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  • Tags: caribbean
Caribbean alphabet
Lessac, Frane
Come and take a trip through the Caribbean with the letters of the alphabet. Experience the different animals, foods, music, games, and landmarks of the Caribbean. The cultures and lifestyles of the people in the Caribbean are explained and pictured through this alphabetical adventure.

Disasters in nature: Hurricanes
Chambers, Catherine
This informational text takes you inside a hurricane with questions of what? where? why? and when? to explain hurricane zones around the earth. Explains rain, wind, and air pressure of hurricanes. Global warming, storm tracking, and prediction problems are discussed for hurricanes and tornadoes. Learn how technology and the natural world alert us about upcoming storms.

Everybody cooks rice
Dooley, Norah
Carrie's mom sends her out looking for her little brother at dinner time. While she is looking, she stops at many of her neighbors' houses and tries their cultural dinners made with rice

Fruits: A caribbean counting poem
Bloom, Valerie
Counting fruit can be fun, especially if you get to eat it when you're done! From half a pawpaw to ten bananas, these two sisters count it all. They forget one thing though -- eating too much can make you sick!

Jump up time: A trinidad carnival story
Joseph, Lynn
The Trinidad carnival is coming up and Lily's sister Christine is getting all the attention from her family over her hummingbird costume. Lily wishes that she could wear a fancy costume and jump up at the children's carnival too. When the big day comes, Lily helps Christine have courage to go up on the stage.

The calypso alphabet
Agard, J.
This ABC book shares Caribbean vocabulary in a rhyming fashion. Each page is rich with foods such as okra, roti, sugarcane and yams.

Tiny and Bigman
Gershater, Phillis
Challenging stereotypical gender roles, Tiny and Bigman illustrate the unique people skills people have to help the world go around and to make a happy family. Tiny learns to use her large size, strength, and booming voice to help people in her community. Tiny falls in love with a small man who is hard of hearing. She builds their house, and he cooks and cleans.

Tree of hope
Littlesugar, Amy
Florrie is named after a famous African American actress of the 1920's. Florrie learns the importance of working hard. Having big dreams will help Florrie and her family achieve anything. They learn that the Tree of Hope reflects the glory days of Harlem's Lafayette Theatre- a time when a black man shines through the Great Depression.

Wells, Rosemary
When Yoko brings sushi for lunch at school, everyone makes fun of her and calls her weird. However, her teacher comes through with a plan to involve the students in learning about international foods. Will anyone try the sushi?