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  • Tags: birds
"L" is for library
Terry, Sonya
Children with a friendly tabby cat, a dog, and ducklings move through the library stacks from A-Z as they discover many things to do and see in a library. You can learn about the Caldecott award, the Dewey Decimal System, and URL Web address.

1 hunter
Hutchins, Pat
A hunter is on a mission to find animals. The hunter comes upon all the animals at once and is overwhelmed! The sight of all the animals scares him, and he runs away.

A - my name is alice
Bayer, Jane
From Alice the ape to Theresa the turkey, exotic animals unite for a unique alphabet. Look out for Winifred Wolf and Fifi Fox -- or even Zelda the Zebra from Zambia!These words can be part of a hopscotch game.

A beach day
Florian, Douglas
A family takes a trip to the beach on the Fourth of July. The family flies kites, collects shells, builds castles, and watches fireworks.

A creepy countdown
Huck, Charlotte
Using ten scary Halloween things readers count from one to ten and then back down again. Each page has illustrations that sequentially correspond to a number, featuring bats, ghosts, skeletons and other Halloween symbols.

A day in the salt marsh
Kurtz, Kevin
Watch the animals that have adapted to this ever-changing environment as they hunt for food or play in the sun. Learn how the marsh grass survives even though it is covered by salt water twice a day.

A for the ark
Duvoisin, Roger
The book tells the alphabet by going over the animals on the ark in alphabetical order.

A friend for minerva louise
Stoeke, Janet
Minerva Louise decides to takes a trip into the farmer's house. She finds a lot of new items for the new baby and mistakes the baby for a bunny. Minerva's way of looking at things often seems silly!

A hat for minerva louise
Stoeke, Janet Morgan
A silly loving chicken ventures out in the cold for an winter adventure. See how he mistakes some mittens for a hat to keep himself warm.

A helpful alphabet of friendly objects
Updike, John
Poems are provided with various pictures of objects which begin with each letter of the alphabet such as apple, bird, jam, egg, nickel, oatmeal, toy and zero.

A home in the barn
Brown, Margaret Wise
In the winter, it is too cold for the animals to be outside but the barn is warm. All the horses, cattle, mice, birds, and cats stay there together to keep away from the cold. Even though there are a lot of animals in the barn, they all get along and help to keep each other warm.

A is for...?
Horenstein, Henry
Each letter of the alphabet is represented with a partial picture of an animal that begins with that letter. (A Wordless Book).

A joyful day!
Stanbridge, Bobette
Cheerful bird has many nature-filled adventures with her tree friends and rock friends. Also meet Miss Annie Elephant who changes colors with her mood, and Selina Butterfly who changes patterns.

A kiss for little bear
Minarik, Else Holmelund
Little Bear draws grandma a picture and sends it with Hen. Grandma is pleased with the picture and sends Little Bear a kiss in return through Hen, who passes it on to a friend. Eventually, the kiss reaches two skunks who decide to get married.

A little skink's tail
Halfmann, Janet
While Little Skink hunts for her breakfast, she is attacked by a crow! But she has a trick to escape-she snaps off her lizard tail and it keeps on wiggling. Little Skink is happy to be alive but she misses her bright blue tail.

A million fish...more or less
McKissack, Patricia C.
Hugh Thomas lives in a place where weird things happen and people spin tales. Elder Abbajon and Papa-Daddy tell Hugh Thomas a tale about Bayou Clapateaux. On the way home from fishing, Hugh Thomas makes up his own spin tale.

A mother for choco (Une maman pour choco)
Kasza, Keiko
A lonely bird, Choco, tries to find his mother by going to a variety of animals and comparing features to see if they match. Choco finally comes across a bear who takes Choco as her baby.

A penguin pup for Pinkerton
Kellogg, Steven
At school, Emily learns about penguins and how they care for their young. When Emily tells her dog, Pinkerton, about penguins, he begins to dream of having a penguin pup of his own. He even begins to think that his football is a penguin egg and waits for it to hatch. Later, Pinkerton steals a football from a football game. Emily and her family give Pinkerton a baby penguin of his own that he can care for.

A salmon for simon
Waterton, B.
Simon receives a fishing pole and fishes for salmon. An eagle flies over and catches a salmon and drops it in a hole. Simon helps the fish get back to the ocean instead of keeping it.

A starlit somersault downhill
Willard, Nancy
Friendship is very important to this little rabbit who wants to nap with his bear friend. Unfortunately for the rabbit, he learns he cannot rest as long and as peacefully as the bear can. He learns that he is meant to be free doing somersaults downhill in the snow.

A summertime song
Haas, Irene
One summer evening a frog jumps into Lucy's room and invites her to a magical birthday party. Lucy goes outside and joins her animal friends in celebrating owl's birthday. While outside in the garden, Lucy discovers an old doll she recognizes as her grandmother's and returns it to the delighted woman.

A turkey for thanksgiving
Bunting, Eve
Mr. Moose goes looking for a turkey for Mrs. Moose's Thanksgiving dinner. The turkey that Mr. Moose catches is very frightened about being eaten for dinner. When Mr. Moose returns home with the turkey, they both find out that Mrs. Moose wanted a turkey to join her for dinner.

A visit to the country
Johnson, Herschel
A young boy named Mike lives with his grandparents near the train tracks. One day he finds a bird and takes it home. However, he realizes that the bird must be let go so it can live in the country.

