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  • Tags: bridge
The toll-bridge troll
Wolff, Patricia Rae
Everyday on his walk to school, Trigg must cross the toll bridge where a mean troll lives. The troll will not let Trigg pass, so Trigg must think of ways to outsmart the troll.

Someone builds the dream
Wheeler, Lisa
Many skilled workers, craftsmen, and tradesmen help to build each dream of a community in order for it to become a house, a park, or a bridge. After many many examples of how dreams are made and constructed, you learn how an author and illustrator are also a dream team that makes a book for you.

By the light of the halloween moon
Stutson, Caroline
A little girls toe is the basis of this cummulative tale, or a story that repeats and adds on with each new character that is introduced. There are many pictures of witches, ghosts, and ghouls.

Muriel's red sweater
Dokas, Dara
Muriel Magee's party invitations are very late because her birthday is today! She runs around town handing out invitations to her friends. What she doesn't realize is that her sweater unravels with each person she invites. By the time she gets home, she sees that her sweater is all gone, but she is in for a surprise! Her friends are all there to wish her a happy birthday, and they give her a present. When she opens it she realizes it's just what she needed - a new sweater!

I took the moon for a walk
Curtis, Carolyn
A little boy takes the moon on an adventurous walk. At first the moon is timid but then opens up to the little boy. They do things together such as swing, hold hands, and dance until the boy goes home to go to the sleep.

Colon, Raul
A young boy living in New York City rides his skateboard to the Museum of Modern Art where he meets figures in paintings. Soon after, these characters leave their paintings and spend the day with the boy, going to a hot dog stand and riding roller coasters together. Eventually, the characters must return to their paintings and, in order to remember them, the boy makes his own artwork and goes to bed dreaming of the day he had.

Billy Twitters and his blue whale problem
Barnett, Mac
When Billy Twitters doesn't brush his teeth or finish his peas, his mother says we are going to buy you a whale. This does not worry Billy, because he knows how large blue whales are and he couldn't possibly have one delivered. To his surprise, one morning there is a blue whale sitting outside his house, and it is his responsibility. The whale causes problems at school because Billy's classmates pick him at gym. And it just gets worse: his parents give him the owner's manual for the whale. While feeding him, Billy realizes that when he's inside the whale, nobody's laughing and nobody's telling him what to he decides to make himself at home!

Babbit, Natalie
A baby born with the destiny of marrying a princess is brought by the King and thrown into the river to prevent a possible marriage with his newborn daughter. Rescued by a loving couple, the boy grows up and meets the King once again. The Kings plan to kill the young man backfires again and the young man marries the princess. As a test, the King sends the new prince to steal the golden hairs off the devil's head. In a surprise ending, the prince prevails, but the King is not so lucky.