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  • Tags: birds
Rabbit makes a monkey out of a lion
Aardema, Verna
Rabbit and his friends have crossed lion by eating his honey. Lion chases Rabbit two days in a row, but does not catch him. Both times Rabbit outsmarts him. However, Rabbit learns his lesson to stop stealing Lion's honey.

Love is
Adams, Diane
A little girl raises a duckling and loves it very much. One day, she realizes that it is time for her duckling to leave and join the other ducks outside. Even though she misses her pet, their love stays strong and she still gets to see her duck and its new family.

All ready for school
Adelson, Leone
Patty is going to school for the first time. All of her outdoor friends want to know why she is so excited so they follow her to school. The animals don't understand many of the activities that she does at school, but Patty enjoys them all very much.

Ahlberg, Allan
The familiar lullaby beginning with Hush, little baby, don't say a word,finds many new twists in this story. Read all about the many adventures that the baby encounters with other members of the family.

The snail house
Ahlberg, Allan
Grandma calls in her three grandchildren to tell a story. A boy, a girl, and their baby brother all shrink until they can sneak out of the house unnoticed. They move into a snail house for a day where they have adventures with an earthquake, a disappearing baby, and a scary bird. After the adventures, they thank the snail and return home to become their normal size.

Alejandro's gift
Albert, Richard
A lonely man plants a garden full of vegetables in the middle of the desert. A wide array of desert wildlife finds their way to his garden and watering hole. He wants to be friends with the animals and help them.

No ducks in our bathtub
Alexander, Martha
David endlessly tries to convince his mother to allow him to have a pet. However, all of his choices are inappropriate. Finally, they agree on fish, so he waits for the fish eggs to hatch. Only, the eggs aren't fish eggs after all.

My five senses
How do you taste your favorite food or see an airplane in the sky?Your five senses let you see, hear, touch, taste, and smell. You may use one sense or several at one time. Wherever you go and whatever you do, your senses are always working for you.

Quiet in the garden
A little boy enjoys going out into his garden. His garden has flowers, produce, and wildlife. The wildlife shows the little boy the importance of the food chain. The little boy enjoys a picnic with the wildlife, because he loves nature.

Go tell aunt rhody
This illustrated version of the children's folk song tells about a goose that dies and is then used to stuff a feather bed.

For sure! For sure!
Andersen, Hans Christian
Did you know that chickens gossip too? Come read about one chick that plucks out her feathers, supposedly to look good and impress her rooster. After one of her feathers is plucker, an owl sees her actions and spreads the word. The story gets turned around and exaggerated especially when the newspaper prints it.

All about you
Anholt, Catherine//Anholt, Laurence
Everyone is different, no one is quite the same. Discover all about you!How do you feel today?Are you hungry?Each time it's a new story.

Billy and the big new school
Anholt, Laurence
Billy is very nervous about starting at his new school. He wants to stay home with his mother. Then he meets a small bird who is hurt and cannot fly. Billy takes care of it until it is ready to fly again. Find out how Billy gets himself ready to go to school and how he uses his bird story to make a friend.

How the witch got alf
Annett, Cora
Alf is a donkey that feels unappreciated, so he hides on the roof and pretends to run away. His two owners miss him very much. Alf learns how appreciated he really is.

Anno's animals
Anno, Mitsumasa
Look carefully at every page because animals, birds, and people are hidden in the pictures.

Let's find it!
Arnold, Katya
An assortment of environmental themes, such as a park, a street scene, a garden, a pond, a beach and a forest are used as background to identify plants and animals. Words are used to label and identify different plants and aniamls in our environment.

Duck, duck, goose?
Arnold, Katya
A goose wishes to look different than all the other geese so she travels to all the different birds she envies and switches one of her body parts for theirs. She later learns she is unable to perform the same things the other birds can even with her new look, and she begins to appreciate her own qualities.

Heart of a tiger
Arnold, Marsha D.
One week before Naming Day, the character does on a search for Bengal. The parrots and monkeys were not kind to him in the forest and even teased him. Even in the face of danger and violence, this character shows how to have the heart of a tiger.

There was an old lady who swalled fly guy
Arnold, Tedd
Buzz take Fly Guy with him to visit Grandma. During Grandma's excited hug, she accidentally swalllows Fly Guy! She proceeds to swallow animal after animal in an attempt to catch Fly Guy and all the animals she swallows until Fly Guy finally escapes, followed by the rest.

Shoo, fly guy
Arnold, Tedd
Fly guy comes home to find that Buzz is on a picnic with his parents. Fly guy is hungry, so he decides to find his family's picnic location by searching for his favorite brown, oozy, lumpy, smelly food. After coming across many food thatfit part of the decription, he finally find his favorite food and the picnic.

Clink Clank Clunk
Aroner, Miriam
Rabbit is taking a trip into town and is kind enough to pick up nine friends along the way. Much to his dismay, Rabbit's car begins to fall apart more and more with each friend that gets in! With a little teamwork and persistence though, the ten make it safely to town where Rabbit buys a new car.

Juan and the asuangs
Aruego, Jose
Juan lives in a jungle. One day while Juan is napping, his carabao wanders into the jungle. In the jungle, Juan comes across many Asuangs.

