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My brother, ant
Byars, Betsy
Anthony is a wild and creative little brother who, in the course of four different stories, tests the patience of his older brother.

Time of wonder
McCloskey, Robert
A family goes to a summer island house. The daughter makes friends and learns a different way of life. They all experience a hurricane.

Blaze finds the trail
Anderson, C.W.
Billy and his pony, Blaze, ride off for a day in the woods together. They get lost in the woods and they need to find their way home before the storm.

Busiest people ever
Scarry, Richard
This book is collection of little stories about busy people and what they do. The book depicts all the different things that go on in a city.

The new friend
Zolotow, C.
A little girl's best friend finds a new friend to play with. The little girl hopes she finds a new friend too.

A tiger called thomas
Zolotow, C.
A tiger family moves and Thomas worries that no one will like him in his new home.

Louis the fish
Yorinks, Arthurs
Louis inherits his father's meat store after he dies. Louis never like meat and prefers fish. He eventually turns into a fish himself.

I'll never love anything ever again
Delton, Judy
A young boy develops allergies and isn't able to keep his dog. He copes with the separation although it isn't easy.

Please don't cry mom
DenBoer, Helen
Stephen becomes worried when he notices that his mother is sad all of the time and won't get out of bed. He and his father must learn about depression and how to help her cope with this illness.

Stranger in the mirror
Say, Allen
Sam, a young Asian American boy, realizes first hand what it is like to be an old man. He wakes up one morning with a much older look, but is the same young boy on the inside. He has a difficult time convincing his family and friends that he is the same boy they all know.

The little old man and his dreams
Ross, L
A little old man's wish before his death is to attend his granddaughter's wedding and see her happy with her new husband. His journey is plagued with troubles and his gift of pearls is stolen.

Bunting, Eve
A mother and son huddle together in a cardboard box on Christmas Eve when a mysterious woman knocks on their door. They give her a place to sleep, a small cookie, and a coat for a blanket. On Christmas morning, an angel appears and changes their life forever.

Good-bye, house
Ballard, Robin
A little girl copes with moving to a new house with mama and papa. Before they leave for the new house, the girl says good-bye to the old house and all the rooms in it. When they arrive at the new house, she decides the change is not as bad as she thought.

Leo the late bloomer
Kraus, Robert
Leo is a young tiger that is developing slowly. His father watches him over a season and notices that Leo does not grow. One day, Leo blooms and he is the best tiger in the whole kingdom.

Henkes, Kevin
A little mouse girl has a long name and other kids make fun of it. The teacher has a similar name, so she helps to change their attitudes quickly.

Freeman, Don
A lion tries to impress his friends through fashion and materialistic things. He is very lonely. It is when he is forced to be himself that he finds the acceptance of his friends.

Grandma drives a motor bed
Hamm, Diane Johnston
Josh's grandmother has to stay in a motorized bed because her legs don't work. Josh enjoys visiting her because she is very lively and as active as she can be.

The rag coat
Mills, Lauren
Minna wants to go to school but she has no coat. Her mother and friends make her a coat out of clothing scraps. Minna wears it to school and the kids make fun of her until she tells them the stories behind each of the clothing scraps.

I won't go without a father
Stanek, Muriel
Steve refuses to go to Open House night at school because he thinks his classmates will make fun of him for not having a dad. Steve is pleasantly surprised to find he is not alone.

Remember the secret
Kubler-Ross, Elisabeth
Because she has already discovered the wonders of God, Suzy understands the true meaning of her friend's death.

No friends
Stevenson, James
Mary and Louie have just moved into a new neighborhood. They are worried because they do not have any friends. Their grandpa tells them about when he moved to a new neighborhood when he was young.

Nobody asked me if I wanted a little sister
Alexander, Martha
Oliver's new baby sister gets a lot of attention and he feels neglected. He tries to give his sister away, but realizes that she wants to be with him. Oliver discovers that he will have a playmate when she is a little older.

Jamie's turn
DeWitt, Jamie
Eleven year old Jamie helps his stepfather, Butch, pick corn one autumn day. When the corn picker becomes plugged up, Butch attempts to climb off the tractor but gets caught and is seriously injured. Jamie saves Butch's life by turning the corn picker off and running for help. Jamie keeps the farm running while Butch recovers from the accident.

Adoption is for always
Girard, Linda Walvoord
Upon learning that she is adopted, Celia experiences feelings of insecurity about her birth-parents. Through openly talking with her parents, Celia learns that she is loved by her birth-parents and her parents, and accepts her feelings about adoption.

My special family
McCully, Emily Arnold
Little Sarah, the bear, feels her family doesn't care for her anymore especially with the adoption of Blanche. Sarah decides to runaway and find her real family.

My little foster sister
Stanek, Muriel
An only child is upset about a foster child temporarily living in her home, but then she grows to love the child as a sister. A bond grows between them through reading, singing, and playing together. The little girl grieves when the foster child is adopted by her aunt and uncle.

What if?
Collins, Ross//Thomas, Frances
A bad dream causes Little Monster to imagine several scary events that might occur when he wakes up. To reassure his fears, Little Monster's mother creates a different twist on the fun and exciting events that might occur instead of his bad dream. Mother Monster's comforting suggestions calm Little Monster's fears.