A web in the grass
Freschet, Bernice
A lonely spider spins a web in order to catch some food. The spider is careful not to be caught by a toad or an owl. She lays an egg sac and hundreds of spiderlings are produced. The babies, like their mother, spin webs and wait to capture food.

A yoga parade of animals
Mainland, Pauline
Yoga is an activity that children can experience in many forms. Children can imitate the ways animals move and position themselves to help relax the body and free the mind.

ABC safari
Lee, Karen
Go on an around-the-world rhyming journey with animals, in different habitats, biomes, and geographic regions. From the cold tundra to the hot deserts and from the jungles of Africa to the high mountains, find the hidden safari boy and his pet parrot in each illustration.

Across the blue mountains
Clark, Emma Chichester
Miss Milberry lives happily at the base of the blue mountains with her beautiful garden and her animals, but she is curious about what it is like on the other side of the mountains. Miss Milberry takes a long trip trying to get to the other side, but she ends up at a place that looks very familiar.

Across the wide dark sea: The mayflower journey
Van Leeuwen, Jean
A young boy and his family leave England with many other people to search for a new life in a new land. They dream of finding a place where they can worship God in their own way. During their journey, everyone endures many hardships, but they find what they are looking for.

Napoli, Donna Jo
Each day Albert reaches out the window to check on the weather for his walk. One day when he reaches his hand out the window, two cardinals build a nest. Now Albert must stand there until the eggs hatch. Days pass and Albert longs to be outside. When the family of birds fly away, Albert walks a lot.

Albert's halloween: The case of the stolen pumpkins
Tryon, Leslie
It's Halloween time, but someone has stolen the pumpkins from the pumpkin patch. Detective Albert and his friends solve the mystery piece by piece. Readers can join in this game and solve the mystery with Albert and his friends.

Alejandro's gift
Albert, Richard
A lonely man plants a garden full of vegetables in the middle of the desert. A wide array of desert wildlife finds their way to his garden and watering hole. He wants to be friends with the animals and help them.

Alexander the gander
Tudor, Tasha
Alexander the Gander loves heliotrope pansies, so he sneaks away from the pond to get a taste at Mrs. Fillow's garden. He eats some nice young vegetables too. When he gets caught, he takes off running for home. Sylvie, his owner, makes him apologize to Mrs. Fillow, and she forgives him.

Alfonse: Where are you?
Wikler, Linda
Join Alfonse and Little Bird as they play the game of hide-and-seek. Alfonse and the other geese search all around for Little Bird but have no luck in finding her. If Alfonse were quiet, however, perhaps he might be able to hear her.

All about you
Anholt, Catherine//Anholt, Laurence
Everyone is different, no one is quite the same. Discover all about you!How do you feel today?Are you hungry?Each time it's a new story.

All my little ducklings
Wellington, M.
Seven little ducklings wake to begin their busy day under their mother's watchful eye. They explore swimming, waddling through the barnyard, and beyond.

All ready for school
Adelson, Leone
Patty is going to school for the first time. All of her outdoor friends want to know why she is so excited so they follow her to school. The animals don't understand many of the activities that she does at school, but Patty enjoys them all very much.

All the colors of the earth
Hamanaka, Sheila
Children across the earth come in all different colors, and they are just like you and me!

All the places to love
MacLachlan, Patricia
Eli is a little boy growing up on a farm. He lives with his parents and grandparents, who show him the beauty of farm life.

All the way home
Marshall, James
Juliet, George and their mom went to the park. Juliet cries and George grins all the way home. A bird, cat and dog follow them, each one making its own noise.

Alligator smiling in the sawgrass
Ironmonger, Ira
An alligator in a swamp has a smile that makes other animals feel like his world is the best. A bad dry season hits and the alligator digs down to a water hole. The other animals outwit him and get drinks from the water hole and decide that their world is good too.

Amazing mr. pelgrew
Schlein, Miriam
Steven tries to discover what Mr. Pelgrew does for a living. He has a fascination with guessing his neighbor's occupation. Mr. Pelgrew is a police officer.

An angel for solomon singer
Rylant, Cynthia
Solomon Singer, alone and lonely, wanders the streets of New York City dreaming of things he will never have. He dreams of a fireplace, porch swing, a purple wall, a cat, and his boyhood home in Indiana. One night he wanders into a small restaurant where he reads on the menu that this is the place where all dreams come true.

An extraordinary egg
Lionni, Leo
Three frogs live together by a pond. One of them finds an egg. When the egg hatches, the three frogs believe that the animal is a chicken.

And it rained
Raskin, Ellen
A pig, a parrot, and a monkey try to have tea, but their tea party is ruined by a rain storm. They all come up with ideas to solve the problem, but only one works.

Andreas in king's park
Andreas, Matt, and Ruff are great friends who do everything together. When Ruff runs off, Matt and Andreas use clever thinking and courage to find their dog.

Macauley, David
A man is repairing when he comes upon an injured pigeon. He nurses the pigeon back to health and a friendship fast emerges. The pigeon helps the man fulfill his lifelong dream and is surprised to find an addition to the building.

Angus and the ducks
Flack, Marjorie
Angus is a curious dog who wonders what the sound is on the other side of the hedge. He discovers ducks and scares them away. The ducks finally turn on Angus and scare him.

Animal action abc
Pandell, Karen
Come work out with the animals while you learn your ABCs. See all the kids stretching, reaching, crawling, and moving just like the cats, bears, elephants, and whales that are pictured nearby.

Animal hide and seek
Ipcar, Dahlov
Animals are described in their natural homes and how they are able to hide from predators.