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My dad has HIV
Alexander, Earl//Rudin, Sheila//Sejkora, Pam
The virus (called HIV) is explained in this gentle and descriptive story about a young girl whose father is living with HIV. The facts about the virus are described in a way that children can understand. The story helps children to know that a person with HIV can lead a normal life.

Mary alice returns
Allen, Jeffrey
Mary Alice is a switchboard operator on whom everyone depends. She completes her job perfectly until one day, when Karen squirrel plays dangerous games with her.

Elephants can paint too!
Arnold, Katya
Comparisons are made between human students and elephants who are learning how to paint. Photographs of elephants and their artwork are shared. Children learn that these elephants have many similarities to humans and must take part in the same learning process as them in order to achieve goals.

Digby and kate and the beautiful day
Baker, Barbara
Digby and Kate spend every day together. They play games, eat, draw pictures, take walks, and just enjoy each other's company. The only problem is that they often disagree, as a dog and cat should. Still they have fun together and continue to be best friends.

Mystery bottle
Balouch, Kristen
A little boy receives a package in the mail. In the package he finds a great bottle that, when opened, blows out a great wind that casts him all the way to Iran and into his Baba Bozorg's arms where he learns a great lesson about love and family.

Radio rescue
Barasch, Lynne
In 1923, a young boy works hard to learn morse code in order to get his amateur radio operator license and his very own call letters. Everyday he excitedly puts on his headphones and warms up his station, talking to people all over the world. During a far away hurricane, he uses his radio to send out messages to rescue stranded people.

Bauer, Marion
A boy spends his day outside with his cat exploring different types of clouds and the different things that clouds do. He also explains in a colorful and easy way, what clouds are made of and how we interact with clouds on an everyday basis, using weather terminology.

Bee, William
Billy is a very difficult child. Billy's father tries to please him by showing him the world's curliest trumpet, bounciest castle and smokiest train. He even takes Billy to the edge of outer space, but all Billy can say is whatever. In the end, Billy will get a taste of his own medicine.

Halmoni's day
Bercaw, Edna Coe
Jennifer's Korean grandmother arrives just in time for Grandparents Day at school. But Jennifer is afraid that her grandmother will embarrass her because she doesn't speak English. However, after her grandmother tells Jennifer's class the story of her childhood, Jennifer is not embarrassed at all.

Why I sneeze, shiver, hiccup, and yawn
Berger, Melvin
What makes you sneeze? Why is it so hard to get rid of the hiccups, or you hold back a yawn? Inside, you'll find the answer to these questions about reflexes, and you'll also learn lots of easy experiments to try out on your friends.

Lady monster has a plan
Blance, Ellen // Cook, Ann
Monster and the little boy have too many pets. They try to build a house for all of them, but they need help. Lady monster and the little girl come to help and they all cooperate to build the animal house.

Aunt Claire's yellow beehive hair
Blumenthal, Deborah
Annie, Grandma Marilyn, and Great Aunt Ruth search through family memorabilia as they put together an album to show to their family. While scrapbooking the many memories, Grandma Marilyn and Great Aunt Ruth share stories about makeup, clothing, jewelery, hairdos, and food. Annie learns all about the relatives she never met.

The day I had to play with my sister
Bonsall, Crosby
A boy has a hard time dealing with his younger sister while teaching her the rules of hide-and-seek. She just won't listen! Uggh...being a big brother can be tough!

Of course a goat
Bornstein, Ruth
A boy wants a goat so he asks his mother where he can find one. He has to climb a mountain and describes what he will do and see on his journey and how he will bring the goat back home where his mother will be waiting.

Brett, Jan
A badger and a honeyguide work together to find bee hives for honey. One day, the badger betrays the honeyguide and uses his help to eat all the honey himself. The honeyguide decides to get even and provides a twist in the end.

I have an olive tree
Bunting, Eve
On Sophia's seventh birthday, her grandfather gave her an olive tree. Sophia is a little disappointed by the gift and doesn't understand why her grandfather would give her an olive tree that she can't even see. After all, it is Greece and she lives in California! It isn't until her grandfather passes away that Sophia truly understands the importance and meaning of the gift when she and her mother visit the olive tree in Greece.

Slowly, slowly, slowly, said the sloth
Carle, Eric
Slowly, slowly, slowly... the sloth moves through the day. Many animals are curious as to why the sloth is so slow, quiet, boring, and lazy!? In a short description of the sloth written and provided by Jane Goodall at the beginning of the book, she states that sloths are delightful, gentle, peace-loving creatures.

Mama Panya's pancakes: A village tale from Kenya
Chamberlin, Mary and Rich
A young child from Kenya makes pancakes with her mother. The two gather supplies from local resources to make the pancakes together. Then they invite others over to enjoy the feast.

