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  • Tags: disappointment
Wish come true cat
Scamell, Ragnhild
The unlikely answer to a wish is a scruffy old cat that has to win the heart of a little girl. It takes a cold snowy day to make his wish come true.

Wilson's world
Hurd, Edith Thacher
Wilson paints a picture of a beautiful world that becomes overrun by too many cities and people. Wilson decides the world he has painted is not suitable to live in and begins to paint what he wants his world to look like.

Willy the champ
Browne, Anthony
Willy is a monkey that tries to succeed at many different things. Everytime Willy tries something, he is made fun of. Willy accidentally beats up the bully and becomes the champ.

William and the good old days
Greenfield, Eloise
William remembers how wonderful things were before his grandmother got sick. However, he slowly finds ways to make some good new days and is hopeful for the future.

Where am I sleeping tonight?
Ekster, Carol Gordon
Mark and Evan have a hard time keeping up with all the changes in their lives. Their parents are divorced and it's not easy remembering all the things they need to do. Mark's teacher, Mrs. Demott helps Mark, Evan and their parents get organized and also teaches them how to cope with divorce.

Vegetable dreams
Jeffers, Dawn
Erin dreams about having a garden. Her parents allow her to share a garden with her neighbor, Mr. Martinez. Erin cares for her garden everyday and enjoys eating and canning the fresh food with her family. She learns that she loves learning and the friendship developed with Mr. Martinez more than the vegetables themselves.

Up and down on the merry-go-round
Martin, Bill Jr.//Archambault, John
A little girl describes her adventure on a merry-go-round using the sights and sounds around her.

Uncle james
Harshman, Marc
Jimmy's family needs all the help they can get and Uncle James is promising them that help. When Uncle James arrives and brings nothing with him, Jimmy is very disappointed. He realizes that Uncle James needs help in becoming a hero.

Turtle spring
Zagwyn, Deborah Turney
One summer, as young Clee finds herself lost in the shuffle with the arrival of a new baby brother, Uncle Fishtank Hal comes to the rescue when he asks her to care for his special southern-breed turtle. For Clee, caring for the turtle is like therapy to cope with the new changes in her life. That is until the turtle dies due to the harsh cold winter and Clee is forced to bury him out in the yard. Without the turtle, Clee spends time with her new brother and learns to enjoys his company. In spring however, the turtle springs back to like in the compost pile and Clee gains a new outlook on the changes in her life.

Turkey pox
Anderson, Laurie Halse
Charity's favorite holiday finally arrives, Thanksgiving. Unfortunately, she and her family are unable to travel to Nana's for dinner because Charity has come down with the chicken pox. However, Nana solicits the help of four snowplow drivers and she and the turkey arrive just in time for dinner!

The red book
Lehman, Barbara
A friendship forms when two boys from different parts of the world find a magical red book. The boy from the urban city decides to use balloons to fly to the island where his new friend lives, but he accidentally drops the red book along the way. The boy on the island is disappointed when he can no longer view his city companion in the pages of the book, but is relieved when he lands on the beach instead! Back in the city, the red book is discovered by a man riding his bike on the street (A wordless book).

The painter
Catalanotto, Peter
A young girl loves to spend time with her father but he plays with her only at mealtimes. Between meals, he paints in his studio. She wants to play with her father but he says no. When she asks to paint, she spends time with her daddy and becomes a painter too.

The house of four seasons
Duvoisin, Roger
A family buys a house and fixes it up. They decide to paint it many colors. They have some trouble getting the colors they want, but in the end, everything works out.

The greedy triangle
Burns, Marilyn
A triangle gets bored doing the same old thing every day. He decides to take up a different shape, so he visits the shapeshifter to add on a few more angles. After a life of being a quadrilateral, pentagon and hexagon, the shape returns to its old self of being a triangle.

The chocolate-covered-cookie tantrum
Blumenthal, Deborah
As Sophie walks home from the park with her mother, she sees another little girl eating a chocolate-covered-cookie. Sophie's mother does not have any cookies to give her and will not allow Sophie to eat cookies so close to supper time. Sophie is outraged and throws a temper tantrum! Sophie learns that not eating a cookie before supper isn't so bad after all.

The chanukkah tree
Kimmel, Eric A.
The citizens of Chelm are tricked by a salesman selling Christmas trees. All the citzens of Chelm are Jewish and celebrate Hanukkah. The salesman tells them that Hanukkah trees are the latest trend in America. They believe him, buy the tree, and find out they were tricked. The citizens make the best of it by continuing the Hanukkah tree for the birds to enjoy.

The catspring somersault flying one-handed flip-flop
Kiser, SuAnn
Willy lives on a farm with her parents an eleven siblings. Willy feels like no one notices if she is around and no one cares about her. She develops a gymnastic and she feels that no one realized she was gone. When she returns home she finds everyone did miss her.