Dear Willie Rudd
Gray, Libba Moore
Elizabeth remembers a wonderful woman named Willie Rudd that had an extraordinary impact on her childhood. Elizabeth writes a letter to Willie Rudd to tell her that she loves her and apologizes for any wrongs committed due to Willie's race.

Always my dad
Wyeth, Sharon
A girl does not get to see her father often and she misses him very much. One summer at her grandparents' farm, she and her three brothers spend some very nice moments with their father. She realizes that no matter where he is, he will always be her father and loves her.

Steptoe, John
A young African American boy feels jealous and angry when his mother accepts a new babysitting job for a younger child. It is only until the boy moves away that he realizes how much fun he had with him.

Angry arthur
Oram, Hiawyn
Arthur is angry at his family, so he expresses it and causes destruction in the world.

What's wrong with julio
Ormsby, Virginia
Julio has just moved to the United States and does not speak English. At school he always causes trouble. When the school realizes his parents did not come to the United States with him, they have a fundraiser so that he can call home.

Captain whiz-bang
Stanley, Diane
Annie and her cat Whiz-bang do everything together. Whiz-bang is lonely when Annie goes away, but he is happy to find a new friend.

The king's equal
Paterson, Katherine
An obnoxious prince is very greedy. His father, the King, is dying and says that the son could not become King unless he found an equal in intelligence, beauty, and wealth. Rosamund was a poor girl who was kind and wise. Surprisingly, she changes the ways of the prince and becomes Queen.

The cherry tree
McCaughrean, Geraldine
A family tries to recuperate after a war in which they lose their father and their home. The children meet and help an old man take care of a sickly cherry tree. As the tree grows and begins to blossom, so does the village and its people.

We'll ride elephants through brooklyn
Roth, Susan
A little girl's grandfather is sick. She lists all the positive things they can do when he gets better.

Grandpa's hammer
Kidd, Ronald
Grandpa always say that it take two things to make dreams come true: faith and a hammer. After Grandma passes away, Grandpa sets aside his hammer and nearly loses his faith. His granddaughter tries everything she can think of to bring back his faith but nothing seems to work. One day, Grandpa visits a Habitat for Humanity worksite with a neighbor and realizes that he can made dreams come true for others.

Marianthe's story one: Painted words. Marianthe's story two: Spoken memories
When a child moves to a new school it can be frightening. Mari not only moved to a new school, but a new culture as well. Mari uses painted pictures to communicate her words and recalls her life through spoken memories.

Frog on his own
Mayer, Mercer
A frog and his friends do not always like to do the same things. So Frog goes his own way for the day.

Room for a stepdaddy
Cook, Jean Thor
Joey wishes Daddy still lived at home and has a great deal of trouble accepting Bill, his new stepfather. After many experiences with Bill, like playing ball and swimming, Joey decides there is plenty of room in his life for Daddy and Bill. He loves both of them.

River friendly river wild
Kurtz, Jane
A little girl remembers how her family survived a flood. The once friendly river that she loved turned wild and drove the community to evacuation. The little girl thought she would only be gone a couple of days. Days turned into weeks. When she returns, her family starts over, but where is the cat, Kiwi, that she left behind?

Thidwick the big hearted moose
Seuss, Dr.
Thidwick was nice enough to let the other animals live on his antlers, but they took advantage of his generosity. Thidwick's life is threatened by a hunter, so he sheds his antlers and frees himself of all his guests.

Christina katerina and the time she quit the family
Gauch, Patricia Lee
Christina becomes intolerant of her annoying family and decides to change her name to Agnes. She disowns her family. After days of doing what she wants, she decides her family needs her and rejoins the family.

Words in our hands
Litchfield, Ada B.
Gina, Diane, and Michael's parents are all deaf. Communication isn't easy, especially when they move to a new town. Soon the family finds some new friends at a school where people know sign language.

Lonesome lester
Luttrell, Ida
Lester, the prairie dog, lives alone and often feels lonely. He does have various visitors - ants who eat his food, Aunt Martha who waxes his whole house without asking, and finally a nice, respectful mother rabbit and her baby. Lester discovers the difference between good and bad company and how to be peacefully alone and satisfied.

And it rained
Raskin, Ellen
A pig, a parrot, and a monkey try to have tea, but their tea party is ruined by a rain storm. They all come up with ideas to solve the problem, but only one works.

Caleb and kate
Steig, William
Caleb and Kate get into an argument, so Caleb leaves to go for a long walk in the woods where he meets a witch who puts a spell on him to changes him into a dog. In the end, burglars end up cutting off Caleb's foot (where the witch put the spell on him) in order to change him back to a man.

Love, your bear pete
Sheldon, Dyan
Brenda loses her teddy bear, Pete, on a bus. She thinks he's gone forever, but soon starts to receive postcards from him. Pete is traveling all over the world and having many adventures. He soon realizes he misses Brenda too much and returns home.

Schoenherr, John
A young bear wakes one morning to find that his mother is gone. He goes through many adventures trying to find her and learns to live on his own.

Peace at last
Murphy, Jill
Mr. Bear, Mrs. Bear, and Baby Bear were all tired so they went to bed. Mr. Bear could not fall asleep, so he tried sleeping in many different places. Everywhere he went there were noises that bothered him.