Asch, Frank
Bear and Little Bird play a game of hide-and-seek. Later in the evening, Bear plays a game with the moon.

Asch, Frank
Bear thinks the rainbow he sees is a fire in the sky. Bear experiences many new things when he tries to put out the fire.

Turtle tale
Asch, Frank
A young turtle on the way to a pond comes in contact with many new experiences. His new experiences take him from being a young turtle to a wise old turtle.

Bear's bargain
Asch, Frank
Bear wishes he could fly like Little Bird, and Little Bird wants to be big and strong like Bear. Both of them got their wishes fulfilled in a very creative and imaginative way.

Moonbear's pet
Asch, Frank
Bear and Little Bird are thrilled with their new friend Splash, who is really a tadpole. When Splash begins to change, Bear and Little Bird get into an argument about which kind of animal Splash is. They come to realize that every kind of animal is valuable and special.

Moon bear
Asch, Frank
A bear becomes upset because the moon grows smaller and he thinks it might disappear. He tries to feed the moon honey to make it bigger. A bird finally tells him that the birds eat the honey and the moon gets bigger and smaller on it's own.

Castles, caves, and honeycombs
Ashman, Linda
Animals make their homes using many different things. Some are made of twigs, others of sand, and others are in caves. Although they are all different, they also have similarities. Castles, caves, and honeycombs are a place to share, play, rest, and live.

The easter egg farm
Auch, Mary Jane
Pauline, the hen, is trying to lay eggs, but the henhouse is too noisy!She concentrates very hard and finally lays a very unusual egg. Pauline keeps laying eggs, each with a different design and pattern. The eggs are so beautiful that people come from all around to view her eggs.

Peeping beauty
Auch, Mary Jane
Poulette, the dancing hen, dreams of becoming a ballerina someday. A hungry fox tries to trick Poulette onto his dinner plate by appealing to her dreams of dancing in a New York show. It is Poulette that ends up deserving the applause in the end.

Country crossing
Aylesworth, Jim
The sights and sounds of the country railroad crossing during the first part of the twentieth century are recounted. First there is only the wind blowing with animals standing around. As a car approaches the crossing, the gate is lowered to signal the approach of a noisy train.

One crow: A counting rhyme
Aylesworth, Jim
A farm is the setting for this counting rhyme. The rhyme takes us through summer then through winter.

Old black fly
Aylesworth, Jim
An old black fly bothers a crazy mixed-up family by flying around and interrupting every aspect of their lives. The fly progresses through the alphabet by landing first on an apple pie, a baby, cookies, then a dog.

Slither, swoop, swing
Ayliffe, Alex
Join animals of many shapes and sizes doing the activities they do best. Watch snakes slither, bats swoop, monkeys swing, penguins waddle, and other animals on the move.

Home in the sky
Baker, Jeannie
A pigeon, Light, decides to change his usual routine. He then explores many new places.

Who is the beast?
Baker, Keith
We take an adventure through this book looking for the beast. We meet many animals along the way to find out who the beast is.

Quack and count
Baker, Keith
Seven fun ducks find many creative ways to count to seven as they play.

The dove's letter
Baker, Keith
A dove finds a letter lying in the woods and decides to find its owner. Each person to whom she brings the letter finds a different meaning in it, then leaves the letter behind. One day, she brings it to a soldier who knows the true meaning of the letter.

Sometimes it's turkey; Sometimes it's feathers
Balian, Lorna
An old woman finds an egg, takes it home to let it hatch, and a turkey is born. She plans to eat the turkey for Thanksgiving dinner.

Mystery bottle
Balouch, Kristen
A little boy receives a package in the mail. In the package he finds a great bottle that, when opened, blows out a great wind that casts him all the way to Iran and into his Baba Bozorg's arms where he learns a great lesson about love and family.

Bang, Molly
Dawn's father tells her the story of his shipbuilding days, and how he met her mother. Her mother would weave the sails, and she makes her father promise to never look at her while she weaves.

Bang, Molly
One day, a goose egg falls into the home of woodchucks and hatches open. A goose is raised by the woodchucks and becomes part of their family. Eventually, the goose feels very sad and doesn't know why. When she ventures out to find happiness, she accidentally learns to fly.

The paper crane
Bang, Molly
A restaurant owner loses business when the road changes. An old man comes to the restaurant and pays for his meal by making a paper crane. The crane dances when he claps his hands. The crane becomes famous and attacts many customers to the restaurant.

The bird, the monkey, and the snake in the jungle: a rebus book
Banks, Kate
The bird, the monkey, and the snake all share a tree for a home in the jungle. They don't always get along, but when their tree falls over, they must go in search of a new home. Just when it seems like every home is already taken, they meet the frog who offers to share his home. Now that there are four in the tree, they must all get along.

Close your eyes
Banks, Kate
A tiger is afraid to close his eyes and go to sleep because of the darkness. His mom tells him all the things he can see in his sleep and assures him she will protect him.

Animals should definitely not wear clothing
Barrett, Judi
Wouldn't it be silly if animals wore clothing? It would probably make the lives of animals much more difficult. Enjoy exactly why clothes for animals are completely unnecessary. Would you want your new dress ruined by your porcupine quills?

Hosie's alphabet
Baskin, Leonard
All the letters of the alphabet are associated with many different animals, birds, and insects.