Tanya's reunion
Flournoy, Valerie
It's family reunion time so Tanya goes to the farm early with her grandmother to help with the preparations. Tanya is excited to see the farm house and to spend time with her grandmother. But when Tanya gets to the farm, she is very disappointed. Will Tanya be able to overcome her disappointment and get something positive from this trip?

Sweet strawberries
Naylor, Phyllis Reynolds
A man and his wife set off in their wagon to go to the market. On the way there the husband is very rude and impatient to everyone he comes across on the trip. During the trip, the man's wife tells her husband how much she would love to have some strawberries from the market but he tells her to stop complaining. At the market, the husband exchanges his fish for flour and his wife is very upset and doesn't talk to him on the way home. The next trip to market, the husband is friendly to everyone he meets and buys a big basket of strawberries for his wife. He thinks everyone else has changed, not himself.

Stage struck
DePaola, Tomie
Tommy knows the story of Peter Rabbit by heart. When his class decides to put on the production he wants to be cast in the roll of Peter. Tommy is so excited he does not pay attention to his teacher and as a result gets cast as Mopsy. However, Tommy has a plan to keep him in the spotlight.

Squash pie
Gage, Wilson
Due to his love for squash pie, a farmer plants many crops of squash, only to have them stolen repeatedly. The farmer creates different devices to catch the thief, but fails on each attempt. His wife admits to the crime and discovers her own love for squash pies.

Sophie and the new baby
Anholt, Laurence
A new baby is coming, and Sophie's going to be a big sister!She helps her mother and father prepare for the arrival of the baby, but when her little brother is born, she wishes that her family could give him back!Sophie slowly begins to realize that having a new brother might not be so bad after all.



Shimin, Symeon
Sam is a little boy who is told by everyone that he is too young to help out around the house. When Sam begins to cry, the perfect job is found for Sam.

Ruby's wish
Bridges, Shirin Yim
Ruby is known for wearing red and being an exceptionally bright student. Even during a time in China when ...most girls were never taught to read and write. However, Ruby's grandfather hires a teacher to come to the house, making it possible for any grandchild living in the house to learn. This initiates a desire in Ruby to attend university, a place that women in China were not encouraged to go.\r\n*Based on a true story of the author's grandmother.

Rachel's recital
Green, Melinda
Rachel's mother thinks Rachel is going to be a famous pianist, so she has Rachel take piano lessons once a week and practice for an hour everyday after school. But Rachel is in trouble when she finds she will be in a recital and doesn't know her piece.

Pete's a pizza
Steig, William
When Pete is in a bad mood, his dad makes him into a pizza. As each ingredient is assembled, Pete becomes more and more cheerful until he is laughing and running out the door to play football with his friends.

Not norman:  A goldfish story
Bennett, Kelly
When a boy gets Norman, a goldfish, for his birthday he is disappointed. He wants an energetic pet with which to run and play. He makes a plan to take Norman back to the pet store and get another pet. After show and tell at school, he decides to keep him. Norman likes his music and makes him laugh; besides any other pet just wouldnï¾’t be the same, they would not be Norman.

Nobody's perfect, not even my mother
Simon, Norma
Everyone is good at some things, but no one is good at everything. No one can do everything perfectly. People can be wonderful just the same.

Never satisfied
Testa, Fulvio
Two boys walk around their neighborhood complaining that nothing exciting ever happens. They are unaware of the odd events going on around them.

Neeny coming, neeny going
English, Karen
Neeny and her mom move to the big city on the mainland. They leave behind the rest of their family including Neeny's best friend, her cousin. Neeny comes back for a visit but she has changed. However, on her last night on the island Neeny once again has fun with her cousin.

My rows and piles of coins
Mollel, Tololwa M.
What would you buy if your mother gave you some money? Saruni wants a bicycle- a bicycle of his very own! Saruni saves his coins and works hard to help his mother. Unfortunately, Saruni is disappointed because he does not have enough to buy his very own bicycle. Where there is a will, there is a way, so Saruni finally gets a bicycle to help his mother to the Tanzanian market.

Monster and the surprise cookie
Blance, Ellen // Cook, Ann
Monster and the little boy decide to throw a party! They travel to the supermarket to find refreshments for their guests. They pack their shopping cart full of cookies, but when they go through the line, they realize that they donï¾’t have enough money! Instead, they buy a few ingredients, so they can make cookies at home. Using a recipe book, they make a variety of shaped cookies. Surprisingly, these cookies take the shape of Monster when placed together. The cookies are delicious and everyone is pleased!

Mommy and me by ourselves again!
Vigna, Judith
Disappointed when her mother's ex-boyfriend forgets her birthday, Amy is comforted by her family when they give her a surprise birthday party and a special gift.