What planet are you from, Clarice Bean?
Child, Lauren
Clarice Bean is having a hard time coming up with an idea for her project on the environment. To make matters worse, she is paired up with her tag-along neighbor, Robert Granger. Her situation looks hopeless until her brother becomes an ecowarrior in an effort to free the tree from being cut down in their neighborhood. Robert and Clarice become ecowarriors themselves, saving the tree and their project.

Halmoni and the picnic
Choi, Sook Nyul
Yunmi wants her grandmother, Halmoni to feel at home in New York City. However, Halmoni is having trouble adjusting to the American customs that differ so much from the customs of her native Korea. Yunmi's friends suggest that Halmoni chaperone the annual class picnic to Central Park. It may be an opportunity to open-up and feel comfortable in her new home.

The great pig search
Christelow, Eileen
Bert and Ethel receive a post card from Florida from runaway pigs and an adventure begins. Bert wants to go to Florida to look for the pigs while Ethel wants to go on vacation. When Bert won't stop looking for the pigs, Ethel decides she wants to go home. Bert and Ethel eventually learn that the pigs were right under their noses.

Dealing with dealing with feelings: I'm frustrated
Crary, Elizabeth
Unable to rollerskate like his brother and sister, Alex becomes frustrated. What should he do?Keep practicing, give up, or set goals?Alex's mom gives him eight suggestions of how to deal with his problem. After working really hard, Alex learns how to skate and deal with his frustration!

Cummings, Pat
Chuku works for C.L.O.U.D.S. (The Department of Creative Lights, Opticals, and Unusual Designs in the Sky). His first assignment is New York and becomes disappointed because the buildings are so high, the air is so dirty, and no one ever looks up.

Boom bah!
Cummings, Phil
A mouse starts a musical trend by tapping a cup. Other animals join in and the music soon turns into a band. The band meets other animals with louder music and they join together to make a large orchestra of musical animals.

Bullies never win
Cuyler, Margery
Jessica always worries and in first grade her biggest worry is the class bully, Brenda. Brenda picks on Jessica about her homework, her clothes and sports, but it was the worst at lunch. Jessica feels lonely and hurt, and can't seem to stand up for herself. Finally Jessica has had enough and she takes a stand for herself!

Hip & Hop, don't stop!
Czekaj, Jef
Hip, a turtle from Slowjamz Swamp, and Hop, a rabbit from Breakbeat Meadow, both love to rap. Hip raps very slowly, and Hop raps very slowly. Animals of Slowjamz Swamp and Breakbeat Meadow don't socialize until one day Hip and Hop meet each other when they see a sign for a rapping contest. In this twist of the fable Tortoise and the Hare, Hip and Hop bring the animals of the swamp and meadow together through their performance.

I hate to go to bed!
Davis, Katie
This little girl hates to go to bed because she knows she is missing a party. But she still comes up with plenty of ways to make it to the party before it's over.

The elephant in duck's garden
Delton, Judy
Duck had an elephant in his garden that smashed his chair and lettuce. Duck and Bear tried everything possible to make the elelphant leave. Finally, Rabbit Junior suggested they ask him to leave. The elephant kindly left the garden.

My grandma's in a nursing home
Delton, Judy//Tucker, Dorothy
Jason doesn't like and can't get used to his grandma being in a nursing home. After visiting her a couple of times he realizes that it is not too bad and he even makes some new friends.

Dennis, Wesley
Flip is an early riser and often awakens the other barnyard animals. The animals make up a story to keep Flip busy in the mornings. Flip shocks the animals when he comes back to tell them he saw an imaginary duck.

Mice squeak, we speak
dePaola, Arnold L.
Everyone knows that people communicate through talking. What about animals? How do animals communicate? Looking at different animals we can see that each kind of animal communicates in its own unique way using different sounds.

The sleeping lady
Dixon, Ann
Nekatla and Susitha are a young couple preparing to wed. THe wedding is put on hold when war breaks out, and Nekatla must travel to another village to try to restore peace. Susitha waits on a grassy hill for Nekatla to return, and she falls asleep. Nekatla is killed in war, and Susitha never awakens and is now known as the sleeping lady.

The gruffalo
Donaldson, Julia
A cunning mouse is able to deceive a fox, owl, and a snake into thinking he has a gruffalo as a friend. Things look bad for the mouse when the gruffalo actually appears and wants him for a meal. Using his wits, the mouse is able to convince the gruffalo that he, the mouse, is the scariest creature in the woods.

