan
Eight of Delushka's nine eggs have hatched. The ninth duckling is scared to come out and needs his mother's help. After he emerges from his shell, he lags behind his siblings due to his fears. All of the farm animals encourage him until he can catch up and join his family.

Bloom, Becky
A wolf is determined to learn to read so he can gain acceptance by a group of educated farm animals. The wolf goes to school to learn to read and refines his skills through practice and using the library. The wolf becomes so talented his skilss impres the farm animals who then welcome his company.

A is for...?
Horenstein, Henry
Each letter of the alphabet is represented with a partial picture of an animal that begins with that letter. (A Wordless Book).

Lobel, Arnold
In these twenty different tales, a little line of advice is shared.