Milo's hat trick
Agee, Jon
Milo the magician had one more chance to pull a rabbit out of his hat or else he would be fired. While searching for a rabbit, he finds a bear. The bear is able to pretend his bones are made of rubber and agrees to jump out of Milo's hat. The show is a huge success until the bear becomes tired. Milo wonders what he will do until he realizes that he too can pretend his bones are made of rubber.

Martha and skits
Meddaugh, Susan
The whole family, including Martha, the talking dog, is excited when Skits arrives. Skits is a young and mischievious dog. As he grows, the family thinks that it is time to give him alphabet soup so he will be able to talk. However, it doesn't have the same effect on Skits as it did on Martha. At first everyone is sad, especially Skits, until they discover his other talents.

Louie's goose
Ehrlich, H.M.
Louie's toy goose goes everywhere he goes. Sometimes the goose needs to be fixed. Louie's mom and dad, and even the sun, fixes the goose.

Lights for gita
Gilmore, Rachna
Gita is very excited about celebrating her favorite Hindu holiday, Divali, a festival of lights. But this year things are different and she must celebrate this special holiday in her new home. This transition is hard for Gita and made even more difficult by the seasonal rain. With the help from her parents, Gita must learn how to carry her beliefs and memories into her new home and make this year's Divali, a holiday to remember.

Keeping a christmas secret
Naylor, Phyllis Reynolds
Michael slips and gives away the secret of what his father's Christmas gift is. He is very upset with himself, so he decides to surprise the whole family with a small but important present.

It's a shame about the rain
Hazen, Barbara Shook
A little boy and his family have plans to go camping, but they are cancelled because of the rain. The little boy gets angry and disappointed, but has a fun day at home after all.

Iris and walter
Guest, Elissa Haden
Iris is disappointed when her family moves to the country. There are no other children to play with and it is very boring for her. No one can seem to cheer Iris up, and then Grandpa comes along. He asks her to take a walk down the road. Will this walk help Iris find what she has been missing?

I have an olive tree
Bunting, Eve
On Sophia's seventh birthday, her grandfather gave her an olive tree. Sophia is a little disappointed by the gift and doesn't understand why her grandfather would give her an olive tree that she can't even see. After all, it is Greece and she lives in California! It isn't until her grandfather passes away that Sophia truly understands the importance and meaning of the gift when she and her mother visit the olive tree in Greece.

I hate to go to bed!
Davis, Katie
This little girl hates to go to bed because she knows she is missing a party. But she still comes up with plenty of ways to make it to the party before it's over.

I hate to be sick!
Bermiss, Aamir Lee
A young boy wakes up feeling ill with a sore throat, cough, fever, and aching body. He soon realizes that he will not be able to attend school that day and experiences feelings of disappointment, since he will miss his friends and school activities. However, after eating soup and reading a bood with his father, the boy realizes that although he hates to be sick, he can get well again and return to school by eating well and resting.

Honk!The story of a prima swanerina
Edwards, Pamela Duncan
Mimi Swan loves the ballet. She practices her dancing all of the time and shows that she is very persistent. Mimi Swan dances her way into the Paris Opera House to perform in a production of Swan Lake.

Green beans
Thomas, Elizabeth
Dorthea's Gramma has very proper and strict ways of doing things including growing green beans. When Gramma leaves for a trip, she leaves Dorthea and her father in charge but they forget to take care of the beans. Everyone is surprised when Gramma returns.

Great aunt martha
Jones, Rebecca C.
A young girl wonders what is so great about Great Aunt Martha when she comes to visit. Since Great Aunt Martha is visiting, the girl has to be very quiet. She decides nothing is great about her great aunt until Great Aunt Martha wants to have fun and make noise.

Calhoun, Mary
As the rain falls day after day, Sarajean and her family prepare for the flood. They place sandbags around the banks of the river and their house, but nothing can keep the water out. Eventually, Sarajean and her family are forced to leave their home, but they are grateful for their safety.

Fighting for yes! The story of disability rights activist Judith Heumann
Cocca-Leffler, Maryann
Judy Heumann always hears NO from a young age. She is not allowed to attend public school because she is in a wheelchair. Then after she goes to a special school with special education students, she attends college to become a teacher. But even the New York Board of Education says NO to her becoming a teacher after she earns her teaching degree. Judy joins several other disability rights activists to ensure Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 could be signed into federal law. Their work lays the foundation for the Americans with Disabilities Act. As a living advocate for herself and others, Judy tells her story of civil rights for which she fought tirelessly. By leading and working together with others to fix problems and make changes, disabled people now have less discrimination against them.

Don't forget me, santa claus
Mayo, Virginia
Santa Claus comes to deliver presents but he forgets to give them to the youngest boy. The boy becomes very upset and follows Santa outside and gets in his sleigh. When Santa realizes he has company, he gives the boy his presents and takes him back home.