Where am I sleeping tonight?
Ekster, Carol Gordon
Mark and Evan have a hard time keeping up with all the changes in their lives. Their parents are divorced and it's not easy remembering all the things they need to do. Mark's teacher, Mrs. Demott helps Mark, Evan and their parents get organized and also teaches them how to cope with divorce.

Hush harbor: Praying in secret
Evans, Freddi Williams
Simmy is both excited and nervous for his job as Scout during the community meeting. Simmy is excited because this means the elders trust him, but he is nervous because slaves are not supposed to gather and sing together. Simmy must be very careful and listen for the master during the meeting.

March on! The day my brother Martin changed the world
Farris, Christine
Christine King Farris, the sister of Martin Luther King Jr., watched her brother during the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom in 1963. She describes her brother’s journey from writing his “I Have a Dream” speech to joining the crowds in their demand for freedom. She was moved by her brother’s persistence and success in persuading millions to believe in and fight for a better tomorrow in which all men are created equal.

Bark, george
Feiffer, Jules
George's mother wants nothing more than for her puppy to bark but George can only meow, oink, quack, and moo. When his mother takes George to the vet, a cat, a pig, a duck, and a cow are all removed from deep inside of George. Finally, George is able to bark until he learns to speak!

Time to sleep
Fleming, Denise
Six animals communicate with each other at the commencement of winter hibernation. Each animal tells one animal, who in turn tells another. The cycle, which begins with the bear, does not stop until he hears the news of the upcoming winter himself.

Keeping the city going
Floca, Brian
During the COVID-19 pandemic, entire cities shut down and everyone stayed in their homes except for the workers that society needed the most. The people who deliver the mail, stock the grocery stores and care for the sick: they remained. Society celebrates these people because, without their sacrifice and dedication, society would not have been able to survive a global pandemic.

The princess knight
Funke, Cornelia
Princess Violetta has been raised by her father, King Wilfred, to joust, ride horses, and fight with swords. Despite her small size, Princess Violetta quickly becomes one of the best knights in her father's kingdom, ever surpassing her three older brothers. Princess Violetta learns that before her sixteenth birthday, her father will hold a tournament to win her hand in marriage. Princess Violetta is not about to let a tournament decide her future and she decides to take action.

Making magic windows
Garza, Carmen Lomas
Papel picado, the art of cut paper, is shown. Learn how to hold the tissue paper and scissors. A few papel picado projects are explained including how to make papel picado with a craft knife.

Grandpa's face
Greenfield, Eloise
Tamika loves spending time with her Grandfather. They enjoy walking, talking, and going to theatre together. One day, Tamika gets afraid while watching her Grandfather rehearse for a play. Tamika learns about different emotions, and especially that her Grandfather will always love her.

Everyone asked about you
Gross, Theodore Faro
Charlie wants Nora to come out and play, but Nora is so stubborn that she won't come out of her room. Charlie finally convinces Nora when he tells her about all of the people and creatures who have been asking about her.

The face at the window
Hanson, Regina
Catching sight of Miss Nella in her window is supposed to be very bad, Dora's friends tell her. When Dora tries to steal a mango from Miss Nella by throwing a stone, Dora is frightened by the sight of Miss Nella in her window. Dora soon discovers that Miss Nella isn't evil. She is just lonely and sick and has no one there to make it better for her.

When jessie came across the sea
Hest, Amy
Jessie and her Grandmother are very close family to each other because there are no other relatives. Grandmother teachers Jessie to sew and Jessie teaches Grandmother to read. One day, Jessie is requested to travel to America by the rabbi. Her journey by ship is hard, but she meets a young man, Low, who she finds again in America and marries. Grandmother travels to America on the money that Jessie earned sewing lace for three years.

Arthur's pen pal
Hoban, Lillian
Arthur longs to be his pen pal's big brother, so they can wrestle and do karate. He does not like having to jump rope with his little sister. But one day, he learns something very surprising about his pen pal.

Danny and the dinosaur
Hoff, Syd
Danny visits a museum one day and comes across a dinosaur who begins to speak with Danny. The two spend the day together playing and having fun. By the end of the day it is time for the dinosaur to go back and Danny, although sad, admits he had a wonderful day.

Earth mother
Jackson, Ellen
The day begins by Mother Earth tending to her plants and animals. As the day progresses, Mother Earth comes upon a man, a frog, and a mosquito. Each tell Mother Earth what can be changed in their life.

Henry hikes to fitchburg
Johnson, D.B.
Henry decides to take a trip to Fitchburg on foot and his friend decides to go by train. Henry partakes in numerous adventures on his journey into town, while his friend works odd jobs to earn the fare. Who will arrive in Fitchburg first?The journey to Fitchburg will prove to be an exploration of time and interests.